Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

377: The Holy Spirit Clan·! I Was Born To Be A Maid! (Please Subscribe)

"Senior, where have you been during this time?"

"Before, you said Phoenix Master and Sword Emperor, have you seen them? Are they really still alive?"

Yang Chen thought of what Aurora Taoist Master said before he left, and couldn't help but ask.

Aurora Taoist Master glanced sideways at him with his beautiful eyes.

"Aren't you not interested in them? Why are you asking these questions all of a sudden?"

"They are all sages of the Kunlun world, how could Junior not be interested!"

"What's more, after seeing the power of the Dragon Ancestor, Junior also knows that there is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world, and he realizes his own destiny!"

"I originally thought that the True Immortal realm was the end of cultivation, but now it seems that it is more than that!"

Yang Chen's words are not nonsense, he indeed has this mentality at the moment.

Before, I just thought that the Aurora Dao Master was a level above True Immortal.

But now it seems that the so-called True Immortal is still very far away from the Immortal Venerable Realm of Aurora Taoist Master.

Phoenix Lord and Sword Emperor, as the strongest in the Kunlun world in ancient times, if they are still alive, then they must be more careful in their actions in the future.

At least the Taotie Devouring Heaven Skill cannot be exposed at will.

You should also pay attention to Realm in the future when you practice and achieve breakthroughs.

"It's good if you can think like this. You can't just focus on the current Kunlun world!"

"Today's Kunlun world, both in terms of world origin and overall strength, is far inferior to that of a hundred Ten Thousand Years ago, and even inferior to the big world ranked lower among the worlds in the world!"

Jiguang Taoist Master said, his expression became a little more serious:

"As for whether the Phoenix Master and the Sword Emperor are alive or not, I can't tell you now. Some things are secret. When you reach a certain Realm, you will naturally know. If you know in advance, it will not be good for you!"

"Senior, do you have anything to hide from me?"

Yang Chen curled his lips, a little dissatisfied.

This beautiful woman obviously didn't tell him the truth.

Aurora Taoist Master did not speak, and looked at Miewu in the distance.

"By the way, what is the relationship between the Holy Spirit and you? When I came here before, I happened to see her cursing and preparing to take action against you~!"

"A young girl with a childish face hates you so much. Could it be that you raped her?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen's face turned dark.

"Senior, in your mind, is this the image of Junior?"

"Haha, what do you think?"

Jiguang Taoist Master did not answer, but gave Yang Chen a roll of his eyes.

Yang Chen was a little helpless:

"The name of this Holy Spirit is Huo'er. Don't be deceived by her appearance. She is not a good person!"

"Senior, you don't know, I almost fell into her hands!"

Yang Chen briefly told the grudge between him and Huo'er.

Hearing this, Jiguang Taoist Master was also astonished.

"I really can't tell. This little girl is quite scheming, and she can make a bastard like you suffer. But Yang Chen, you can accept a holy spirit as your maid, so be careful in the future!"

"Although the Holy Spirit clan is born with each other and has no blood relationship, they are extremely united and regard the same kind as close relatives!"

"Once in the Immortal World, someone killed a Holy Spirit, but was hunted down by the Holy Spirit clan for several Thousand Years. In the end, even with the protection of the Immortal Venerable, he could not escape death!"

"You accept a holy spirit as your slave now. There is nothing wrong with you in the Kunlun world, but if you go to the Immortal World, I'm afraid it will be troublesome!"

"Is the Holy Spirit so powerful?"

Yang Chen was a little confused.

Jiguang Taoist Master said seriously:

"The Holy Spirit Clan is a big force in the Immortal World. Even the top big worlds don't dare to be enemies with them easily!"

"Although this girl seems to be born from the dragon veins formed by the dragon energy escaping from the Dragon Transformation Pond, the birth process of the Holy Spirit is not that simple!"

"The Innate Dragon Qi escaping from the Hualong Pond can at best provide the energy to take shape!"

"The core of the birth of every Holy Spirit lies in the interweaving of the rules of heaven and earth!"

"It can be said that every perfect Holy Spirit is not weaker than the human divine body, and is even worse than ordinary divine bodies!"

"You have the Sun Divine Body, you should know how powerful the Divine Body is!"

"Be kind to this girl from now on, and try to form a companion relationship with her. When you enter the Immortal World in the future, she can be your helper, not your enemy!"

"Okay, I'm going to Closed Door Training. With your current space skills, you should be able to find your way back to the Kunlun world!"

After the Aurora Taoist finished speaking, he broke through the space and left here.

Huo'er, who was standing on the shore of the lake, couldn't hear clearly the conversation between the two. However, when she saw that Yang Chen actually gave ten golden dragon fruits to the Aurora Taoist Master with a fawning expression, she was so angry that she clenched her silver teeth. His face was sore.

She wants half of these twenty-odd golden dragon fruits.

Now there are ten missing at once.

"Yang Chen, this bastard, when he saw how beautiful this woman was, he fawned over her like a dog. When Huo'er and I reach the True Immortal Realm, I won't rush to kill this bastard. When the time comes, I'll keep his life. He will be my dog ​​and call him master every day!"

Thinking of Yang Chen calling him master before, she was filled with resentment.

After seeing the Aurora Taoist leave, Huo'er hurriedly flew towards Yang Chen.

"々. Yang Chen, I also want ten of these golden dragon fruits!"

"You want ten too?"

"Did you drink too much while riding the horse?"

Yang Chen snarled at Huo'er and directly took Shicai Poria into the Soul Palace.

"Yang Chen, why are you riding a horse because you drank too much?"

"All that golden dragon blood was absorbed by you, and the escaped Innate dragon energy was taken away by that woman. These golden dragon fruits should have been mine!"

"You have to know that I opened the entrance to this Minor World, and it was I who proposed entering the depths of the mountains. If it weren't for me, would you have gotten this opportunity?"

Huo'er defended with an angry look.

Yang Chen suddenly laughed.

Take out a golden dragon fruit from the Soul Palace.

"Only one, but that woman took one!"

Huo'er suddenly looked reluctant when he saw that Yang Chen only took out one dragon fruit (from Li).

I was about to stretch out my little hand to pick it up.

But Yang Chen said coldly:

"If you want dragon fruit, you must behave like a maid and serve me for a while. When I am happy, I will give it to you!"

"What did you say?"

Huo'er immediately gritted his teeth, his face filled with murderous intent.

"Yang Chen, don't bully others too much!"

"Oh, you think I'm bullying you too much? You don't have to!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

Compared to what Jiguang Taoist proposed, let him treat Huo'er well and form a companionship with her.

Yang Chen felt that it would be better to train her well and let her concentrate on being an obedient maid.

After all, with this young face and big granary, she was born to be a maid.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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