Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

301: Ji Qinghan’S Dream! Thousands Of Souls Are Bloodthirsty! (Please Subscribe)

"Ji fellow daoist, please forgive me, I just wanted to temporarily stabilize your injury!"

"Nothing frivolous!"

Yang Chen said, moving his palm away from Ji Qinghan's shoulder without the slightest trace of nostalgia.

His eyes were indifferent, without any strange color.

Ji Qinghan had a blush on her face at this moment.

The True Qi that Yang Chen transferred into her body contained the energy of life, which restored her energy and blood a lot.

Moreover, the sensitive part being touched by a man made her heart beat a little faster.

She has been practicing for thousands of years and has never had such intimate behavior with a man.

Fortunately, this fellow daoist was just healing himself and had no frivolous intentions.

Moreover, this fellow daoist rescued him regardless of danger, so he was not that frivolous person.

My 27 reaction just now was a bit too excited.

"Thank you fellow daoist for helping Qinghan heal!"

"Qinghan just acted rudely and abruptly, fellow daoist, don't blame me!"

Ji Qinghan said quickly, with a touch of apology on his face.

This fellow daoist was kind enough to treat his injuries, but his tone was really inappropriate.

"It doesn't matter, the life energy I just transmitted can only restore some blood to the marriage path!

"When this is over, I will help fellow Daoist Ji remove the dark energy from the wound!"

Yang Chen's words made Ji Qinghan's heart feel warm again.

However, when she looked at the chain space that trapped them, a dim light flashed in her eyes.

Facing two soul palace Indistinguishable Dao realm old demons, and the other party is also holding the evil weapon of Sealing Heaven Lock.

It will not be easy for the two of them to leave safely today.

However, even if it is not easy, I have to leave today.

At the very least, we must try our best to help this fellow daoist leave.

Thinking of this, Ji Qinghan glanced at Yang Chen again.

His handsome and gentle face exudes a sense of freedom and ease.

A touch of Sword intent emanates from the body, making it appear more elegant and elegant.

Once upon a time, my dream was to be a swordsman who could conquer the world.

Find a like-minded companion and live your life happily.

It's a pity that since my sister took over the magpie's nest, she became the head of the destiny dynasty.

She named herself Xuannv and took care of all kinds of trivial matters for her.

There is no chance to think about this anymore.

At this time.

The space behind Yang Chen suddenly shattered.

The Sealing Sky Lock penetrated out of it, like a poisonous snake, and stabbed straight towards Yang Chen, trying to kill his body.

“Fellow daoist be careful!”

Ji Qinghan hurriedly warned, and the long sword in his hand was about to cut out the sword light to resist.


The Sealing Sky Lock that had penetrated her body easily just now hit the space barrier firmly.

The space barrier was so strong that it actually blocked the Sealing Sky Lock.

"What a solid space barrier!"

"Fellow daoist actually mastery the way of space!"

Ji Qinghan's beautiful eyes were full of surprise.

I didn't expect that this fellow daoist, in addition to his superb swordsmanship, also had such extraordinary attainments in the art of space.

This kind of talent is simply peerless.

Yang Chen quickly formed seals with his hands.

Suddenly, ripples of space rippled out.

The solid space with chains intertwined vertically and horizontally was directly shattered under the impact of space ripples.

The White Cloud appears again.

With Yang Chen's current grasp of the way of space.

The spatial methods used by these two Soul Palace Indistinguishable Dao cultivators are simply like children's play.

"Junior, I have underestimated you!"

"However, even if you break through my spatial prison, there is only one way to die today!"

"Ten Thousand Souls Bloody Evil!"

The cold voice resounded.

The black mist rolled like a magic cloud, blocking the sun in the sky.

The condensed big hand waved the Sealing Sky Lock, causing the Sealing Sky Lock to turn into a black magic dragon.

The demonic dragon roared, as if all spirits were weeping.

Yang Chen suddenly felt as if his soul was about to be sucked out of the Soul Palace.

“Fellow daoist be careful!”

"This Ten Thousand Souls Blood Fiend is the secret technique of the Soul Palace. It can forcibly devour the cultivator's soul!"

Ji Qinghan on the side raised his long sword [I wanted to join forces with Yang Kang to resist this strike.


A sword cry resounded through the sky, causing a gap to break out of the demonic cloud in the sky.

The Sword intent that instantly erupted from Yang Chen made the sword in her hand tremble violently, and her body instinctively retreated dozens of feet away.

"What a strong Sword intent!"

"This Sword intent is not only far superior to mine, it is even stronger than the master of the Sword Pavilion. Is it possible that this fellow daoist has already reached the realm of swords?"

"But this is impossible!"

"How can a Void Refining cultivator reach the realm of Sword Nine!"

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