Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

282: True Immortal’S Corpse Must Not Be Desecrated! Original Fairy Liquid! (Please Subscribe)

In the crystal coffin.

The Taoist Master of Aurora has ice muscles and jade bones, and his black hair is as dark as black.

Wrapped in a red palace dress.

The figure is not out of shape at all.

Plump and graceful, with a slender waist.

Although he was lying flat in the crystal coffin, he was still towering in front of him.

The whole person did not look like a corpse at all, but more like a beautiful sleeping woman.

"Holy Son of Daotian, the body of True Immortal cannot be desecrated, and you should take care of your own eyes!"

At this time, the Misty Saint noticed that Yang Chen's eyes were wandering around the plump and delicate body of Aurora Taoist Master, and immediately shouted softly.

Yang Chen curled his lips.

"Saint, don't talk nonsense. When did you desecrate the body of True Immortal?"

"I just admire the sages and take a second look!"


The Misty Saint snorted lightly.

The cold and beautiful eyes rolled at Yang Chen.

It seems that again, it would be strange to believe you.

Then, the Misty Saint dropped to her knees.

He bowed respectfully towards the three-color crystal coffin.

"Yang Qingchan, a descendant of the Three-Eyed Immortal Clan, pays homage to his ancestor!"

"I ask for your forgiveness for entering the resting place of my ancestors rashly!"

The Misty Saint spoke respectfully, leaned forward, and knelt on the ground.

Yang Chen stood behind her, his eyes suddenly showing signs of confirmation.

From his angle, he could see the fullness of the Misty Saint, which was like a waxing moon.

This Piaomiao Saint looks quite thin, but she didn't expect that there is quite a lot of flesh there, and she is the material that can give birth to a son.

"I didn't expect that the saint would be with me or my family. In this way, we are destined to be together!"

"However, Piao Miao Saint, even if you have a relationship with the Aurora Dao Master, you don't seem to have any reaction!"

Yang Chen said at this time, his voice was a bit playful.

He naturally knew the little thoughts of the Misty Saint.

This woman looked like she was kneeling down to worship her ancestors.

But in my heart, I definitely want to gain something through this method.


But her efforts were in vain.

The Aurora Taoist in the coffin did not react at all.

At this time, the Misty Saint stood up.

It seemed that Yang Chen was poking at the center of his thoughts, and his voice was a little angry:

"Who is the same as you~,!"

"I am a direct descendant of the Three-Eyed Immortal Clan, it doesn't matter whether you think about it or not!"


Once again hearing the Piaomiao Saint mention the Three-Eyed Immortal Clan, Yang Chen suddenly became interested.

"The saint thinks she is not from my Kunlun world. She must know a lot about the legendary Immortal World!"

"Why don't you tell me about it?"

"Humph, even if I knew it, I wouldn't tell you!"

The Piaomiao Saint gave Yang Chen another look. Seeing that there was no movement in the three-color crystal coffin, she gave up and walked towards the three stone pillars in the distance.

On the top of the three stone pillars, there is a ball of immortal light, raging like a flame.

At this moment, Yuxuan stood under a stone pillar, staring blankly at these three groups of immortal light.

Seeing Yang Chen coming, he immediately said:

"Holy Son, these three immortal lights are definitely extraordinary. I seem to feel the origin of the light in them!"

"The inheritance of Master Aurora should be in these three immortal lights!"

Although Yuxuan is not the body of the Holy Spirit, the Bloodline of the Holy Spirit in her body is also extremely strong.

Moreover, she majored in the power of light and had an extraordinary perception of the power of light.

Yang Chen also noticed that these three immortal lights were unusual.

With his current attainments in the path of light, facing these three immortal lights, the feeling will only be more profound than the pressure tube.

A white bright divine glow emerged from Yang Chen's body, shrouding three immortal lights.

Yang Chen wanted to investigate in detail.

But at this time, the three immortal lights seemed to have a feeling, and the originally dazzling light quickly converged, and finally turned into a pool of liquid of different colors.

It flowed down the stone pillars and gathered in a pool in front of the three stone pillars.

The intersection of liquids of three colors seems to be able to combine all the colors in the world.

The scene in the pool is like a dream

“What a rich fairy charm!”

"Is this the legendary original fairy liquid?"

The ethereal saint exclaimed in surprise as she looked at the liquid in the pool that exuded a rich fairy charm and was overflowing with brilliance.

"Original fairy liquid?"

Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yuxuan explained beside him:

"Holy Son, the original fairy liquid is the fairy liquid that was sealed by True Immortal when he fell. The final fairy liquid formed contains True Immortal's lifelong cultivation insights!"

[Its value is not much greater than the flesh and blood essence of True Immortal!"

"These cultivators who have entered the secret realm of the Immortal Immortal for a hundred Ten Thousand Years, as long as they obtain the original immortal liquid, without exception, they have become the first True Immortal!"

Speaking of this, Yuxuan's beautiful eyes also showed a touch of fire.

The opportunity to become True Immortal was right in front of her, how could she not be excited.

"I see!"

Yang Chen nodded.

The blood of True Immortal is the flesh and blood essence of True Immortal.

The original fairy liquid is the cultivation path fruit of True Immortal.

In this way, the origin of the immortal liquid is indeed not inferior to the blood of True Immortal.

At this time, the Misty Saint's brows and raised eyes bloomed with three-color immortal light, which seemed to be integrated with the three-color immortal light emitted by the original fairy liquid in the pool.

Then, he moved his lotus steps lightly and stepped into the pool.

"Piao Miao Saint (Zhao Hao), please stop!"

Yuxuan saw this and hurriedly wanted to stop it.

However, Yang Chen stopped her.

"Don't worry, there is a lot of original fairy liquid, let her explore the way for us first!"

After Yang Chen finished speaking, half of the Misty Saint's body was immersed in the original fairy liquid.

The three-color liquid began to blend into the ethereal Saintess's delicate middle pair.

At the same time, the white palace dress on the Misty Saint was also rapidly dissolving.

The original fairy liquid seems to be able to melt away clothes.

In just a few breaths, the white and delicate Japanese currency appeared before Yang Chen's eyes.

The ravines are criss-crossed and have a more visual impact than the radiant original fairy liquid.

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