Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

322: The Eldest Princess Zhou Ni! The Old Woman Is So Tolerant! (Please Subscribe)


The sword light from Ji Qinghan's long sword struck directly at Zhou Chen's heart.

However, it was blocked by the Five Dragons Dark Gold Armor on his body.

But despite this, the Sword Intent still cut a deep wound on Zhou Chen's chest with bone visible.

Blood gushes from it.

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth.

Ji Qinghan, this bitch, really wanted to kill him.

Do you think she wanted to kill someone and silence her if she was seen doing such a shameful thing to Yang Chen?



Do you dare to do it but don’t dare to be seen?

Just when Ji Qinghan was about to swing his sword again to kill Zhou Chen, a palm print condensed from the imperial dragon energy struck Ji Qinghan.

She could only give up killing Zhou Chen and wave her sword to resist.

The palm prints and the sword light collided, and the true energy surged.

Even though the Great Hall was protected by formation, it still collapsed and turned into ruins under the influence of the Imperial Rule and Sword Intent.

"Ji Qinghan, you ungrateful bitch, you just kill me in the air!

"Today I will teach you a lesson for your sister!"

A cold voice came.

A beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure appeared in front of Zhou Chen.

Dressed in bright yellow palace clothes, her charming face was full of coldness at the moment.


Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with joy.

Although his plan to sneak attack on this couple failed, it did not harm the overall situation.

As long as his aunt comes and cooperates with the Heavenly Capital Seal in his hand, Yang Chen, the bastard, will definitely die today.

"Humph, who did I think it was, it turned out to be you!"

"Zhou Ni!"

Although Thousand Year was missing, Ji Qinghan still recognized the enchanting woman in front of him at a glance.

The eldest princess of the Destiny Dynasty has repeatedly blocked her sister from taking charge of the Destiny Dynasty.

If my sister hadn't been thinking about her old feelings, she would have killed her long ago.

Ji Qinghan looked into the void with her phoenix eyes.

Blue flames rise.

Two Indistinguishable Dao cultivators have been discovered again.

I understood instantly in my heart.

The bastard Zhou Chen not only stole the Great Seal of Heaven, but also called all the old immortals from the Zhou family over.

The other two old guys didn't show up, and they should be controlling several city-protecting Divine Generals.

I had just been focused on serving Brother Chen, but for a while I ignored this incident and didn't make any preparations in advance.

But that’s okay.

Zhou Chen and these other family members wanted to use this to suppress her and Brother Chen, but they couldn't do it.

"Ji Qinghan, after all, I can be considered the elder of you and your sister. When you and Chen'er were getting along, you used to flatter me by calling me aunt, but now you have even forgotten the dignity of elders and younger ones?"

"Hmph, you are worthy of being senior and junior, right?"

"Zhou Ni, it seems that Thousand Year Closed Door Training has allowed you to successfully break through to the late stage of Indistinguishable Dao, and your ambition has expanded again!"

"But if you think that you can have nothing to worry about, you are totally wrong!"

Ji Qinghan's eyes were cold and showed no trace of fear.

If she was just an Indistinguishable Dao early stage before, she would definitely not be a match for Zhou Ni, a veteran Indistinguishable Dao cultivator.

But now, with the help of Brother Chen, she not only stepped into the Indistinguishable Dao middle stage, but also transformed into a pure-blooded true phoenix.

Facing Zhou Ni, who has already entered the Indistinguishable Dao late stage, he can still fight.

"Ji Qinghan, it seems like having a mistress is different, your tone of voice is much louder!"

"Today I am going to let you, a bitch, know that the sky is high and the sky is high!"

Zhou Niyu waved her hand, throwing Zhou Chen lying on the ground in front of an old man from the Zhou clan in the distance, and then suddenly shot him out.

The rules of the imperial way are intertwined, and the shadows of dragons and phoenixes are crisscrossed.

She wanted to suppress Ji Qinghan, a cheap girl, with thunderous means.

For a junior, Li Guo was so arrogant in front of her.


Ji Qinghan snorted, and Sword intent burst out from her body.

Astonishingly, he has reached the Great Completion Realm of Kenpachi.

Sword rays were slashed out one after another, carrying blue Phoenix flames, and the phantoms of dragons and phoenixes in the void were chopped into nothingness one after another.

By the eighth Great Completion, I didn’t expect you, a bitch, to have reached such a high level in the art of swordsmanship!”

Zhou Ni was a little surprised.

There was a hint of disdain on the corner of Ji Qinghan's mouth.

Kenpachi no Realm Great Completion shocked you?

If you knew that Brother Chen had reached the realm of Jianjiu, you bitch wouldn't have dropped your eyes.

Indistinguishable Dao realm late stage cultivator, placed in any holy land level power in Zhongzhou, is enough to serve as the Saint Lord.

This level of battle is basically the highest level battle in Zhongzhou.

Ji Qinghan and Zhou Ni, one of them has a sword that reaches the sky, and the Sword intent tears the tower sleeve apart.

The aura of one person's royal way filled the sky, the dragons roared and the phoenixes roared.

All the hundreds of millions of cultivators in Tiandu City were as silent as cicadas, trembling in fear.

That is to say, the guardianship of the Tiandu Formation has resisted most of the aftermath of the battle, otherwise Tiandu City will surely become a ruin.

Yang Chen was a little surprised when he looked at the battle between the two people in the sky.

Unexpectedly, Ji Qinghan, who was shy and charming just now, was at his mercy.

It was so terrifying to explode.

As expected of a pure-blooded true phoenix.

Indistinguishable Dao Fifth Stage resisted Indistinguishable Dao Seventh Stage and was able to keep up.

Now Ji Qinghan's strength is already stronger than him.

But fortunately, I am more obedient and do whatever I am told. (very good)

Thinking of the scene just now, Yang Chen couldn't help but feel a little unfinished.

Although Zhou Chen unexpectedly harvested three thousand points of luck, his original goal was not achieved.

That old woman Karen Ji is really tolerant.

own Little Sister is like that, but she can still sit still.

Look at Zhou Chen, he is so angry that he has collapsed.

Yang Chen looked at Zhou Chen in the distance, and met his eyes full of resentment and murderous intent, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a hint of amusement.

If he had known that Brother Zhou Chen was coming, he would have put on a few more poses to give him a good time.

Of course, the premise is that Brother Zhou Chen cannot feel inferior because of this.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

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