Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

272: Join Forces To Kill Yang Chen? Cousin And Cousin Break Up? (Please Subscribe)

Yang Chen looked at a low peak in the mountains.

It is more than a hundred feet high and looks like a stone tablet.

Exuding gorgeous three-color immortal light.

The three-colored glow in the sky overflows from it.

This stone-shaped mountain peak should be the tombstone of the Aurora Taoist Master.

Unlike the True Immortal from the Yan tribe, he was buried here.

It can also be seen that this Aurora Taoist is indeed no ordinary True Immortal.

And he also passed down eight keys, as if he was deliberately waiting for future generations to come and obtain his inheritance.


At this time, Yuxuan beside her coughed violently, and blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

He had just fought with King Yanbei and was obviously seriously injured.

Yang Chen pressed his palm on Yu Xuan's shoulder, sending a breath of life to her.

Yu Xuan's pale face suddenly returned to a little rosy.

"Thank you, Holy Son!"

Yuxuan's beautiful eyes are full of beauty.

Yang Chen then used his fingers to inject a breath of life into the remaining Daotian Holy Land cultivators who were injured.

Most of the True Immortal blood in his body has not been refined, and the energy of life is strong.

Just take this opportunity to win over a wave of hearts.


With the arrival of Yang Chen and the powerful sword just now, many Void Refining realm cultivators present had solemn expressions.

Especially the several cultivators who hold the keys to True Immortal's tomb are facing a formidable enemy.

King Yanbei is dignified Void Refining Eighth Stage. Almost no one present can be sure that he can beat him.

However, he was seriously injured by a sword.

This person's strength is simply terrifying.

Far beyond them.

"Your Excellency has such a strong Sword intent!"

"I'm afraid no one here can be your opponent!"

"If we want to deal with you, unless we join forces, the inheritance in True Immortal's tomb should be yours!"

At this time, King Yan Bei, whose body was covered with bloodstains, stood up and said sadly.

Then, he took out a golden Medicine Pill and drank it. Immediately, dragon roars resounded, and countless golden dragon shadows surrounded King Yan Bei, whose injuries were recovering quickly.

Moreover, the original aura of the Eighth Stage of the Void Refining Realm was also rapidly increasing. In just a moment, it reached the peak of the Eighth Stage of the Void Refining Realm.

"It's the Luck Dragon Pill~"!"

"Gathering the luck of the dynasty and condensing it for thousands of years, a Luck Dragon Pill will be produced, which can ensure that the cultivator breaks through the realm!"

"In all the four major dynasties, only the heads of the previous dynasties had the opportunity to take a Luck Dragon Pill when their longevity was approaching. But unexpectedly, the Emperor of Dayan actually gave his own Luck Dragon Pill to King Yan Bei!"

"However, even if King Yan Bei takes the opportunity to break through to the Void Refining Ninth Stage, we can still barely fight. However, with just one sword from the Holy Son of Heaven, I can't raise any heart to resist!"

"If the Holy Son of Daotian is allowed to enter True Immortal's tomb, I'm afraid I won't have the slightest chance!"

"The Secret Realm of the Fallen Immortal is only opened once in Ten Thousand Years. It would be a pity to miss such an immortal fate!"

King Yan Bei's words caused some cultivators around him to start whispering and transmitting messages in secret.

Everyone looked at Yang Chen, full of vigilance.

"This damn King Yanbei actually carries a Luck Dragon Pill!"

Yu Xuan frowned at this moment, her mind was very clear, and she immediately said:

"Holy Son, what King Yan Bei said just now is obviously to arouse everyone's fear of you, and he wants to unite everyone to take action against you!"

"Once he breaks through the Void Refining Ninth Stage and joins forces with several Void Refining late stage cultivators, things will be in trouble!"

When Yuxuan said this, she looked a little anxious.

The Holy Son is too strong.

It was so strong that those who claimed to be proud of themselves began to join forces.

Although I am proud of the Holy Son, it is not good for things to develop like this.

There are six or seven Void Refining late stage cultivators here, and more than ten holy land-level forces have gathered here.

If they join forces, even the Holy Son may not be able to escape intact.

At this time.

Yuzun, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke:

"Everyone, what King Yanbei said is right!"

"You all saw Yang Chen's strength just now. Who among us can be his opponent?"

"And what you don't know is that Yang Chen's attainments in the path of light are as good as those of my aunt, the Saint Lord of Dao Heaven. Her attainments are not inferior to those of the Indistinguishable Dao Realm Elder!"

"If he enters the tomb, the inheritance must belong to him!"

"The inheritance of Master Aurora is extraordinary. If you obtain it, you will be completely transformed and become a true Immortal Venerable!"

"The road to spiritual cultivation is all about fighting. If you don't have the heart to fight, how can you succeed?"

"Now we can only join forces to kill Yang Chen first, and then do anything else!"


Hearing Yu Zun's words, Yu Xuan and several other Daotian Holy Land cultivators were stunned.

"Yuzun, are you crazy?"

"You actually want to unite outsiders to deal with the Holy Son!?"

"You know this is a capital crime!"

In anger, Yu Xuan took out the Blood Jade Dragon Spear and pointed it at Yu Zun.

Her beautiful eyes were full of anger and hatred.

She hated Yu Zun so much when he saw that he was dead just now and refused to save him.

Now Yu Zun actually wants to take the opportunity to take action against the Holy Son.

Is this the cousin he has always regarded as a brother?

He is such a villain!

She was really blind before!

"Yuxuan, are you going to fight with me for that bastard Yang Chen?"

Seeing that his cousin actually took out the Blood Jade Dragon Spear and was about to attack him, Yuzun clenched his fists tightly and his face was extremely ferocious.

For the sake of an outsider, Yuxuan actually wanted to fight with him.

They are childhood sweethearts and have spent Thousand Years together.

How dare you not settle for an engagement with that bastard Yang Chen.


She is indeed a bitch.

[Ding, Yu Xuan broke up with Yu Zun because of the host, Yu Zun's mood collapsed, and robbed the son of destiny Yu Zun's luck value of 1,000 points, and the host obtained the villain value of 1,000 points!]

The system sound sounded, and Yang Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Cousin and cousin are breaking up now?

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise.

However, the luck value of looting is a bit less.

It seems that most of Yu Zun's luck lies in his aunt Yu Yourong.

Zun'er, Zun'er, you are really rebellious.

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