Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

360: Aurora Taoist? Give It All To Me! (Please Subscribe)

"Teaching with all your money?"

Hearing these four words, Karen Ji immediately thought of the last time the two of them performed the dragon and phoenix dual cultivation method together.

This bastard's dirty things were all on her hands.

Although Yang Chen's expression was serious, Karen Ji knew that this bastard had no good intentions in his heart.

He definitely wants to let her run the dual cultivation Cultivation Technique in the name of transmitting the blood of True Immortal, and then take advantage of him.

"Yang Chen, I am not in the mood to argue with you here!"

"The blood of True Immortal can be released first. It won't be too late to transfer all the fire in your body to me after you have refined it!"

"Three Nine Zero" "Now, I need to borrow the Exotic Treasure in your body that can radiate the source of life!"

"Huh, I just helped you so much, you shouldn't refuse, right?"

Ji Karen's phoenix eyes stared closely at Yang Chen.

"Exotic Treasure that emits the essence of life?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen knew that the heart of the sacred tree in his body had been noticed by the old woman Karen Ji.

But, lend her the heart of the waist sacred tree?

How can it be!

This old woman just thinks that she has an Exotic Treasure that emits the source of life in her body, so she borrows it.

But if she knew that the Exotic Treasure was the heart of the sacred tree of the world tree in the Kunlun world, she might not have borrowed it, but directly snatched it.

After all, even Immortal World giants like Aurora Dao Master are extremely jealous of the Heart of the Divine Tree.

It's just that the Aurora Dao Master is senior and is worried that there is still a True Immortal alive in the Kunlun world, so he doesn't take action to snatch it.

But Karen Ji, an old woman, doesn't care about this.

"Queen Senior, there is indeed some life source in my body. If you need it, I can give it to you!!

"But the Exotic Treasure you mentioned is hard to follow!"

"Oh, it seems you don't want to do it anymore?"

Karen Ji's expression suddenly turned cold, and her body was filled with Immortal power.

Today, her strength has basically recovered.

He was only one step away from the True Immortal, and after refining some True Immortal blood, the immortal charm on his body was even richer than that of Yu Yourong, as if there were really ten True Immortals in the world.

If it were an ordinary Indistinguishable Dao cultivator, it would be absolutely difficult to resist her deliberate release of pressure.

However, for Yang Chen, it was ineffective.

The Heart of the Divine Tree, the Divine Sun Body, and the Divine Dragon Bloodline in his body can all help him resist the coercion emanating from Qingyou.

"Queen Senior, I will not hide it from you. I do have an Exotic Treasure in my body that can help me practice the way of life, but I really cannot give this Exotic Treasure to you!"

"I told you before that Master Aurora is still alive, and this Exotic Treasure was temporarily placed in my body by her!"

"So, I really can't lend it to you!"

"Although Aurora Taoist Senior values ​​me very much and intends to adopt me as his adopted son, if she finds out that I lend her treasure without permission, the consequences may be unpredictable!"

"If Queen Senior insists on robbing us, I will have no choice but to leave Tiandu City!"

Yang Chen said helplessly.

"Aurora Taoist Master?"

When Ji Karenyou heard these four words, her eyes were startled.

Yang Chen did tell her before that Ji Feng was not dead yet.

And she somewhat believed in it.

Because the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal is indeed very mysterious.

"Is it possible that the Exotic Treasure was really given to him by Master Aurora?"

"This bastard, he hugged the Aurora Taoist's lap?"

"Hmph, the Taoist Master Jiguang's vision is not very good. He would actually value a despicable and insidious bastard like Yang Chen!"

Karen Ji cursed secretly in her heart...

However, the immortal power in his body gradually converged.

If she had known that Yang Chen had such Exotic Treasure before, she might have snatched it away at all costs.

Because at that time, she was seriously injured and there was no other way to go.

but now.

After careful consideration, he restrained his thoughts of robbery.

If the Aurora Taoist Master is really still alive and has survived for hundreds of Ten Thousand Years, this kind of Cultivation Base is not something ordinary True Immortal can achieve.

After all, I haven't achieved True Immortal yet, so I can't afford to provoke such an enemy.


"Yang Chen, the trapped emperor doesn't have to worry about that Exotic Treasure with you!"

"However, you will transfer all the True Immortal blood to me this time!"

Karen Ji said coldly.

Now that she has given up on snatching the Exotic Treasure, she can only continue to put her hope of breaking through the True Immortal Realm above the True Immortal. 5.1

Transmitting True Immortal's blood can only run that despicable Cultivation Technique. When the time comes, she will definitely be unable to restrain herself and be dominated by that despicable Cultivation Technique again.

Instead of being taken advantage of by Yang Chen, a bastard, over and over again, it would be better to just deal with it and transmit it all in one go.

The worst case scenario is that this bastard will take advantage of him all at once.

Anyway, I used my hands to do that kind of thing to this bastard last time. If I take advantage again, how far can it go?

Ps: The new book is on the way. "I beg you readers for your support!"

Asking for flowers!

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