Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

400: The Power Of Time, Kill Transcend Tribulation With One Punch! Phoenix Lord Takes Action? (Pleas

"So strong, this Holy Son of Daotian actually cut off half of King Dapeng's wings with one move!"

"I think this Dapeng King once shocked an era back then. He was a supreme existence that had survived the tribulation of the soul. Just now he captured Her Royal Highness Xuannv with one move!"

"Is it possible that this Holy Son of Heaven is already invincible?"

In Tiandu City, many repairmen stared blankly at the figure in white in the sky.

Huo'er curled his lips. Although his face was full of dissatisfaction, a hint of fear flashed in his beautiful eyes.

In that Minor World, Yang Chen defeated her forcefully, but he did not use space power.

Although she also masters the way of space, compared with this bastard, the gap is too big.

If this bastard uses the power of space to deal with her, she will only be defeated faster.

"Hmph, what's so great, Huo'er, I only need to practice for a few hundred years, and I can easily catch up with you, an old guy!"

Thinking that Yang Chen was most likely the reincarnation of True Immortal, he felt a lot better.

"Damn junior, I will definitely tear you apart!"

King Dapeng retracted the half of his wings that had fallen in the Tiandu City, shouted angrily in a deep voice, and Monster Qi swept across the world.

The Green Winged Dapeng Clan are most proud of their wings.

But when he, the Green-winged Dapeng King, came to Zhongzhou again after a few thousand years, his wings were cut off by a junior.

If he doesn't kill this junior today, he, King Dapeng, will definitely become the laughing stock of Zhongzhou.

Dapeng Wang's green eyes stared at Yang Chen.

But this time, he didn't take action directly.

Instead, he shouted to the two people behind him:

"Old Monster Chi, Old Ghost Yan, do you two still want to watch the show?"

"If we don't kill this kid today, the three of us will have traveled in vain!"

"And we can't kill Queen Destiny today. We will definitely suffer crazy revenge from this woman in the future. The three of us are not alone!"

Hearing King Dapeng's words, the Supreme Emperor of the Chixiao Dynasty and the red-haired old man looked at each other and seemed to have reached an agreement.

"My little friend's attainments in the way of space are even better than those of King Peng. This emperor admires me!"

"But if the three of us cannot kill the Queen of Destiny today, we and other descendants will surely suffer her revenge in the future!"

"So, if you are willing to sit on the sidelines today, little friend, you will be a friend of the three of me!"

"If you insist on intervening, the three of us will only be offended!"

With that said, the Supreme Emperor of the Chixiao Dynasty and the red-haired old man stood behind Yang Chen, and formed a three-cai siege with King Dapeng.

Yang Chen said lightly:

"The Queen's Senior's Little Sister is my companion, so if I were to sit back and watch you kill her, I'm afraid I won't be able to obey!"

"Why don't you give me some face and just retreat? I can promise that I won't let Queen Senior take revenge on you in the future!"

"Junior, who do you think you are, asking the three of us to give you face?"

"Old Monster Chi, Old Ghost Yan, this guy has nothing to be afraid of. He is just using his space skills to be weird. Just now, my body was too big and I couldn't move around. I suffered a loss for a while!"

As King Dapeng spoke, his huge monster body quickly shrank and turned into a burly old man.

"What King Peng said makes sense. After all, this guy's Realm is only in the Indistinguishable Dao realm. Even if he masters weird space methods and the swordsmanship of the Jianjiu Realm, it's nothing to worry about if we are more careful."

"Moreover, this kid's value is even higher than that of Queen Destiny. We don't have much life left now. If we can refine it into a great elixir, it may help us extend our lives for hundreds of years!"

The red-haired old man's voice was hoarse.

The red light on his body flashed and condensed into a red flame.

The blazing high temperature suddenly caused the fire attribute Spiritual Qi in the entire Tiandu City Qianli area to become manic, and even the space was distorted.

"Yang Chen, this is the Burning God Yan, the third-ranked strange fire in the Kunlun world, and the inherited fire of the Yan clan!"

"This old guy is the leader of the Yan tribe, and the enemy who killed your father after you used that old sweetheart to make love!"

"These three old guys have joined forces. True Immortal has almost no opponents. If you are not sure, quickly use space means to take me and Qinghan away!"

Karen Ji then spoke to Yang Chen.

"Burning God Yan? The inherited fire of the Yan clan?"

"Is this old guy the enemy of Empress Yan?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he casually said that he wanted to help Empress Yan take revenge, but today it actually came true.

But this is just right, let’s use these three old guys to try the power of the ancient book of time.

Yang Chen slashed out a sword beam, and a river of blood flowed across the void, directly heading towards the leader of the Yan Clan.

"How brave!"

The leader of the Yan Clan roared angrily, and the red Burning Sky Divine Flame condensed into a palm print and scattered the blood river.

"Humph, that's all!"

"The Indistinguishable Dao realm is just the Indistinguishable Dao realm after all!"

The leader of the Yan Clan sneered.

But he didn't notice that in the collapsed blood river, a white stream of light flew towards him rapidly.

By the time he noticed this white stream of light, he could no longer dodge it.

The white stream of light hit him directly.


The leader of the Yan tribe was a little confused...

But soon, his face froze.

The originally old face suddenly became ravaged.

The long red hair fell off directly.

A deathly aura enveloped his whole body.


"You, what means did you use?"

"My longevity, my longevity!"

"Is this, is this the power of time?"

The voice of the leader of the Yan Clan was full of panic.

The white light just now actually cut off his Hundred Years of Life.

Now, he has exhausted his lifespan and is on the verge of death.

The leader of the Yan Clan did not dare to stay here and was about to fly away.

But how could Yang Chen give him a chance to escape.

While setting up a space barrier to block it, he activated the ancient book of time, and ancient characters flew out one after another, making the leader of the Yan tribe feel like he was stuck in a quagmire, and his speed was more than dozens of times slower.

At this moment, Yang Chen appeared directly in front of him, gathering all his strength to punch out.


The leader of the Yan Clan was directly punched into blood mist by Yang Chen.

The tyrannical Blood Qi was mixed with golden flames, which not only shattered the physical body of the Yan clan leader, but also directly obliterated his weak soul.

Blood rained down.

A Transcend Tribulation cultivator died.

This scene made the whole world fall silent.

King Dapeng and the Supreme Emperor of the Chixiao Dynasty looked at this scene blankly, their eyes full of fear.

The leader of the Yan clan, whose strength was almost the same as the two of them, was actually wiped out like this.

The two of them no longer had the courage to take action against Yang Chen, so they turned around and fled.

"Want to leave?"

Yang Chen sneered 1.1.

Just as he was about to continue his attack, he left these two old guys behind.

But at this time, a blue immortal light suddenly appeared in front of Yang Chen, making his body seem to be sealed and unable to move.


Yang Chen's eyes were full of surprise.

Just a burst of immortal light actually trapped him, making him unable to even use space methods.

This Cultivation Base must be the True Immortal realm.

Is it the Aurora Taoist?

It's impossible. The beautiful woman has no friendship with these two old guys, so there is no reason to stop him.

While Yang Chen was thinking about it, the blue immortal light that trapped him slowly dissipated and turned into a blue Phoenix divine feather, which fell into his hand.

"Phoenix Shenyu? Is it possible that the person who took action was the Phoenix Master Jiguang Taoist mentioned before?"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

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