Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

291: It’S Really No Big Or Small! A Beautiful Woman With Principles! (Please Subscribe)

"Oh, if you have more points, you will be fatter, if you have less points, you will be thinner. You little guy can talk!"

"However, you should restrain your eyes. I am also a senior after all!"

"Isn't it a little bad to keep staring at me like this?"

Aurora Taoist Master said, and the three-color immortal light flashed in the darkness.

Yang Chen suddenly felt a sting in his eyes and quickly looked away.

"Haha, you are disrespectful to your elders, be careful of getting needle holes in your eyes!"

Jiguang Taoist Master's eyes revealed a touch of amusement and teasing.

This little guy only glanced at her a few times, but he actually started to comment on her figure.

It’s really neither big nor small.

Yang Chen rubbed his eyes and quickly recovered.

Aurora Taoist 14 just gave him a slight lesson and did not do anything serious.

Yang Chen naturally knew this.

Then he asked:

"Senior just said that it was inappropriate to absorb the energy of life and expand the inner space of the World Tree seeds. I don't know what you mean?"

Hearing this, Jiguang Dao Master said seriously:

"When a world first opens, there is chaos, then evolution Yin & Yang, and then the Five Elements are born, forming all things, not just the expansion of space!

"And the process of birthing all this will also be accompanied by various Good Fortunes. The benefits you can get are more than simply improving the space!"

"However, in the process of giving birth to these, a world will also undergo violent fluctuations!"

"With your current Cultivation Base, you are still far from being able to control a world and withstand such fluctuations!"

"If you increase the internal space of the World Tree, it will not only make you unable to bear the weight of the world, but also affect your cultivation!"

"Moreover, once the inner space of the World Tree Seed reaches the level of further evolution, if you are just the Cultivation Base of the Void Refining Realm, you will definitely be unable to bear it!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen's brows gradually rose.

Once Yin & Yang is born in the inner space of the World Tree Seed, it will inevitably be a ground-breaking change.

I think so.

If the birth of a world could be controlled by his little Void Refining realm cultivator, then the world would be too worthless.

What's more, now it's just a chaotic space with a radius of thousands of miles, and its weight is somewhat unbearable for him.

If a huge change occurs, Yin & Yang will form all things.

Then he either has to fight for his body to explode, or he can only take out the seeds of the world from his body.

But once he takes it out, all the good fortune insights that come with it will be lost to him.

We should indeed stop expanding the internal space of the World Tree seeds in the future.

Even if the Cultivation Base is improved a little, it should be slowed down.

The Aurora Taoist Master then said:

"According to legend, there is a mother tree of all things deep in the universe, and all the seeds of the world tree are born from the mother tree of all things!"

"Then, fly to all parts of the universe and create big worlds!"

"No one has ever seen the Mother Tree of All Things, but there is one thing I want to solemnly warn you, that is, the seeds of the World Tree are extremely precious, not to mention True Immortal, even for people of my level.

I’ll covet it too!”

"Once someone discovers it, they will definitely rob it!"

"You must never mention owning this thing to anyone in the future!"

"I can arrange a seal for you to isolate you from detection!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

I didn’t expect the World Tree seeds to be so precious.

Even giants of the Immortal World such as Aurora Dao Master covet it.

He nodded quickly:

"Then there will be 963 senior!"

"You are Welcome!"

Jiguang Taoist Master smiled slightly, his eyes showing a bit of amusement.

"When I set up a seal for you, it will consume a lot of money, so I can't give it back to you if I used your unilluminated source before!"

"Fair exchange, Yang Chen, do you think this transaction is okay?"

"Senior you?"

Yang Chen suddenly felt helpless.

It’s also kind of funny.

A being like Aurora Taoist would find an excuse to occupy his Innate source of light.

Rare, rare.

This beautiful woman seems to have some principles.

However, what he likes most is such a beautiful woman with principles.

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