Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

379: Heartless And Chaotic, Karen Ji’S Transcend Tribulation Failed! (Please Subscribe)

And at this time.

Over a mountain range 20,000 miles outside Tiandu City.

The clouds were thick and the thunder was like a dragon flying through it.

The creatures in the mountains felt the aura of destruction in the sky and fled away.


Thunder fell down, instantly turning the entire mountain range into a sea of ​​thunder.

As the intensity of the thunder gradually became more intense, the world-destroying aura quickly spread around.

"This woman Karen Ji is going to undergo the catastrophe of becoming an immortal!"

"It's a pity that if she were ten years later, maybe I could defeat her head-on and avenge the hatred I felt back then!"

Zhou Ni was dressed in light yellow palace clothes, showing off her enchanting figure. Looking in the direction of Lei Hai, a cold look and regret flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"In two years, my Cultivation Base has reached the Indistinguishable Dao Tenth Stage!"

"The Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique is worthy of being a Cultivation Technique that only the previous masters of the Soul Palace can practice!"

"If I hadn't used half of the cultivation Dao Fruit to condense the Taotie Demon Body, I would have been able to use my physical body to help at this moment!"

Zhou Ni thought to herself.

"Aunt, you are out of seclusion!"

At this time, Zhou Chen's voice came from behind.


Seeing Zhou Chen, a smile appeared on Zhou Ni's face.

"Aunt, do you think the emperor's sister-in-law has also experienced transformation into an immortal?"

Zhou Chen walked up to Zhou Ni and looked at the thunder sea in the distance with a worried look on his face.

"Oh, she'd better not cross over. If Karen Ji dies in a thunderstorm, Chen'er, you can immediately ascend the throne and take charge of the Destiny Dynasty!"

Zhou Ni's tone was a bit excited.

Since ancient times, there are only a few cultivators who have survived the catastrophe of transformation and become True Immortals.

If Karen Ji dies in the Immortal Transformation Tribulation, with her current Cultivation Base, Ji Qinghan alone is no match for her.

At that time, she, the Zhou royal family, will be in charge of Destiny Houqi again.

Zhou Chen looked at the thunder sea in the distance. He didn't want Karen Ji to fall under the thunder disaster.

This beautiful imperial sister-in-law was an obsession in his heart.

Moreover, the women who are most important to him.

Ji Qinghan was defiled by that bastard Yang Chen.

My aunt was also defiled by that bastard.

Now, only the emperor's sister-in-law has not fallen into the clutches of that bastard.

Thinking of this, although he felt resentful in his heart, a smile still appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's not that he is mentally ill, but that bastard Yang Chen is now dead.

Haha, he's dead.

"Chen'er, why are you laughing?"

"Are you also happy that you can return to the throne of Destiny?"

Sensing the sudden smile on Zhou Chen's face, his colleagues couldn't help but ask.

Zhou Chen shook his head.

"Aunt, I was thinking that that bastard Yang Chen is dead!"

"It's just a pity that I couldn't kill that bastard and cut him into thousands of pieces. This is what I will regret for the rest of my life!"

Hearing Zhou Chen's words, Zhou Nidai frowned slightly.

In the past two years, she has walked out of the imperial mausoleum several times.

I also heard a lot of rumors.

Basically, Yang Chen, the Holy Son of Daotian, died in the hands of Karen Ji.

The sisters broke up.

Saint Lord Daotian said that Karen Ji and the Destiny Dynasty should pay the price.

Even several Void Refining officials and generals from the Destiny Dynasty were killed, and they were also suspected of being responsible for Daotian Holy Land.

Especially Chen'er.

She had previously suspected that she had been defiled by Yang Chen, and had been locking herself in the room and refusing to come out.

But since hearing the news that Yang Chen was dead, his whole state has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The smile never faded from his face.

She knew that Chen'er hated Yang Chen in her heart, and she even wanted Yang Chen to die.

But the problem is, that bastard Yang Chen is not dead.

She knows this better than anyone else.

Because she has Yang Chen's soul imprint in her soul origin, she can clearly feel in the past two years that not only has the soul imprint not been eliminated, but it has become more solidified.

This shows that that bastard Yang Chen is not only not dead, but his strength is still improving rapidly.

Even the improvement was greater than hers.


Sighing, Zhou Ni finally did not tell Zhou Chen the truth.

Being able to see my nephew happy is better than anything else.

It’s better not to tell the truth to attack him.

As the thunder tribulation continued to intensify, the area where Karen Ji was located had been completely covered by the thunder tribulation.

Including Zhou Ni, the few powerful auras that came here could no longer sense Karen Ji's aura at this moment.

Finally, an hour later.

Red flames fell from the sea of ​​thunder.

"It's the Red Lotus Karmic Fire!"

"The Red Lotus Karmic Fire is the last stage of the Immortal Transformation Tribulation. Is it possible that Queen Destiny is really going to achieve True Immortal?"

"Everyone, if Queen Destiny becomes True Immortal, I'm afraid we won't be able to control Zhongzhou anymore!"

"Hmph, it's not that easy to become True Immortal!"

Several old voices echoed in the sky.

Then, the space shattered, and a palm print came out of it, hitting the sea of ​​thunder directly.


When Zhou Chen saw this, his face was full of nervousness.

However, with his current Cultivation Base, he cannot stop him at all.


Zhou Chen looked at Zhou Ni who was aside.

However, Zhou Ni was not moved at all.

She wants Karen Ji to die more than anyone else.


A sword cry resounded through the sky, and blue sword light came through the air, cutting off True Qi's palm.

Ji Qinghan was dressed in white palace attire, with a sword in his hand.

"Hmph, the love between sisters is really deep, but you, a mere Indistinguishable Dao Sixth Stage, dare to stop me?"

The old voice sounded loud and clear, obviously not taking Ji Qinghan seriously.

The space shattered, and another ball was shot from the hand.


Although Ji Qinghan waved his sword to resist, this palm was obviously much stronger than the tentative palm just now.

The tall figure was knocked upside down by True Qi's palm, and blood overflowed from his mouth.

"seal up!"

At this time, another old man shouted.

In the sky, formations gathered together and turned directly into a mountain peak [suppressing Ji Qingxiang].


"Everyone, stop hiding and use all your strength to prevent Queen Destiny from becoming True Immortal!"

"Otherwise we will have to succumb to a woman in the future!"

The old voice fell.

Several palm prints shattered the void and shot straight towards the sea of ​​thunder, trying to interrupt Karen Ji's Transcend Tribulation.


at this time.

The red lotus fire broke out violently.

Directly burn several True Qi palm prints into nothingness.

The thunderstorm gradually dissipated.

A tall figure wearing a phoenix robe slowly walked out of the thunder.

"She succeeded?"

"How can this be!"

"No, she is not as successful as Transcend Tribulation, she is still Transcending Tribulation Realm Cultivation Base!"

"Achieve True Immortal, the aura will instantly increase ten times, Queen of Destiny, Watatsuki failed!"

"Humph, God's will!"

Karen Ji did not pursue these breaths.

Instead, he rescued Ji Qinghan from the seal and flew directly to Tiandu City.

In the palace.

Ji Qinghan looked at his pale sister and wanted to express some concern, but when he thought of what his sister had done, his expression suddenly turned cold again.

"Brother Chen, did you kill him?"

"You said he fell into a spatial rift, but with Brother Chen's spatial attainments, what kind of spatial rift can trap him?"

Hearing Little Sister's question again, Karen Hime could no longer bear it and shouted sharply:

"shut up!"

"Don't mention him in front of me in the future!"

"Otherwise, believe it or not, I will kill you too?"

Ji Qingyou's eyes were full of anger, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth as she shouted angrily.

But she didn't care about any of that at the moment.

Now, the word Yang Chen is taboo in front of her.

The previous Transcend Tribulation was almost successful.

However, the things that happened with Yang Chen in her mind appeared at the most critical moment, disrupting her ruthless heart.

Dao's heart is in chaos, how can he bear the loss of Hongming?

Years of preparation, all in one fell swoop.

She has prepared for thousands of years to achieve True Immortal.

But in the end, it was ruined by the bastard henchman Yang Chen.

That is to say, she possessed the Sun-Moon Divine Phoenix Tower and barely managed to save her life at the last moment.

Otherwise, it would have been burned to ashes by the red lotus karma fire at this moment.

"Yang Chen, you damn thing, I really regret not killing you earlier!"

Karen Ji gritted her teeth, her eyes almost splitting.

Now, there are only two roads before her.

Either kill Yang Chen and repair his ruthless Dao heart.

Or, combine with that bastard Yang Chen and realize love.

But, marrying that bastard? How is that possible?

Therefore, she must kill Yang Chen with her own hands now.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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