Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

391: Seize The Body? The Crisis Of The Palace Master’S Wife! (Please Subscribe)

As he finished speaking, Taizu True Immortal's eyes flashed with a smile of success.

Then, the text covering the space of the ancient tomb began to shrink rapidly.

"not good!"

Seeing this, Yang Chen quickly took out the Space Seal, trying to forcefully break through the space and leave.

However, even with his space accomplishments, he used the Space Seal to shatter a space.

But the space that was just broken was healing quickly.

Before he could enter it, the space cracks healed as before.

"Junior, you can't escape!"

"While this emperor's vitality and blood were severely reduced, you relied on a sneak attack to smash this emperor's head. Do you really think that's all True Immortal does?"

Taizu True Immortal's voice was cold, and his tone once again returned to the condescending tone just now.

With both hands forming seals, the ancient book of time was directly suspended in the sky above Yang Chen's head.

Yang Chen wanted to avoid it, but the power of time made him feel like he was stuck in a quagmire, making his movements slow.

Countless words covered it, forming a cage space, trapping him in his ministers.


Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

This power of time is so weird.

However, this old guy wants to take away his body?

Huh, his physical body is not that easy to take away.

The Soul Palace is his home court.

Even if True Immortal enters, he will still be a turtle in a urn.


A sword sound resounded.

Yang Chen pointed his fingers like a sword, and the river of blood swept forward, straight towards Taizu True Immortal's soul.

"The Realm of Sword Nine!"

"You actually master such a powerful sword!"

"Boy, this emperor is becoming more and more satisfied with your body now!"

The killing Sword intent in the river of blood and the golden flames eroded and burned the soul, but Taizu True Immortal was not angry but smiled instead.

He has decided to give up his small body.

Now, the stronger this junior is, the more excited he will naturally be.

His physical body is so strong that he can crush True Immortal's head with one punch.

The way of swordsmanship has even reached the realm of Sword Nine. This sword combines a variety of powers, and its power is enough to dominate the True Immortal realm.

Putting aside the grudges, this junior is simply a monster.

Even the Kunlun realm placed before the war between the immortals was enough to be called invincible in the same realm.

It's a pity that this body with endless potential will soon become his.

Even though you have lost your original body, it is difficult to maintain the Cultivation Base of the True Immortal realm by taking over others.

But with the physical body of this kid, let alone the True Immortal realm, even the Realm above the True Immortal realm can be achieved in the future.

"Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, because people are sincere and will not deceive me!"

"Ha ha!"

Taizu True Immortal laughed proudly.

The anger that shattered the body was gone.

The rules of the Imperial Way condensed, blocking all the Sword intent and golden flames displayed by Yang Chen.

The ancient book of time swayed the power of time and covered Yang Chen's body.

The power of time did not cut off Yang Chen's longevity, but made the flow of time around him almost stagnant, and his movements of using Supernatural Power were slowed down dozens of times.

Taking advantage of this gap, Taizu True Immortal's soul turned into a stream of light and sank directly into Yang Chen's eyebrows.

He wants to use the powerful soul power to directly destroy Yang Chen's soul and occupy his physical body.

However, he did not notice that when the power of his soul entered the center of Yang Chen's eyebrows, there was an imperceptible arc at the corner of Yang Chen's mouth.

"This old guy actually wants to seize Yang Chen's body?"

"Yes, this bastard's physical body does have endless potential. Although he will fall into the True Immortal realm after taking the body, his future potential is inestimable!

"But just in time, let's take this opportunity and let these two bastards die together!"

The wife of the palace master directly urged the Duntian Shuttle to hit Yang Chen on the head.


Before the Duntian Shuttle could touch Yang Chen, it was blocked by the power of time around him until it stopped in place.

Then, a message of white light shot toward the palace master's wife.

"not good!"

The palace master's wife hurriedly used her secret technique to move tens of feet away, barely able to avoid it.

“Damn it!”

"This old guy is quite well prepared! 610"

The wife of the palace master cursed secretly in her heart, and instead of continuing the attack, she gathered the Taizu True Immortal's body suspended in the air.

A giant gluttonous beast rushed out of her body and began to devour the remaining essence in her body.

She must take advantage of this opportunity to quickly absorb all the True Immortal origins in order to increase her chances of success in overcoming the catastrophe of becoming an immortal.

"Back then, that old guy Hun Mie Tian still had more than five hundred years left to live. He tried to survive the Immortal Transformation Tribulation, but failed in the end. He relied on the treasure of the Soul Palace to preserve his soul!"

"I only have two or three hundred years left in my life now. If I force Transcend Tribulation, I don't know how much hope there is!"

"But there is no other way. If we don't Transcend Tribulation as soon as possible, not to mention the Taizu True Immortal, even that old guy Hun Mie Tian will take action against me!"

The wife of the palace master muttered to herself, touching the two scars on her cheek with her palms, and there was a trace of hatred in her beautiful eyes.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

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