Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

298: Still Addicted To Immortal Venerable? Son Of Destiny Zhou Chen! (Please Subscribe)

"Humph, coward, forget it!"

Aurora Taoist Master curled his red lips and snorted disdainfully.

A flash of disappointment flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The reason why she wanted Yang Chen to follow her was naturally because she was planning to take advantage of this bastard.

With her current Cultivation Base, she can be said to be completely at a disadvantage when facing Phoenix Master Sword Emperor.

If you bring a brat like Yang Chen there, you can use him as a hostage and bargain for a while.

After all, this kid is extremely talented and has the heart of a sacred tree in his body.

If the Kunlun world wants to rise again in the future, hope lies in him.

Phoenix Master and Sword Emperor will definitely have some scruples.

It's a pity that this cowardly boy is not interested in Phoenix Master Sword Emperor.

"Yang Chen, when this happens, I will go to Kunlun Realm to find you!"

"Although the life source contained in the heart of the sacred tree is helpful for cultivation, it is also extremely dangerous in your body. You'd better use it with caution!"

"Senior still wants to go to the Kunlun world?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.


"I'm not welcome?"

Aurora Taoist Master raised his eyebrows slightly:

"My current Cultivation Base has only returned to the True Immortal level, but it is still far from being fully restored!"

"There are so many sources of life in the heart of Shenmu, are you reluctant to part with them?"

Hearing this, the corner of Yang Chen's mouth suddenly evoked a hint of amusement, and his eyes gently looked at the plump and delicate body of the Aurora Taoist Master.

"It turns out that senior still needs the source of life, haha, of course Junior is willing to give it up!"

"Senior has a need, how can he not give it to Junior? Xia Xiangxiang must be there when the time comes!"

"Huh, you bastard!"

Jiguang Dao Master snorted softly, and gave Yang Chen a hard look with his beautiful eyes.

She knew exactly what this bastard had planned.

Blasphemy Immortal Venerable, he's addicted to it.

Next time, if he dares to act recklessly again, he must teach him a lesson.

Let this daring bastard know that True Immortal cannot be insulted, let alone Immortal Venerable.

Too lazy to talk to Yang Chen, Aurora Taoist Master shot his jade hand in front of him.

Suddenly, three-color immortal light filled the air, and the space shattered, forming a light gate.

The red dress swayed, and the Master of the Ultimate Way stepped directly into his life.

The light door quickly closed.

The space became flat again, as if nothing happened just now.

Looking at this scene, Changchen frowned slightly.

Although he has made great progress in the way of space, he is still far from the master of the Aurora.

He can't directly break the space barrier of the Meteor Immortal's secret realm and go to the outer void.

Yang Chen didn't stay here too long, and flew directly towards the space crack in the sky.

Walking out of the space crack again, Yang Chen appeared in the clouds.

There is no cold air around him, and it is obviously not the northernmost point of Zhongzhou.

"This (cdaa), the teleportation locations are spread out. It seems to be to protect the cultivator who got a chance in the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal!"

After pondering, Yang Chen was attracted by the violent True Qi fluctuations below.

At this moment, three cultivators were fighting in the mountains below the clouds. The aftermath of the battle caused the mountains to collapse one after another, and the ground shook violently.

Because of this, no one noticed his appearance.

A beautiful woman in a phoenix robe was protecting a young man with one hand and holding a long sword in the other, Sword intent soaring into the sky.

In front of her were two Xiu Wangs in the black mist.

"Her Royal Highness Xuannv is indeed the Little Sister of the Queen of Destiny, and she and Realm can actually be one against two!"

"Unfortunately, that boy is a burden and affects you too much!"

"You are destined to not be able to leave today, Huihui!"

The eerie sound seemed to come from The Underworld, and a dark chain appeared.

The chain glowed brightly, making the sky darken.

"Feng Tiansuo, your Soul Palace is really generous, you actually took out the Holy Capital of the Palace!"

The voice of the woman in phoenix robe was cold and solemn.

As soon as the dark chain came out, she was obviously completely at a disadvantage.

Yang Chen watched the three people fighting and frowned slightly.

Because the three of them are not ordinary cultivators, they are all Indistinguishable Dao.

Moreover, that phoenix-robed woman is the Little Sister of Destiny Queen Karen Ji?

At this time, the system sound suddenly sounded:

[Ding, a new son of destiny, Zhou Chen, has been detected!]

[Characteristics: He has the Sacred Body of the Emperor, but because the Sacred Body was deficient, it was sealed two Thousand Years ago, and was only awakened ten years ago!]

[There are two female protagonists who belong to son of destiny Zhou Chen, his sister-in-law Ji Qingyou and Qingmei Ji Qinghan who was two thousand years ago! 】

[Note: Zhou Chen has a strong possessive desire for the emperor's sister-in-law Ji Qingyou and Qingmei Ji Qinghan! 】

[Current luck value: 35,000 points!]

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