Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

372: Next, It’S Time To Train! (Please Subscribe)

"What did you say?"

"Image Stone!?"

Seeing the playful smile on Yang Chen's face, Huo'er's expression suddenly changed.

Now, she is completely honest.

If it is rubbed by a photo stone, it will be spread out.

Then she will indeed be famous throughout the ages.

However, it is not fame, but fame and stigma.

"Yang Chen, you despicable villain, you are also a dignified Indistinguishable Dao realm cultivator, and you actually use such dirty methods!"

Huo'er immediately cursed.


Yang Chen said seriously:

"Miss Huo'er, you don't understand this!"

"A beautiful woman is just a cup of clay after all, but the pictures in the photo stone can be passed down forever and benefit future generations!"

"In some places, people who work in this industry are called teachers. This is a compliment!"

"Fart, you're talking nonsense!"

"Yang Chen, if you dare to do this to me, I won't let you go even if I die!

Huo'er gritted his teeth and cursed.

"Haha, you're already dead, why don't you let me go?"

Yang Chen did not continue talking nonsense with her, and directly moved the image stone in his hand.

Suddenly, one of them floated in the air and began to imprint the scenery in the lake.


Seeing that Yang Chen actually dared to do such a thing to her, Miewu immediately panicked.

"Yang Chen, you bastard, bastard, bug, despicable person, please stop it!"

"Ah, bastard, how could you do this!"


Huo'er yelled and struggled, and finally his voice turned into crying.

Tears flowed from his eyes.

This time, compared with the last time when she only cried and had no tears, it could be seen that she really cried out of grievance.

"I didn't expect Miss Huo'er to care about these things. It's just a pity that a Holy Spirit finally appeared in the Kunlun world, but it is about to die. I must use the remaining half an hour to expand your existence. Printed!"

"In the future, hundreds of millions of living beings in the Kunlun world can know that a holy spirit named Huo'er was born in our Kunlun world!"

Yang Chen didn't feel soft because Huo'er cried.

This bitch is crying helplessly and aggrievedly now.

Just now, she was very proud.

"Son of a bitch!"

Huo'er's face was full of grief and anger, he covered his chest with both hands and stared at Yang Chen.

At this moment, she even forgot the pain of being burned by golden flames all over her body.

Yang Chen's shamelessness exceeded her expectations.

She originally thought she was insidious enough, but in the end, this bastard was far above her.

She actually came up with the idea of ​​using a photographic stone to print a picture of her naked body, and let others see it.

"Yang Chen, you win, I recognize you and regard you as my people!"

Finally, Huo'er gritted his teeth and said something like resignation.

The approach of Death and the shadow stone suspended above her head made her finally give in, and she could only compromise temporarily.

"Haha, that's right!"

Yang Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly and put away the shadow stone.

Then he extended his palm towards Huo'er.

"Take out a strand of your natal soul and give it to me. Just saying it verbally doesn't count!"

"A person like you who goes back on your word has no credibility at all!"


Huo'er gritted his teeth and looked at Yang Chen with resentful eyes, but in the end, he still took out a ray of his own soul.

Holding Huo'er's natal soul in his hand, Yang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Holding a ray of natal soul, although it is not as good as directly planting a brand in the opponent's soul, (it's better) you can control the other person's life and death at will.

But this ray of natal soul, as long as it is crushed, is enough to severely damage the opponent's soul.

It is enough to control Huo'er.

What's more, after half a quarter of an hour, Huo'er's body has been greatly damaged, his combat power must have dropped a lot, and he no longer poses a serious threat to him.

The next step is for the child to train this sinister man to death.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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