Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

383: Aren’T You Lonely, Madam? I Am Very Resistant To My Husband! (Please Subscribe)

"I just touched my lady's palm, and my lady became murderous towards me!?"

"Madam's attitude towards me makes me a little worried that Madam will immediately kill her afterward!"

Yang Chen looked at the palace master's wife in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"I just haven't had contact with the opposite sex for too many years. I was in a hurry and reacted too excitedly!

"We have a cooperative relationship now, how can I have murderous intentions towards you?"

The lady of the palace opened her mouth to explain, her voice regaining its charming and calm tone.


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't Madam married to the Master of the Soul Palace? How come she hasn't had any contact with the opposite sex for so many years?"

"Does this have anything to do with what's happening now?"

The voice of the palace master's wife was obviously filled with anger again.

Yang Chen then smiled and said:

"Haha, madam, don't be angry, I'm just asking casually!"

"I'm just curious. Isn't it lonely if Madam doesn't have contact with the opposite sex all year round?"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Chen clearly felt that the black robe of the palace master's wife was trembling slightly.

Especially the chest position has the largest amplitude.

A cold murderous intent enveloped him.

However, the murderous intention only existed for a moment and then dissipated immediately.

Finally, the palace master’s wife said in a heavy voice:

"Yang Chen, don't ask questions you shouldn't ask. Does this have anything to do with you?"

"What Madam said is that I was rude, and it really has nothing to do with me!"

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, then shut up and start talking about business!"

The lady of the palace snorted coldly.

"Why did you stop me just now?"

"To open this coffin, you must use the pure blood of the Destiny dynasty!"

"This kid has the body of an imperial dragon. He has the same physique as the True Immortal, the ancestor of the Destiny Dynasty. His blood can just open the coffin!"

Yang Chen put away the charm in his heart and looked at Zhou Chen on the ground. (agea) Zhou Chen has only robbed less than half of his luck value, so naturally he cannot be allowed to die now.

However, through these few words of the palace master's wife, he also got a lot of information.

That is, the wife of the palace master probably does not want the soul palace master to go any further.

The two Indistinguishable Dao cultivators from the Soul Palace came to the Destiny Dynasty to arrest Zhou Chen, hoping to use Zhou Chen's imperial dragon body to bear the title of the Lord of the Soul Palace.

It is impossible for this palace master’s wife not to know this.

However, she didn't care about Zhou Chen's life and death at this moment, and even wanted to kill Zhou Chen directly.

Haha, interesting, interesting.

It seems that the wife of the palace master is very resistant to her old husband who has even lost his body.

"Madam, Zhou Chen has a history with me, especially his imperial sister-in-law, who is my sister-in-law, so we can be considered in-laws!"

"It's better to keep him alive!"


Hearing Yang Chen's words, the palace master's wife sneered.

Obviously, he didn't believe Yang Chen's explanation at all.

However, she did not continue to chop Zhou Chen in the waist, but instead held him up again, swiping her fingers and making a gash in Zhou Chen's chest.

Blood immediately flowed out.

The blood of the Sacred Body of the Imperial Path appears pale gold, and emits bursts of dragon roar.

The drops fell on the coffin, and suddenly the coffin began to tremble.

At this time, Zhou Chen slowly woke up due to the severe pain in his chest.

"it hurts!"

Zhou Chen opened his eyes, first saw Yang Chen, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

"Yang Chen?"

"Am I dead?"

"I didn't expect to see this bastard after he died, for God's sake!"

Zhou Chen said to himself.

Then, Hechen in front of him smiled at him and said:

"Brother Zhou Chen, are you awake?"

"Don't worry, you're not dead!"

Yang Chen's voice was gentle, but to Zhou Chen's ears, it sounded like a demonic voice.

He's not dead, so what about this bastard?

Not dead either?

Zhou Chen's pupils suddenly opened wide.

At this moment, he even ignored the severe pain in his chest.

Looking around, Zhou Chen saw his aunt, the black-robed man who knocked him unconscious, and the coffin of his great ancestor True Immortal.

The blood in his body was dripping towards the bottle.

Suddenly, he was sure that he was indeed not dead.

Yang Chen, the bastard, is not dead either.

Damn it, why didn’t this bastard Yang Chen die?

Why did he come back to life again?

Zhou Chen was angry.

But immediately, he calmed down, because with the loss of blood, a feeling of weakness spread throughout his body.

"Yang Chen, what are you going to do?"

"Let me go quickly!"

Zhou Chen shouted fiercely.

Yang Chen looked at him and smiled:

"Brother Zhou Chen, don't worry, we won't hurt your life!"

"I'm just borrowing some of your blood to open your ancestor's coffin!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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