Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

408: I Understand Empress Yan! Don’T Call Me Queen Senior Anymore! (Please Subscribe)

Yang Chen sighed, Karen Ji also woke up faintly at this moment.

Realizing that her whole body was frank, she hurriedly put on the phoenix robe scattered on the ground, covering her plump and graceful body.


Karen Ji groaned, feeling the changes in her body, and quickly sat on the ground and began to look inside herself.

At this time, the purity of the phoenix blood in her body had been qualitatively improved.

Although it has not yet transformed into a pure-blood true phoenix, it is not far behind.

She even had the urge to transform into Phoenix form at this time.

It seems that that form is her original true body, and the human body is a constraint on her.

"I didn't expect that by doing that kind of thing with that bastard Yang Chen under the Dragon and Phoenix Technique, my Fire Phoenix Bloodline would actually be enhanced!"

"Now not only has the purity of Bloodline improved a lot, but even the injuries have been basically healed!"

Ji Karenyou opened her phoenix eyes and met Yang Chen's gaze. Suddenly, a blush appeared on her cheeks and she hurriedly looked aside.

Just now, she was like a small boat being beaten by the violent waves of the angry sea, and was photographed in the sky more than a dozen times.

At this moment, she finally understood why Honglian was so miserable in the cave.

Yang Chen, this bastard, is really a big bastard.

Cursing in her heart, Karen Ji was about to leave here. 520 However, Yang Chen's voice made her frown, "Stop.

"Queen senior, why didn't you resist the urge of Dragon and Phoenix just now?"

"If this were not the case, the Phoenix Blood Divine Flame in your body would not have entered my body, ignited the dragon blood in my body, and made me lose my mind for a moment!"

"Look, it's better now. How will the two of us face Qinghan in the future?"

Listening to the questions and accusations in Yang Chen's tone, the shyness in Karen Ji's heart was gradually replaced by anger.

She admitted that she still underestimated Yang Chen's shamelessness.

After torturing himself for three hours, he ended up blaming her for getting angry.

Bastard, if you can, just lie on the ground and don't move.

The more Karen Ji thought about it, the angrier she became, the blush on her face faded away, and her phoenix eyes became cold again.

"Yang Chen, you got a lot of advantage and yet you behave so well!"

"The emperor wants to use your firm and ruthless Dao heart to overcome the catastrophe of immortality!"

"Just think of all this as a dream. The relationship between me and you is limited to this Palace of Destiny!"

"You don't have to worry about being sorry for Qinghan, because when I successfully break through the True Immortal realm, the first thing I will do is kill you!"

"kill me?"

Seeing that Karen Ji had returned to her previous demeanor, Yang Chen couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

Compared to the shyness shown by Karen Ji just now, wouldn't he prefer to see the noble, cold and arrogant Her Majesty Nuan.

"Queen Senior is indeed practicing the ruthless way. She is indeed ruthless!"

"However, if you want to break through the True Immortal realm, stabilizing your Dao heart is only one aspect. Mastering the rules is also very important!"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Karen Ji's lips curled up with disdain.

"Humph, I am immersed in Thousand Years in the Transcending Tribulation Realm. I need your advice on how to break through True Immortal?"

"Queen senior, have you ever fought against True Immortal?"

Yang Chen suddenly asked.

Karen Ji looked startled, and then said impatiently:

"There have been Ten Thousand Years in the Kunlun world and no True Immortal has been born. How can I fight against the True Immortal?"

"Then look at what this is?"

Yang Chen said, opening his palms, a ball of golden immortal light emerged.

The rules of the imperial way are intertwined, exuding a heavy immortal power.

Karen Ji's expression suddenly changed.

"Is it the true origin of True Immortal!?"

"The Queen Senior has good vision and is indeed the source of True Immortal!"

"Moreover, this is the True Immortal origin of the True Immortal of the Destiny Dynasty, and the rules of the imperial law in it are very suitable for you!"

"Taizu True Immortal!?"

Karen Ji's pupils were slightly startled.

"Impossible, Taizu True Immortal has passed away for a hundred Ten Thousand Years. The origin of True Immortal is no more than the blood of True Immortal, so it should have dissipated earlier (bjbf)!"

"Oh, that old guy is not dead at all. He has been sleeping for a hundred Ten Thousand Years relying on a treasure, but now he has been killed by me!"

Listening to Yang Chen's explanation, Karen Ji found it incredible, but the golden immortal light in front of her was indeed the origin of True Immortal.

Moreover, it exuded strong imperial rules, which had an unspeakable attraction for her.

"Yang Chen, tell me, what are the conditions?"

Karen Ji said in a deep voice.

Based on her understanding of Yang Chen, this bastard must want to use this ball of True Immortal origin to get what he needs from her.

"Oh, no matter what the conditions are, I'll give it to you directly!"

"Queen senior, this True Immortal origin is only one-fifth of all the True Immortal origins of Taizu. You can feel how many imperial rules it contains and see how big the gap between you and True Immortal is!"

Yang Chen said, and directly handed the True Immortal source to Karen Ji.

Karen Ji took it, not caring about feeling the imperial rules in the origin of True Immortal, her face was full of confusion.

She didn't understand, why did Yang Chen, the bastard, give her the True Immortal origin when he clearly had no profit?

You know, this is the origin of True Immortal, which is more precious than the blood of True Immortal.

"Yang Chen, you don't want to use this True Immortal origin to plot against my emperor, do you?"

Karen Ji asked, staring into Yang Chen's eyes.

"People often say that once a couple is married, a hundred days of kindness, we have that kind of relationship after all. Do I want to plot against you?"

"Am I, Yang Chen, so unbearable in your heart?"

Yang Chen's words made Karen Ji stunned.

She didn't expect that the reason why Yang Chen gave her the True Immortal origin so readily was because of this.

One day brings a hundred days of grace to a couple?

Although this bastard is annoying in his words, he still has some conscience.

"Queen senior"

"Yang Chen!"

Yang Chen was about to speak, but Karen Ji interrupted him.

A pair of phoenix eyes looked at him, with a hint of shyness once again appearing in the coldness.

But he finally said:

"In the future, don't, don't call me Queen senior again!"


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, pretending to be surprised.

But in his eyes, there was a look of successful conspiracy.

Although it is painful to give out a dollop of True Immortal, the effect seems to be quite good.

Karen Ji, this old woman, is really starting to get tempted.

Jie Jie.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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