Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

366: Absorb The Essence Of Dragon Vein! Brother Dage, You Are So Perverted! (Please Subscribe)

As the fire phoenix transformed by Karen Ji in the air was once again fighting with the girl in the red dress, Yang Chen felt that the space he had solidified could no longer bear the fierce fight between the two of them.

After all, the combat power of these two people is extremely close to True Immortal.


Finally, the space was directly shattered, and Kongji returned to Yang Chen's hands.

"Dammit, forget it, let them bite each other dog, it's better to fight to the death and let me reap the benefits!"

Yang Chen put away the Space Seal, took a step forward, and came to the golden vortex before.

There is still some dragon vein essence here that has not been dispersed, and Changchen captures one of them in his hand.


A dragon roar came from it, followed by a strong tremor, trying to break free from his hand.

"Dammit, the Holy Spirit can absorb you, but I can't?"

Yang Chen directly mobilized the divine dragon Bloodline in his body, and the vast dragon power 19 covered the essence of this dragon vein.

Suddenly, the Dragon Vein Essence stopped trembling.

"It works. It seems that Shenlong Bloodline can suppress the essence of dragon veins!"

Yang Chen did not absorb it directly, but took out a drop of golden blood and injected the dragon vein essence into the blood.

Suddenly, the essence of the dragon vein merged directly with the blood, and the golden light shone brightly.

This is a drop of Blood Essence, and Yang Chen can clearly feel the changes in it.

The essence of the dragon vein is directly integrated into the Shenlong Bloodline, making the Shenlong Bloodline become purer and stronger.

"This Dragon Vein Essence can nourish the dragon Bloodline. This is a good thing. As long as I absorb the Dragon Vein Essence, I can directly increase my physical strength!"

After confirming that absorbing the dragon vein essence would not produce any uncontrollable consequences, Yang Chen became more courageous.

Ignoring the two men fighting fiercely, they directly began to absorb the essence of the surrounding dragon veins.

The old woman Karen Ji was worried that absorbing the Dragon Vein Essence would cause Tiandu City to become a ruined city. She must absorb all the Dragon Vein Essences gathered around her by the girl in the red dress as soon as possible while she had no time to care.

After about two hours, the surrounding dragon vein essence had basically been absorbed by Yang Chen.

His physical strength was once again improved, reaching the Fifth Stage Realm of Indistinguishable Dao.

It’s no wonder that in just a few months, the girl in the red dress has gone from the Indistinguishable Dao late stage to the Transcending Tribulation Realm.

These dragon vein essences are indeed extraordinary.

It's a pity that he can only absorb it and cannot gather the essence of the dragon vein deep in the dragon vein like the girl in the red dress.



At this time, as Karen Ji and the girl in the red dress fought fiercely, a gap suddenly appeared at the bottom of the magma world.

A large amount of magma began to pour into it crazily, and a strong suction force came from it.

"not good!"

Yang Chen noticed something unusual and wanted to run away quickly.

However, that strange suction force made the space around him extremely chaotic, making it impossible to open a space passage.

After just holding on for a moment, Yang Chen was sucked into the broken gap by the strange suction force.

When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was an empty space, and looking up he saw the white sky.

"Strange, could it be that this is not an underground world, but an independent Minor World?"

Yang Chen felt the surrounding space and was immediately sure that this was indeed an independent Minor World.

The previous gap should be the space entrance to this Minor World, and it happened to be opened by the fierce battle between sister Qingyou and the girl in the red dress.

However, whoever opened this Minor World actually placed the entrance to the space in a magma world thousands of miles underground.

At this time, Yang Chen saw golden light flashing in the distance and quickly flew high into the sky.

Suddenly, a majestic mountain range appeared in front of him.

The mountains stretch thousands of miles across, with undulating heights. From a distance, they look like a giant dragon lying on its back.

Golden light emanates from the mountains.

Yang Chen flew closer, grabbed a golden light, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Because this golden light is clearly the essence of dragon vein.

"These thousands of miles of mountains are covered with golden light. Is it possible that the essence of the dragon veins under Tiandu City was leaked from this space world?"

"If these dragon vein essences are refined, to what extent will the selling calendar be improved!"

Yang Chen was a little excited.

I never thought there would be such an opportunity.

Wanting to come here should be the biggest opportunity for Zhou Chen, son of destiny.

At this time, a stream of light came from a distance.

"Brother Dage, you are also sucked in. Hehe, we are really destined!"

Looking at the girl in the red dress in front of him, Yang Chen couldn't help but replay the previous scene in his mind.

This Holy Spirit has a childish face, but the scale in front of him is extremely majestic and upright.

"Brother Dage, are you thinking about something bad? Why are you staring at my 563 places?"

"Is it big?"

The girl in the red dress said coquettishly, but suddenly walked up to Yang Chen, and then put her palm directly on Yang Chen's shoulder.


Yang Chen suddenly felt as if a mountain was pressing on his shoulders, and a force rushed into his body, directly blocking his Meridians.


At this time, Yang Chen also realized that he had been careless just now. He only focused on observing the majesty of the girl in the red dress, but ignored the dark side of this girl.

"Brother Dage, you are very perverted, otherwise I wouldn't be able to catch you so easily!"

Listening to the ridicule of the girl in the red dress, Yang Chen's face twitched slightly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Brother Dage has helped me before, Mie'er will not hurt you!"

"However, I discovered before that Brother Dage can absorb the essence of dragon veins on his own. I think Brother Dage must have dragon blood of extraordinary quality in his body!"

"So, Huo'er wants to ask Brother Dage to help me explore this dragon mountain range for me!"

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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