Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

293: The Origin Of Life! Heart To Heart Transmission? (Please Subscribe)

Looking at the beating green heart in Yang Chen's body, the Aurora Taoist Master clenched his silver teeth.

His eyes changed from worried to angry.

Previously, when Yang Chen absorbed the life energy in the oasis, she began to explore this oasis.

The foundation of the Kunlun sacred tree is still there, and it also releases a large amount of life energy.

All this shows that Kunlun Shenmu is either not completely dead, or there is something left behind.

However, no matter how much she searched, she could not find any clues in the oasis.

Naturally, she had also explored this square spring, but she didn't see anything.

However, when a junior like Yang Chen came over, he directly obtained the Heart of the Sacred Tree.

Damn it.

After all, I spared no effort to help your Kunlun world resist foreign enemies, even at the cost of my own life.

But the Kunlun Shenmu, the heart of the Shenmu left by the old man, actually deliberately avoided my exploration, and instead disappeared into the body of this junior Yang Chen.

Jiguang Dao Master gritted his teeth in hatred at this moment.

I really want to 087 directly penetrate Yang Chen's body and forcibly dig out the heart of the sacred tree.

This heart of the sacred tree is extremely important to her.

Although absorbing the life energy can help her recovery.

However, with her Cultivation Base, these life energy are only a drop in the bucket.

But if she gets the Heart of the Sacred Tree, the massive life source in it can quickly restore her to her peak.

You can even use this to break through the original Realm and reach a higher level.


The heart of the sacred tree instinctively chose the cultivator of the Kunlun world.

Although she once fought bloody battles for the Kunlun world, she was not born in the Kunlun world after all, and she does not have the mark of a Kunlun world cultivator on her body.

At this time.

Yang Chen opened his eyes.

"Heart of the sacred tree?"

"Senior, what is this thing?"

"Is there any danger if you stay in my (bibg) body? Are you trying to take away my body?"

Yang Chen couldn't help but ask when he heard the exclamation of Aurora Taoist Master just now.

"Hmph, you kid really got a bargain and still sell it!"

Aurora Taoist Master gave Yang Chen a hard look with his beautiful eyes.

If it were anyone else, she would definitely poach the heart of the sacred tree at all costs.

But this kid, despite being kind to her, has endless potential in the future and will definitely be the hope for the re-emergence of the Kunlun world.

It would not be appropriate to forcefully dig out the heart of the sacred tree.

And those guys like Phoenix Master and Sword Emperor are probably not dead yet.

Forcibly suppressing the greed in his heart, Master Jiguang said in a deep voice:

"The Heart of the Sacred Tree is the heart of the Kunlun Sacred Tree, which embodies the life source of the Kunlun Sacred Tree!"

"The sacred tree of Kunlun is the world tree of the Kunlun world. How could it take away a human from you?"

"You kid, just have fun secretly. With the Heart of the Sacred Tree, your cultivation speed will definitely increase by leaps and bounds in the future, and you can also use it to understand the way of life!"

The envy and jealousy in Aurora Taoist's voice could not be concealed.

"I see!"

Yang Chen was immediately relieved.

Then he said:

"The life source of Kunlun sacred tree should have a great effect on senior's restoration of Cultivation Base!"


The Aurora Taoist rolled his eyes at Yang Chen again.

"If I get the Heart of the Sacred Tree, it won't take long for me to recover to my peak!"

"At that time, we will definitely return to the Immortal World with strength!"

"It's a pity that you Kunlun people and trees are all bullies!"

"I repaid my debt to the Kunlun world in one battle, and I don't want to have anything to do with your Kunlun world in the future!"

Yang Chen looked at the expression of Jiguang Taoist Master saying that he owed her money. Although he complained about this beautiful woman in his heart, he still said sincerely:

"Senior, please don't say that. There is a deep friendship between you and the Kunlun world, so you can't have any resentment because of it!"

"Although the Heart of the Sacred Tree is in Junior's body, the source of life contained in it should be able to be used by senior too!"


Jiguang Taoist Master raised his dark eyebrows upon hearing this, and said in surprise:

"Are you willing to share the origin of life in the heart of the sacred tree with me?"

"Of course, as long as it can help senior recover, I'll definitely do it!"

Yang Chen nodded affirmatively.

"Very good, Yang Chen, good boy, I really did not misjudge you!"

Aurora Taoist Master's beautiful eyes suddenly turned to joy, and his eyes were full of relief.

The jade hand fell heavily on Yang Chen's shoulder:

"No matter how difficult you encounter in the future, I will help you even if I risk my life!"

"You're welcome senior!"

Yang Chen smiled slightly.

Then, he stared at the curvy heart position in front of the Aurora Dao Master, and said in a somewhat puzzled tone:

"Junior has transmitted the essence to people before, and the transmission requires the bodies to be close together!"

"I just don't know whether the transmission of the origin of life requires heart to heart?"

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