Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

284: Great Dream Forever, What Year Is It Today? How Disrespectful! (Please Subscribe)

In the crystal coffin, Aurora Taoist Master's heartbeat became heavier and heavier, as if he would wake up at any time.

Yang Chen couldn't help but want to leave here quickly.

Because, this Aurora Taoist seems to need the Innate source of light in his soul.

If he wakes up, the consequences will be unpredictable.

He was about to wake up Yuxuan.

But a voice sounded in my mind:

"Young man, don't panic, you don't mean any harm!"

"I would also like to thank the Innate source of light in your soul for condensing my consciousness!"

"When I fully recover, I will return this part of Innate's light source to you!"

The sound is ethereal and sweet, like the dusk in the sky.

However, there is a hint of weakness.

Yang Chen turned his head and looked at the three-color crystal coffin, his eyes full of vigilance.

Although the Aurora Taoist Master in the coffin still had his beautiful eyes closed, his chest was only rising and rising slightly.

However, the voice in his mind should be the transmission of the other party's soul.

This Aurora Taoist really came to life.

A giant of the Immortal World that fell a hundred Ten Thousand Years ago has made a comeback in this era.

"The dream is eternal, but I wonder what year it is today?"

"Young man, how many thousands of years have passed since the Battle of Kunlun?"

In his mind, the voice of Aurora Taoist Master sounded again.

There is a trace of vicissitudes and endless remembrance.

Yang Chen also stabilized his mind at this time.

According to what Piao Miao Saint said, this Aurora Taoist is a giant in the Immortal World and has come to Kunlun World to help in the battle.

Then there should be no ill intentions towards the Kunlun world cultivator.

Moreover, it is an opportunity for this Aurora Taoist to become the Jade Master, rather than a disaster.

It must be worth trusting.

Take a gamble.

Having made a decision in his heart, Yang Chen cupped his hands and said:

"Junior Yang Chen, meet the Aurora Taoist senior!"

"Senior, please forgive me for disturbing you!"

"Ten Thousand Years have passed since the ancient war!"

“Ten Thousand Year?”

Jiguang Taoist Master sighed quietly.

"Millions of years have passed, and I wonder how many of my old friends are still alive!"

"I, this person who was originally dead, is now alive again!"

"Yang Chen, if you can wake me up, we are destined to be together!"

"In the future, I can accept you as my personal disciple and pass on the way I have cultivated!"

"However, although my consciousness has been reunited and awakened, it will take some time for my body and spirit to recover. I would be sorry to trouble you to take me out of here!"

"But before that, can you put your clothes on first?"

"Hmm? Put your clothes on first?"

Yang Chen looked slightly startled.

Lower your head.

Suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he was standing naked in front of the crystal coffin, facing the peerless cheek of Aurora Taoist Great Wall.

Although separated by the crystal coffin.

But in this way, it is somewhat disrespectful.

After all, lying in the coffin was a True Immortal giant with peerless appearance.

"Senior, please forgive me. Junior was negligent and offended!"

Yang Chen quickly cupped his hands and apologized.

Then take out a piece of clothing and put it on.

"Senior, then Junior will open the crystal coffin and take you out?"

Yang Chen said that he was about to open the crystal coffin.

In his opinion, no one wants to lie in a coffin cabinet all the time.

Even if the coffin is made of crystal.

Moreover, taking away a beautiful woman is more auspicious than taking away a coffin.

0……Please give me flowers…………

However, even though he tried his best, the upper lid of the crystal coffin did not move at all.

Moreover, the True Qi in his body was being rapidly absorbed by the crystal coffin.

Yang Chen hurriedly stopped.

The Aurora Taoist said at this time:

"This crystal coffin is a treasure, and it has a seal on it, which also blocks the Celestial Secrets!"

"With your current Cultivation Base, it cannot be opened!"

"Yang Chen, just carry the crystal coffin away. When I recover in the future, I can get out of it!"


"But you must not tell others about my awakening, including those two women!"

"Senior, don't worry, Junior knows what's going on!"

Yang Chen said as he placed the crystal coffin into the space within his body.

After a while.

The Misty Saint and Yu Xuan in the pool both opened their beautiful eyes.

Yuxuan knew her current state and hurriedly took out a white palace dress and put it on.

The misty saint's beautiful eyes were puzzled at first, and then she lowered her head.

Immediately, an astonishing blush appeared on his cheeks.

He was actually naked.

It must be because he just absorbed the original immortal liquid.

The Piaomiao Saint quickly took out a white dress and put it on.

Then her beautiful eyes turned, looking for Yang Chen's figure.

Because she is worried.

Suddenly, the Misty Saint was stunned.

Because, Yang Chen was standing by the pool, just looking at her leisurely.

This bastard must have seen what he looked like just now.

Damn it.

Ps: It’s not easy to launch a new book, so I ask for your support from readers!

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