Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

320: Five Dragons Dark Gold Armor! What Are The Dogs And Men Doing? (Please Subscribe)

"Okay Chen'er, why are you still crying?"

"It seems that bitch Ji Qinghan's change of heart really made you feel wronged!"

"Don't worry, my aunt will definitely say this for you!"

The enchanting beautiful woman patted Zhou Chen's shoulder with her jade hands and comforted him softly.


Zhou Chen took a step closer and wanted to hug his aunt as before.

However, the jade hand on his shoulder pushed him away with a slight force.

"Okay, you have grown up, why are you still the same as when you were a child?"

The enchanting beautiful woman said softly.

A flash of disappointment and shame flashed in Zhou Chen's eyes.

I was disappointed that I didn’t take the opportunity to feel my aunt’s enchantment.

I feel ashamed that I have such thoughts that are worse than a beast.

Suppressing the distracting thoughts in his heart, Zhou Sheng said seriously:

"Aunt, don't be careless!"

"Ji Qinghan has made a breakthrough in strength now and should have reached the Indistinguishable Dao middle stage!"

"Also, her concubine, although her Realm is not high and only has the Void Refining realm, she was able to overcome the adversity and kill the two Indistinguishable Dao old demons in the Soul Palace!"

"Moreover, he also possesses extremely weird spatial methods, which are extremely difficult to deal with!"


Hearing what Zhou Chen said, the enchanting and beautiful woman's phoenix eyes were slightly raised, and she became interested.

"In this case, he must be a genius monster that is hard to find throughout the ages!"

"Haha, Bloodline must be extraordinary!"

"If I can refine a great elixir, maybe I will be able to have the hope of an immortal howl in the future!"

"Then my nephew would like to congratulate my aunt in advance!"

Zhou Chen smiled.

He deliberately concealed Yang Chen's identity as the Holy Son of Daotian.

Otherwise, how could these old guys who have become spirits dare to take action against him?

After all, in his heart, that bastard Yang Chen must die.

Several streaks of light flew from Beimang Mountain and entered Tiandu City King.

"Auntie, you and a few clan elders go and control the Divine Generals who are in charge of the Tiandu Formation!"

"Two of the Divine Generals who protect the city have reached the Indistinguishable Dao state, which is difficult to deal with. Aunt, you'd better do it yourself, and you must be fast!"

"I will go to the palace to bring out the Great Seal of Heaven. As long as we master the Great Formation of Heaven, we will have won half the battle!"

Zhou Chen talked about his own plan.

The enchanting beautiful woman and several old men nodded in agreement.

Several people split up.

Zhou Chen entered the palace grandly alone and came to the palace where the Great Seal of Tiandu was placed.

The Great Seal of Tiandu is the eye of the needle of the Great Formation of Tiandu.

By holding the Heavenly Capital Seal, you can control the Heavenly Capital Formation.

The Tiandu Formation was left by Emperor Taizu who founded the Destiny Dynasty.

A formation created by True Immortal, combined with the luck of the dynasty, once controlled, its power is unimaginable.

"His Royal Highness the King of Dust!"

In front of the palace, the female officer in charge saw Zhou Chen and bowed.

"Open Restrictions, I want to enter the palace!"

Zhou Chen said with his hands behind his back.

The female officer hesitated immediately.

"Your Highness King Chen, the Queen has decreed that no one is allowed to enter this palace except her and Xuannv!"


Zhou Chen shouted loudly.

"The emperor's sister-in-law has already given the order that no matter where in the palace, I can enter!"

"Besides, don't you know that the emperor's sister-in-law has said more than once that she will pass on the throne of God to this king?"

"Now the whereabouts of the emperor's sister-in-law are unknown. I am in charge of the Great Seal of Tiandu to prevent unexpected events. Do you dare to stop her? Aren't you worried that the emperor's wife will be punished when she returns?"


The female officer suddenly hesitated.

She can be responsible for guarding the Great Seal of Tiandu, the Cultivation Base is naturally not weak, the Void Refining Peak Realm, and she is also a disciple of the Queen.

Therefore, I know many secrets of the Queen.

In the Queen's heart, His Highness the King of Dust is indeed very important, and he is as rich as His Highness Xuannv.

Moreover, the Queen is also planning to marry Her Highness Xuannv to His Highness King Chen, and at the same time pass the throne to him.

Now the Queen does not know the situation. According to the order of succession to the throne, His Highness King Chen does have the right to temporarily take charge of the Great Seal of Tiandu.

After thinking for a while, the female face finally opened the palace restrictions.

"Humph, you know what's going on!"

Zhou Chen snorted coldly and entered directly.

In the palace.

A black seal with a radius of ten feet is suspended.

It is engraved with the word Tiandu.

Around it, five golden dragons surrounded it, and bursts of dragon roars resounded throughout the palace.

"The Great Seal of Heaven!"

Zhou Chen's eyes flashed with excitement.

As long as you hold the Heavenly Capital Seal, you can control the Heavenly Capital Formation.

With the cooperation of my aunt and several clan elders, it will not be a problem to suppress this bitch Ji Qinghan. ,

"Yang Chen, just wait, your death day has come!"

"And Ji Qinghan, tonight, I want to play with you instead!"

"Let you know what it means to be a real man!"

Zhou Chen thought angrily in his heart.

Although this move is tantamount to rebellion.

But he wasn't worried about the consequences of planning it.

This destiny dynasty was originally his.

What's more, in the heart of the emperor's wife, his weight is not inferior to that of Ji Qinghan, or even more.

As long as it doesn't hurt that bitch Ji Qinghan's life, it doesn't matter.

Even after Yang Chen was killed, the emperor's sister-in-law would help him resist Daotian Holy Land.

Zhou Chen's palm passed across it, and a few drops of bright red blood fell.

The blood directly entered the dark black Tiandu Seal.


The Great Seal of Heavenly Capital began to tremble.

The size of the ten-foot radius began to shrink rapidly.

In just a moment, it turned into a palm-sized black seal and fell into his hands.

Zhou Chen's mind sank into it.

Suddenly, I felt that the entire Tiandu City was under my control.

The power of the entire Tiandu formation can be mobilized at will.

A single thought can destroy heaven and earth.

Five golden dragons surrounding the Tiandu seal surrounded Zhou Chen, forming a pair of dark golden dragon armor.

"Five Dragons Dark Gold Armor!"

A flash of excitement flashed across Zhou Chen's face.

The Great Seal of Tiandu has always been controlled by Emperor Destiny.

Once activated, not only can the power of the Tiandu Formation be mobilized, but a dragon armor will also be formed to protect the seal holder.

This piece of dragon armor is said to have been crafted by Emperor Taizu himself.

It comes from the hands of True Immortal, how can it be ordinary.

Not only does it have extremely strong defensive power, it can withstand the attacks of Indistinguishable Dao cultivator.

It can also be integrated with the Tiandu Formation to make itself invisible in any corner of Tiandu City.

That is to say, his current Cultivation Base is only in the God Transformation Realm, which is too humble.

Otherwise, by holding the Great Seal of Tiandu and with the blessing of Five Dragons An Jinkai, he could suppress Ji Qinghan and kill Yang Chen by himself.

In the palace where Ji Qinghan lives.

At this moment, the clouds and mist are steaming, and the scenery is like spring.

Two Phoenix Clan palace ladies stood at the door of the Great Hall, because their hearts were full of envy for their Royal Highness Xuannv.

In my mind, I often recalled the scene I saw before.

I don’t know if My Royal Highness Xuan Nu can bear it.

Suddenly, the more charming-looking woman said:

"Xiaoqing, did you feel any difference? It seems like someone passed by!"

Another palace maid looked around suspiciously.

"No one!"

"Have you been fantasizing about Mr. Yang's body? Hehe, don't think too much!"

"Otherwise, if His Highness finds out, he will definitely deal with you!"

"Fuck you, I guess you're the one thinking about it!"

The two joked a bit.

At this moment, a vague figure appeared faintly in the mist.

"As expected of the Five Dragons Dark Gold Armor, it passed by two cultivators at the peak of Divine Transformation in a majestic manner without even noticing it!"

"The Emperor Taizu is True Immortal, and his methods are really incredible!"

"The sacred artifact of the Zhen clan of my Zhou royal family has finally been returned to its original owner!"

"With the Great Seal of Heaven and the Five Dragons Dark Gold Armor, I am not afraid even of the Indistinguishable Dao cultivator!

Zhou Chen was a little proud.

I am also much more courageous.

Now that he is in charge of the Great Seal of Tiandu, he can mobilize the calendar areas of the Tiandu Formation.

Moreover, the Five Dragon Dark Jinkai can withstand the attack of the Indistinguishable Dao cultivator.

My aunt just sent word that they have taken control of several city-protecting Divine Generals.

Now, it's time to take action.

He came to the palace of this bitch Ji Qinghan in 5.9 because he wanted to take action himself. When this couple was unprepared and caught by surprise, it was best to seriously injure that bastard Yang Chen so that he would not be able to use space to escape.


At this time, the sound of splashing water suddenly reached Zhou Chenzhu.

What followed was Ji Qinghan's shy and angry expression.

"I hate Brother Chen!"


"Damn it, what are these two bitches doing? Are they taking a bath together?"

"Bitch, bitch!"

"Yang Chen, I will definitely kill you if I dance on a horse!"

Zhou Chen thought bitterly in his heart, restrained his aura, completely integrated with the Tiandu formation, and then went deep into the palace.

Finally, Zhou Chen saw the pool.

Spiritual Qi is lingering, and the garden energy is transpiring.

Two figures, a man and a woman, were vaguely visible.

However, when he saw clearly the postures of the two people at this moment, veins popped out on their foreheads, and their eyes instantly became ferocious.

Ps: The new book is on the way, I beg you readers for your support!

Asking for flowers!

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