Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

303: Are You Attracted To Qinghan? Queen Destiny Is Back! (Please Subscribe)

"Fellow Ji Daoist has a keen eye, I am indeed Yang Chen, the Holy Son of Daotian Holy Land!"

Yang Chen turned around and smiled calmly.

He handed the sword in his hand to Ji Qinghan.

The long sword trembled and screamed, as if reluctant to give up.

Although Yang Chen just slashed out with one sword, the Sword Intent of the Nine Sword Realm instantly convinced the sword spirit.

Ji Qinghan took the long sword and felt the trembling of the sword. It was almost certain that Yang Chen had indeed reached the realm of Sword Nine in the way of swordsmanship.

Because, although this Shuihan Sword is not a holy weapon, it is still among the ranks of quasi-holy weapons.

It was the sword of a pavilion master who lived in the sword pavilion several Ten Thousand Years ago.

That pavilion master is a swordsman Venerable who has reached the level of Sword Nine.

Yang fellow daoist's Sword Intent can impress the Sword Spirit, so obviously, the Sword Intent is not inferior to that of the Sword Pavilion Master. 263 Void Refining Realm, but reached the realm of Sword Nine.

With such talent, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely become a swordsman in the future.

Compared with it, the swordsmanship talent that he is proud of is like thunder and fire compared to Bright Moon.

A flash of admiration flashed in Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes.

Then he said:

"Yang fellow daoist, these two soul palace Indistinguishable Dao old demons should be the gold and silver two nuns of the soul palace!"

"Just now, Old Demon Jin said that the Master of the Soul Palace has noticed your presence, so you should be more careful in the future!"

"The Master of the Soul Palace is now running out of life. He is looking for a supreme talent and wants to seize his body in an attempt to extend his life for another thousand years!"

"The reason why I was ambushed by the two elders of Gold and Silver is because the Master of the Soul Palace took a fancy to Zhou Chen's body!"

"With your talent, fellow Yang, the Master of the Soul Palace will probably take action against you!"


Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

The master of the Soul Palace?

He really wanted to see it.

Looking at Zhou Chen on the mountain in the distance, Yang Chen pretended to be surprised and said:

"To be favored by the Master of the Soul Palace, Zhou Chen's physique must be extraordinary!"

"I see that the aura of the emperor is permeating his body. Could it be the rumored Sacred Body of the emperor?"

Ji Qinghan heard the words and calmly said:

"That's right, I don't hide it from fellow daoist Yang, it is indeed the Imperial Sacred Body!"

"Zhou Chen was originally the same age as me, but he was sealed thousands of years ago due to physical deficiencies. He was unsealed and born ten years ago!"

"The Imperial Sacred Body is a top-grade Sacred Body, and the probability of future success is really high!"

"So my sister, Queen Destiny, asked me to protect him without any mistakes!"

"Thankfully, fellow daoist Yang helped me today, otherwise not only would my life be in danger, but Zhou Chen would also be taken away by the Soul Palace!"

The two were chatting, and Zhou Chen, who was standing on the distant mountain peak, saw the battle was over and flew over quickly.

And his face was a little gloomy.

Just now, he was planning to crush the jade talisman and let the emperor's sister-in-law come to deal with these two old demons of the Soul Palace.

But unexpectedly, a sword cultivator suddenly appeared.

Although he helped Qinghan deal with the two old demons of the Soul Palace, the provincial emperor's wife took action.

But why is this guy talking and laughing with Qinghan?

Dammit, it’s not like you’ve become lustful towards Qinghan after seeing the beauty of Qinghan’s sky and country.

Thinking of this, a coldness flashed in Zhou Chen's eyes.

Qinghan was the woman he had secretly chosen thousands of years ago.

Her status in his heart was second only to the emperor's sister-in-law.

No matter who dares to take Qing Han's idea, Zhou Chen will kill him.

Although he was sealed for Thousand Years, his strength is now weak.

But if you are willing, you can let the emperor's sister-in-law take action and kill this bastard directly.

The emperor's sister-in-law obeyed her words.

This time when he entered the secret realm of the Immortal, he wanted to search for the blood of True Immortal for himself to make up for the final flaw of the Imperial Sacred Body.

"Qinghan, the emperor's sister-in-law has returned from the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal. Let's return to Tiandu Chengba as soon as possible!"

Zhou Chen flew to Ji Qinghan and said in a deep voice with an urging tone.

"Sister is back?"

"Very good!"

Hearing that his sister had returned from the Fallen Immortal secret realm, a flash of joy flashed across Ji Qinghan's face.

The reason why the Soul Palace cultivator dared to attack her and Zhou Chen was because her sister, Queen Destiny, entered the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal, causing the statues of the Queen guarding various fortresses within the dynasty to become dim and absent.

It makes people mistakenly think that the Queen of Destiny fell under the Heavenly Tribulation.

In the past two years, not only Soul Palace cultivators dared to appear in the Destiny Dynasty.

The Great Dynasty began to seize the opportunity to launch attacks and plunder the territory and spiritual veins of the dynasty.

She, the Xuan Nu who is inferior to one person but superior to ten thousand people, has not had an easy life these past two years.

Now that my sister is back, everything is fine.

With her sister's Cultivation Base, she can suppress all enemies.

Even if the master of the Soul Palace comes in person, there is nothing to be afraid of.

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