Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

305: Enter The Cave With Ji Qinghan! Zhou Chen Became A Layman? (Please Subscribe)


Zhou Chen shouted suddenly from the side.

His face was full of gloom.

"It's cold, men and women are not close to each other!

"What's more, as the goddess of destiny, you are a symbol of the dynasty's holiness!"

"Let's return to Tiandu City quickly and ask the Queen's Wife to take action!"

"This guy has bad intentions at first sight!"

"He is deliberately trying to take advantage of you!"

Zhou Chen stared at Yang Chen with anger.

He was extremely dissatisfied when this bastard was talking and laughing with Qinghan just now.

Now, he actually wants to treat Qinghan's chest injury and take advantage of it.


Although the current strength is only Divine Transformation Returned to Origin.

But Zhou Chen didn't show any fear.

Now the emperor's sister-in-law has returned from the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal.

In the Destiny Dynasty, as long as he has a life or death crisis, his true sister-in-law will cross the space and make "five" moves.

If this bastard dared to take action against him, he could just borrow the help of the emperor's wife to kill him.

"Zhou Chen, how could you talk to fellow daoist Yang like this!"

"Yang, fellow daoist, is a humble gentleman. He was very helpful to you and me just now. Please apologize fellow daoist!"

Ji Qinghan frowned, and although his tone was weak, it was full of reproach.

"Do I apologize to him?"

"Qinghan, you don't know that before he took action, I sensed that the emperor's sister-in-law had returned, so there was no need for him to help me!"

"He has no help for us!"

Zhou Chen suppressed the anger in his heart.

He believed that the reason why Ji Qinghan was so partial and grateful to Yang Chen was because he felt that he had been saved by this guy just now.

However, even if this bastard didn't take action just now, he could still borrow the power of the emperor's sister-in-law to kill the two Soul Palace Indistinguishable Dao old demons.

"Zhou Chen, you have been sleeping for Thousand Years, and you are still so arrogant now. It is simply unreasonable!"

"It's because my sister dotes on you too much, making you think that you can borrow her power and you won't be afraid of anything. Huh, I'm too lazy to tell you more!"

"Yang fellow daoist, you must not be on the same level as him!"

Ji Qinghan did not continue to pay attention to Zhou Chen, but cast an apologetic look at Yang Chen.

The corners of Yang Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

Naturally, he would not argue with Zhou Chen over a few words.

After all, as a villain, everything owned by Zhou Chen, the son of destiny, belongs to him.

Including his life and his royal wife.

And now, he is attacking the heroine who originally belonged to him in front of Zhou Chen.

"No problem!"

"Just for the sake of fellow daoist Ji, I won't care about this!"

Yang Chen smiled casually and didn't care.

Then he said:

“It’s just that the evil spirit in fellow Daoist Ji’s body cannot be delayed for too long!”

"If fellow Daoist Ji also feels that it is inconvenient, why not seal it first, then wait until Tiandu City, and then let Queen Destiny take action to eliminate it!"

"What do you think fellow Daoist Ji?"


Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes flashed with hesitation.

If you agree to this, will it hurt fellow daoist Yang?

After all, fellow Yang Daoist had good intentions and wanted to heal himself.

Just because of Zhou Chen's few words, he dismissed it.

From now on, I am afraid that I and fellow daoist Yang can only become ordinary friends.

"Qinghan, what this guy said makes sense, let him help you seal the evil spirit first!"

"As soon as I return to Tiandu City, I will go find the Emperor's Wife and ask her to help you get rid of the evil spirit of Feng Tiansuo!"

Zhou Chen said immediately from the side.

Hearing this, Ru Qinghan glanced at him with some boredom.

"Zhou Chen, shut up!"

"You don't have to worry about my affairs!"


Zhou Chen suddenly turned pale.

"Qinghan, you are the goddess of destiny, and you represent the dignity of our destiny dynasty!"

"Besides, you will be mine from now on."

"Shut up!"

Ji Qinghan became angry from embarrassment and pointed his finger directly at Zhou Chen.

A blue light enveloped Zhou Chen.

This finger did not hurt Zhou Chen.

He was just imprisoned in place, unable to make any sound.

She knew what Zhou Chen was going to say next.

It's nothing more than letting herself be his emperor and empress in the future.

The two were indeed childhood sweethearts when they were young and had an irreversible relationship.

However, Zhou Chen was sealed Thousand Year.

During this Thousand Years, she has been practicing and helping her sister deal with the affairs of the dynasty.

The mind has gone through all kinds of tests, which is no longer the case a few thousand years ago.

Today's Zhou Chen is like a junior in her eyes.

His behavior is full of frivolity and childishness.

Be his queen?

How can it be.....

In my heart, my future companion is a peerless hero and gentleman like fellow Yang who wields a sword and traverses the world.

"Yang fellow daoist, my sister has just returned from the Fallen Immortal secret realm, and she must be in Closed Door Training now!"

"Her Cultivation Base is about to pass the last of the three tribulations of immortality. I won't bother her too much!"

"Why not, let's ask fellow daoist Yang to help Qinghan get rid of Fengtiansuo's evil spirit!"

Ji Qinghan looked at Yang Chen and said with a firm tone.

"This, okay!"

"Since fellow Daoist Ji has said so, I should obey my orders!"

Yang Chen nodded slowly.

Then he looked at Zhou Chen, who was imprisoned, but his face was ashen, and the veins on his forehead popped out, and he said worriedly:

"Brother Zhou Chen?"

"Fellow Yang, don't worry about him. I just restrained him so that he won't keep making noises in my ears!"

"Yang fellow daoist, there is a cave below, let's go there!"

Ji Qinghan said, his face also a little red.

Her tone was as if she was actively asking fellow Daoist Yang to remove the evil spirit from her chest.

"Okay, let's talk to Yi Tingdao!"

"Brother Zhou Chen, fellow Daoist Ji and I will come as soon as we go. Don't worry, I'm just here to heal Fellow Daoist Ji's injuries, and I will never have any frivolous intentions!"

Yang Chen glanced at Zhou Chen, whose eyes were like spitting fire, and said with slightly cupped hands.

Then he turned around and flew towards the cave below with Ji Qinghan.


4.4 "Yang Chen, I am Cao f*ck, you are a good boy even though you are taking advantage of me!"

"Bitch, Ji Qinghan, you bitch!"

Zhou Chen screamed and cursed in the blue light.

Veins popped out on his forehead, and his face looked extremely ferocious.

However, he couldn't break free from Ji Qinghan's imprisonment at all.

I could only watch Yang Chen and Ji Qinghan enter the cave together.

He could even imagine the next scene in his mind.

Getting rid of the evil spirit in the chest will definitely be a beautiful scene.

My future emperor and empress are willing to be taken advantage of.

But he could only watch helplessly.


Ps: It’s not easy to launch a new book, so I ask for your support from readers!

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