Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

413: Take Advantage Of The Situation! The Resonance Between The Hearts Looks Like Dual Cultivation?


Yang Chen frowned slightly.

He had some doubts that the beautiful master was not telling the truth.

The change of tone just now was obviously a deliberate warning to him.

But no matter what the reason was, Yang Chen did not dare to take it lightly.

Because he could feel through the beating of her heart that the strength of this beautiful master's heart was much stronger than his own.

Give him the feeling of putting the heart of an elephant in the body of an ant.

"Dammit, it's fine that I can't experience the fullness of this beautiful woman. I have to take such a risk. I'm really losing money this time!"

Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

But the Aurora Taoist Master had already taken out his heart, and it was too late for him to refuse now.

She could only do as she said, calm down and set up a barrier outside her heart to temporarily shield it.

"Chen'er, it's time to start 327 as a teacher!"

"You don't have to worry too much. Everything is under my control. As long as you shield your heart well and prevent it from contacting and resonating with my master's heart, there won't be any problems!"

The Aurora Taoist Master said, holding his red heart in his jade hand and sinking it into Yang Chen's right chest.

In the body, the heart of the green sacred tree beats powerfully.

Waves of life energy permeated out from the heart of the sacred tree and passed into Yang Chen's limbs and bones.

This is also the fundamental reason why his physical strength continues to increase.

Facing the heart of Aurora Taoist Master, the Heart of the Divine Tree seemed to be in conflict, and the green light of life actually formed a shield to wrap itself up.

"Damn it, how dare you stop me? I won't be able to enter today!"

"Chen'er, use your life force to soothe (bjbf) Shenmu's heart as much as possible!"

The voice of the Aurora Taoist came from the heart and echoed in Yang Chen's body.

Yang Chen was also worried that this beautiful woman was messing around in his body, so he quickly mobilized the rules of life to wrap the heart of the sacred tree.

He can now control the heart of the sacred tree.

In just a moment, the green light around the Heart of the Divine Tree gradually converged.

Taking this opportunity, the three-color immortal light wrapped the red heart of the Aurora Taoist and threw it directly into the heart of the sacred tree.

Inside the Heart of the Sacred Tree is an ocean formed by the origin of life.

At this moment, the red heart was like a gluttonous beast, forming dozens of dragon water-absorbing columns and began to devour it crazily.

Yang Chen couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

No wonder this beautiful woman felt that the previous transmission method was too slow.

The speed at which she is absorbing the source of life is a million times faster than before.

Dammit, is this just restoring the Cultivation Base?

Why does it look a bit like taking advantage of others' misfortune?

After an unknown amount of time, the red heart seemed to have reached its limit.

The original bright red color has now turned into dark green.

At least one tenth of the ocean formed by the origin of life has been absorbed, and some places have even dried up.

"Okay Chen'er, these are barely enough to restore the Cultivation Base for my master!"

The satisfied voice of Master Aurora echoed, and the red heart staggered away from the heart of the sacred tree.

However, it may be that too much was absorbed. As the heart beats, a stream of life essence overflowed.

At this moment, the heart of Aurora Taoist Master has already left the Heart of the Sacred Tree. In Yang Chen's body, these overflowing life sources are directly absorbed into the Meridians of Caitichen.

Although this overflowing source of life is only a small amount, for Yang Chen, it is like a torrent of life, directly filling his entire body with the energy of life.

The breath also became chaotic instantly.


The sealing barrier that isolated Yang Chen's heart was also instantly broken.


Yang Chen was a little speechless.

This beautiful master is so unreliable.

At this moment, he no longer cares about setting up a seal to isolate his heart. He must quickly stabilize the source of life that fills the Meridians.

Otherwise, even if he practices the Way of Life, all the violent life energy raging in his body will be enough to burst his Meridians.

But at this time, his heart trembled violently as if it was being pulled by some kind of force.

This tremor is different from the previous ones.




The vibrations came faster and faster.

Moreover, not only Yang Chen's heart was trembling, but the heart of Aurora Taoist Master was also trembling.

Moreover, the beating frequencies of the two hearts gradually reached agreement.

Yang Chen suddenly felt an electric current spreading throughout his body.

Numb and crispy.

He couldn't lift it even with all his strength.

This feeling seems to be somewhat similar to that of Yu Yourong Yuanshen's dual cultivation. It makes people feel elated and indescribably comfortable, and their souls are immersed in it.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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