Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

328: Thousand Souls And Skeletons! You Don’T Want Your Nephew To Die Like This, Right? (Please Subsc

"Yang Chen, do you think you can trap me with just this method of yours?"

"Hmph, you don't know how high the sky is, how many years have you been practicing?"

Zhou Ni looked around with cold eyes, his mouth full of disdain.

The appearance of Heavenly Devil pillars around her directly crushed all the sky-wide chains she had cast.

Although he was secretly surprised, Yang Chen, a junior in the Void Refining realm, could actually master such a powerful soul secret technique.

However, she didn't feel that this could trap her.

The power of the Indistinguishable Dao late stage cultivator's soul is far comparable to that of the Void Refining cultivator.

What's more, she has now reached the Indistinguishable Dao late stage, and she is also the top power in the entire Zhongzhou.

Moreover, she has spent these Thousand Years practicing the Soul Palace Cultivation Technique.

The power of the soul is now her strength.

However, Zhou Ni did not directly attack the surrounding ginseng pillars.

Instead, he quickly formed seals with his hands.

Just in the blink of an eye, a black skeleton seemed to break through the space and rushed towards Yang Chen.

If she wants to capture the thief, she must capture the king first.

As long as this junior is controlled, there is no need to spend more effort.

After all, her real goal is this junior's soul.

287 "Ah!"

Yang Chen sneered.

This old woman still likes to play sneak attacks as always.

However, he did not confront Zhou Ni head-on.

Although the light and divine brilliance are enough to neutralize her attack.

But this beautiful woman is also a cultivator of Indistinguishable Dao late stage.

Even if you have Innate's source of light, you won't gain much if you fight to the death.

Palm wave.

The magic pillar moves sideways.

A magic pillar appeared directly in front of Yang Chen.


The black skeleton hit the magic pillar directly.

The skeleton exploded and instantly turned into a large black flame, covering Yang Chen.

The black flames seemed to contain countless undead souls, and the screams and screams were extremely shrill.

Yang Chen suddenly felt a stinging pain in his soul, as if it was about to burst.

He hurriedly circulated the light and divine brilliance, wrapping the soul and resisting the invasion of the black flames.

Zhou Ni's move this time was obviously extraordinary.

It should be that a powerful divine soul attack method was used.

And at first glance, it came from the Soul Palace.

As expected, this old woman has a close relationship with the Soul Palace.

Black flames burned fiercely.

One after another, the figures of dead souls can be seen faintly roaring ferociously in it, like the fire of The Underworld.

Even Zhou Ni himself stood aside and watched, without going deep into it.

However, the magic pillar was not destroyed by the black flames. Instead, it absorbed all of it as if it were absorbing nutrients.


On the magic pillar, countless mysterious inscriptions shine brightly.

A terrifying force of confinement was suppressing Zhou Ni from all directions, leaving her unable to hide or retreat.

Under the power of this ban, Zhou Ni's energy fluctuations instantly weakened a lot.


“Damn it!”

"What a powerful ban and suppression force!"

My attack just now replenished the energy of this prison!?"

Feeling the power of the ban and suppression surrounding him, Zhou Ni's eyes became solemn, and he no longer had the contempt he had just now.

Although it was just a move, she had clearly realized how extraordinary this magic pillar prison was.

The blow she just struck was already her way of suppressing the situation (bdfj).

He slaughtered thousands of cultivators above the God Transformation Realm and smelted their souls and resentment orders into Qian Yu Ming Skeleton.

She only has two of these skeletons in total.

The ghost fire generated by the self-destruction of the Thousand Souls Nether Skeleton is enough to threaten the Indistinguishable Dao Peak Realm cultivator and even the Transcending Tribulation Realm Venerable Yuan Shen.

This was originally a gift she prepared for Karen Ji.

Unexpectedly, it was used here, but it couldn't break the magic pillar prison set by this junior.

I really underestimated him.

"Senior Zhou Ni, it seems he is beyond his capabilities!"

"Actually, compared to fighting and killing, Junior still loves senior's charming attitude just now!"

"If senior can always serve Junior in that manner, Junior can forget about it, senior!"

Yang Chen walked out from behind the magic pillar, and the light and divine glow on his body dissipated.

His eyes glanced at Zhou Ni's plump body with amusement.

"Huh, Yang Chen, don't be so proud!"

"Even if I can't break this prison for a while, what can you do to break me?"

Zhou Ni's expression was still full of arrogance.

In her opinion, even if she cannot break out of this magic pillar prison for the time being, she is not afraid of a junior like Yang Chen.

The worst case scenario is that it keeps consuming.

She didn't believe that a junior like Yang Chen could maintain these strange magic pillars.

Hearing this, Yang Chen immediately laughed.

"There is really nothing I can do senior!"

"However, senior may not know that these magic pillars not only form a prison, but can also completely isolate the power of the soul from the outside world!"

"Senior shouldn't be able to feel the control over Tiandu Seal now!"

"Haha, once the Heavenly Capital Seal loses control of Senior, the Qing soldiers will be out of trouble!"

"With her current anger towards you and Zhou Chen, Senior Zhou Ni, you don't want your nephew to die like this, right?"

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