Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

415: Who In The Kunlun World Can Make His Sister Pregnant? (Please Subscribe)

Just now, in order to let Yang Chen experience her terrifying attainments in the path of time, the Aurora Taoist made the flow of time in the surrounding area of ​​1,000 feet slow down dozens of times, so that he could clearly see the rising and setting tracks of the sun and the moon in the outside world.

Although only one day has passed here, a full two months have passed outside.

Yang Chen took back the ancient book of time, and the time domain suddenly disappeared.

"Two months have passed like this? This beautiful woman really knows how to waste people's time!"

"However, her attainments in the way of time are really profound. This thousand-foot-long time domain "580" realm, with a space flow speed of dozens of times, if used by me, combined with physical strength, is simply the top offensive technique! "

"I originally wanted her, a cheap master, to give me some pointers, but unfortunately, my body is too sensitive!"

"This won't work. We have to let her get used to it in the future!"

"If you do something too much, your sensitivity will decrease. Not to mention, it can help my disciple enhance his physical body!"

Tiandu City, the palace of destiny.

Karen Ji wore a fitted phoenix robe and sat in Lotus Position.

There were looming red flames all over his body.

The whole person's breath is extremely unstable.

"Sister, my Cultivation Base has now reached the peak of the Indistinguishable Realm, and I am only one step away from the Transcending Tribulation Realm. I will use the rules of ice to help you suppress the red lotus karma fire in your body!"

Seeing his sister being tortured by the red lotus fire, Ji Qinghan couldn't help but speak.

Now, she has refined the Phoenix Divine Feather left by the Phoenix Master. Not only has her understanding and mastery of the rules of ice been greatly improved, but her bloodline has also been further enhanced.

Her green silk hair has turned into long blue hair, her eyes are ice blue, and her cold and noble temperament is stronger than before.

Although it is in human form, standing there with its chin slightly raised, it looks like a Phoenix standing proudly.

And what has changed the most is her self-confidence.

Although her Realm is now at the peak of Indistinguishable Dao, she is confident that she can cross a large Realm and defeat the Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivator.

She is confident that the gap between her and her sister has narrowed a lot again, and she can directly help her sister.

Ji Qinghan stretched out her jade hand, and the ice-cold rules intertwined, seeming to freeze the world.

"Qinghan, stop it!"

But Karen Ji quickly stopped her.

"The red lotus karma fire is the fire of Dao heart, which starts from the inside out and cannot be suppressed by severe cold!"

"Forcibly suppressing your ice rules will only be counterproductive!"

Hearing this, Ji Qinghan stopped, but said with confusion:

"Sister, you have fully recovered from your injuries now, and you have also refined the True Immortal source. Your mastery of the rules of the Imperial Way has improved a lot compared to before Transcend Tribulation. It can be said that you are infinitely close to the True Immortal realm!"

"Why can't you get through this red lotus karma fire?"

"You said your Dao heart was affected, what exactly happened?"

"Who influenced you? I'm going to kill him!"

Karen Ji glanced at her, but her eyes were a little apologetic and a little evasive……

There is no trace of the majesty of the eldest sister and mother in the past.

There was a long sigh in my heart.

Who influenced her Dao heart?

Of course it's that bastard Yang Chen.

But can I tell Little Sister about this?

If she told this, I'm afraid this girl would fall out with her sister on the spot.


Suddenly, Qingyou Rizhou retched.

He didn't bother to adjust his breath and quickly covered his mouth.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Ji Qinghan hurried forward.

The jade hand rested on Karen Ji's lower abdomen.

Suddenly, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she was shocked.

Her pretty face was full of disbelief.

"Sister, you, why are there life fluctuations in your stomach?"

"Is it possible that you are pregnant?"

Hime Qinghan couldn't help but retreated a few steps.

As if something terrible had been discovered 3.7.

After all, her sister was the Queen of Destiny who was in charge of the Destiny Dynasty and was so powerful that Kunlun counted Thousand Years.

It is also about cultivating the way of ruthlessness and lust.

No matter who is pregnant, it is impossible for my sister to be pregnant.

What's more, pregnancy is not a person's business.

Although Kunlun is big, which man can fear that the Queen of Destiny is pregnant?

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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