Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

381: The Threat From The Palace Master’S Wife! Taizu True Immortal Is Not Dead! (Please Subscribe)

"Oh, you are quite smart!"

The woman in black robe chuckled lightly.

"Since you know that I am the wife of the master of the Soul Palace, should you return it to its original owner and return the original version of the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique to me in the Soul Palace?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen's heart sank.

That old woman Zhou Ni actually leaked the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique.

If this woman in black robe knows about the Taotie Devouring Heaven Skill, things may not go well.

The Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique he transmitted to Zhou Ni was streamlined by him, with only half of the original content.

The main thing is to absorb the original Spiritual Qi to help oneself cultivate and condense the Taotie Demon Body.

As for the most important part, tempering the Taotie Demonic Body, Yang Chen hid it.

Zhou Ni naturally wouldn't notice this.

However, the wife of the master of the Soul Palace obviously knew the contents of the Taotie Swallowing Heaven 04 Kung Fu.

"Where did Madam start talking about this? Why can't Junior understand?"

"The Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique, Junior has all been transmitted to Zhou Ni, what about Alai's original version?"

Yang Chen said without changing his expression.

"Hmph, do you think you can deceive me with your little tricks?"

"The most important part of the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique is to condense the Taotie Demonic Body. If I were you, I would not easily pass it on to others!"

There was a hint of disdain in the black-robed woman's voice, and she walked towards the mausoleum.

"If you don't want others to know about your practice of Taotie Devouring Heaven, just come in with me!"

"Moreover, this is the tomb of the True Immortal ancestor of the Destiny Dynasty, and there are things you are interested in!"

After saying that, the woman in black robe did not look back, as if she was sure that Yang Chen would follow.

Yang Chen hesitated for a moment, but still followed her into the mausoleum.

With his current Cultivation Base, there seems to be no need to be afraid of the wife of the Master of the Soul Palace.

On the contrary, you can take advantage of the shortcomings of your own Realm and take things by surprise.

The voice of the palace master's wife was so charming, and he really wanted to capture her and see the scenery under this black robe.

Moreover, his Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique is not that easy to master!

Zhou Ni was given the divine soul brand by being planted, and this palace master's wife, huh, how could she not pay the corresponding price?

In the mausoleum, the golden imperial dragon energy swayed heavily.

Dragon-shaped stone pillars stand upright, supporting a space hundreds of feet high.

In the middle of the mausoleum, there is a jade coffin.

Under the coffin is Long Yongcheng's eye.

Streams of pure Spiritual Qi spurted out from the eyes of the veins, and finally poured into the jade coffin.

Zhou Ni was tied to a Dragon Pillar by a dark chain, her face was pale, and there were blood stains on the corners of her mouth.

Next to her, Zhou Chen was still lying.

"Yang, master, master!"

Seeing Yang Chen, Zhou Ni's eyes first flashed with joy.

But when she looked at the jade coffin, she felt a little panicked.

"Yang Chen, do you know who the person in the coffin is?"

The woman in black robe pointed to the jade coffin.

"Could it be the True Immortal, the great ancestor of the Destiny Dynasty?"

Yang Chen said.


"Everyone in the world thought that True Immortal would ascend to the Immortal World, but True Immortal, the great ancestor of the Destiny Dynasty, did not!"

"And this Taizu True Immortal, relying on the nourishment of dragon veins, his physical body is still intact, and there are still 387 strands of life energy in his body!"

"This shows that this great ancestor, True Immortal, is not dead yet!"


Hearing the words of the black-robed woman, Yang Chen was shocked.

It’s okay if True Immortal, the founder of the Destiny Dynasty, didn’t ascend to the Immortal World.

The key point is that nearly a hundred Ten Thousand Years have passed and you are still not dead?

Could it be another existence similar to the Aurora Taoist?

However, Aurora Dao Master is a giant in the Immortal World, a majestic Immortal Venerable, and a Realm figure like Long Zu, the strongest in the Kunlun world.

The True Immortal, the great ancestor of the Destiny Dynasty, seems to have been recorded in history for less than Ten Thousand Years.

How can an ordinary True Immortal survive Ten Thousand Years without dying?

Ps: The new book is on the way, and I beg you readers to support me every day!

Asking for flowers!

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