Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

317: Luring The Wolf Into The House! It’S Okay To Be Eaten By Brother Chen! (Please Subscribe)

"Tiandu City is closed. No one is allowed to enter without permission. Anyone who disobeys the order will be executed!"

At this time, a deep shout sounded.

Then, several cultivators wearing armor came to the flying spirit boat with serious faces.

However, when they saw Ji Qinghan and Zhou Chen standing on the deck, they immediately bowed hurriedly:

"I have met Her Highness Xuannv, and I have met Her Highness King Chen!"

"General Wang, is the city protection array activated because of the attack of the Soul Palace cultivator during this period?"

Ji Qinghan stood up from Yang Chen's arms, walked to the deck, and asked in a deep voice.

"Qi Xuannv, I'm not sure whether she comes from the Soul Palace!"

"Three days ago, Indistinguishable Dao Power attacked the palace at night, but was injured by Her Majesty the Queen and escaped, but"

"But what?"

Ji Qinghan asked immediately, his voice a little anxious.

General Wang hesitated and said:

"But Her Majesty's situation seems not to be optimistic!"

"Although I knocked back the Indistinguishable Dao Power, I also spit out blood!"

"Nowadays, there are many rumors in the capital city that Her Majesty the Queen's Transcend Tribulation has failed, and her life is running out!"

"It is also because of this that people are panicking, so we decided to activate the city protection array to prevent unexpected events!"

"Nonsense. My sister is only one step away from True Immortal. How can she not live long?"

"Instruct the remaining four Divine Generals who protect the city. Anyone who spreads rumors, regardless of their identity, will kill the entire clan and clan!"

Ji Qinghan suddenly shouted coldly.

At this moment, she was noble and majestic, full of decisiveness.

The posture of the little daughter in front of Yang Chen was completely different.

Indistinguishable Dao Realm The pressure of Fifth Stage swept out.

Faintly, she also looks like a queen.

"Yes, I will obey your orders!"

General Wang felt the vast pressure in front of him, and his heart was filled with shock.

Unexpectedly, Xuannv's Cultivation Base has reached this level.

In this way, even if something unexpected happens to the Queen, Xuannv's Cultivation Base should be able to stabilize the overall situation.

"Qing Han, now that the emperor's wife is seriously injured, why not invite a few ancestors to come out and let them take charge of the city protection array to prevent the Soul Palace from attacking!"

Zhou Chen said at this time.

Hearing his words, Ji Qinghan's face was filled with a sneer.

"Zhou Chen, don't think that I don't know what you are thinking!"

"If you old immortals from the Zhou family dare to take advantage of the opportunity to act recklessly, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Also, if it weren't for you, would my sister consume too much soul power and cause the injury to relapse?"

"I tell you, you'd better pray that nothing happens to your sister, otherwise, I will definitely kill you!"

Blue flames rose in Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes.

The coercion of the Indistinguishable Dao Fifth Stage rushed towards Zhou Chen, causing him to take a few steps back.

But immediately, his face turned pale.

"Bitch, bitch!"

"If you hadn't had an affair with that bastard Yang Chen, would I have troubled the royal wife?"

"Just wait, nothing good will come of it for you couple!"

"Dammit, you are like a bitch in front of Yang Chen and let him play with you. Even if you regret it and want to be my woman, you will only be a concubine at most and not worthy of being the empress of my destiny dynasty!"

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth and resisted Ji Qinghan's pressure.

I have already made up my mind to invite a few elders of the Zhou clan from Closed Door Training to come out.

This destiny dynasty was originally his Zhou family's world.

Since the emperor's wife took charge of the Destiny Dynasty, the Zhou royal family has lost all the privileges of the royal family.

The children of the royal family were either executed because of their dissatisfaction.

Either be surrendered or leave Tiandu City.

Several elders of the royal family who were in the Indistinguishable Dao realm, under the strong pressure of the emperor's sister-in-law, also chose Closed Door Training and did not care about worldly affairs.

All this means nothing to the original him.

Because whether it is the emperor's sister-in-law or Ji Qinghan, she is the woman he has chosen by default.

It's all about managing the dynasty for him.

But now.

The appearance of the bastard Yang Chen disrupted everything.

He must invite all the clan elders to come out.

Use them to kill Yang Chen.

Otherwise, in a few days, not only Ji Qinghan, a bitch, will turn into the shape of Yang Chen, that bastard, but even the Destiny Dynasty will be influenced by this bastard.

There was a feeling that if this bastard dared to come to Tiandu City, he definitely couldn't be healing the emperor's wife.

This bastard must have other motives, he can't be so kind.

The flying boat passed through the city protective formation and stopped in the palace.

The magnificent Great Halls are like divine palaces.

Spiritual Qi is abundant, and auspicious clouds float over the temple.

From time to time, Spiritual Qi turns into rain and falls.

Groups of beautiful cultivators shuttled through the fairy palace. Their figures were light and graceful, or charming and graceful. They were all the best in the world. Outside the world, they were all fairies sought after by thousands of people.

But here, she is just an ordinary palace maid.

""Qinghan, can you know the position of the Queen's senior?"

Entering the palace where Ji Qinghan lived, Yang Chen asked.

Ji Qinghan shook his head.

"I don't know yet. I can't sense my sister's breath at all!"

"But I think my sister should know that we are coming, because the formation in the palace is directly controlled by her spirit!"

"As long as we are stationed in the palace to guard against people with ulterior motives, that's all!"

"Sister will definitely contact me after she recovers from her injuries!"

"I see!"

Yang Chen nodded.

There was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

If it is as Ji Qinghan said, Karen Ji already knows that he is coming at this moment.

Haha, the woman who got the money must be very angry now. My own Little Sister must have lured the wolf into the house.

"Brother Chen, I need to handle some things right away to stabilize the people of Tiandu City!"

"You can just stay in the palace for the next few days. I'll come with you after I finish my work in the evening, okay?"

As Ji Qinghan spoke, a blush appeared on her fair-skinned face.

That annoying guy Zhou Chen finally got out.

Only she and Brother Chen were left.

At night, Brother Chen, doesn’t he want to be on his own?

Ji Qinghan's eyes were shy, but also full of determination.

It’s okay to be eaten by Brother Chen.

Raw rice is cooked.

In this way, even if my sister turns against her in the future, she can't do anything to Brother Chen.

Ps: The new book is on the way and I beg you readers for your support!

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