Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

268: Blood Sword And Blood River! Suppress The Queen Of Destiny! (Please Subscribe)

"What did you say?"

Yang Chen's words made Ji Qingyou's beautiful eyes tremble.

"Queen senior, although I only saw the phantom of your soul just now, I was shocked as a Deva. Why don't you use your true body to discuss with me?"

"Although your current body is also very beautiful, writing about your peerless elegance just now cannot be compared to the Dharma Phase!"

"Moreover, although this body is tall, it is a bit thin and far less plump and attractive than your real body just now!"

Yang Chen said without hesitation, looking around Karen Ji and making comments.

Karen Ji's face was gloomy, and the Holy Spirit of Sleep flashed.

This damn junior actually dared to say something frivolous to her!

Could it be that you think you can do whatever you want if you can temporarily resist her?

She is the Queen of Destiny, a powerful figure in the Central Plains for Thousand Years.

Even those Indistinguishable Dao Power, the Lord of the Holy Land Dynasty, no one dared to speak to her like this.

Idiots who don't know the heights of heaven and earth are really looking for death.

At this time, Yan Hou took advantage of the confrontation between the two and came to the sky above the magma lake.

Sitting in Lotus Position, making a mudra with both hands.

Blood dripped down from the palm of his hand and spilled into the magma lake.

Suddenly, the magma that was originally like a raging flame began to become milder. 910 The magma in the entire valley gradually turned into bright red blood.

Red immortal light brews in it, and drops of blood are like rubies.

Brilliant and crystal clear, surrounded by Immortal Qi.

A flash of surprise flashed in Yan Hou's beautiful eyes.

Sure enough, the lava rivers and lakes here were all transformed by the bodies of her Yan tribe's True Immortal ancestors.

Now that he sensed the arrival of her junior, the violent energy dissipated immediately, and the magma turned into immortal blood.

Empress Yan raised her palm slightly, and the red fairy blood below immediately rolled up two blood pillars and began to gather towards her body.

"not good!"

When Karen Ji saw this scene, a flash of anger flashed on her face.

He slapped his palm directly at Queen Yan to interrupt her from absorbing the True Immortal blood in the valley.

However, the palm print was chopped into pieces by Yang Chen's sword.

And he said righteously:

"Queen senior, the True Immortal who died here was originally the sage of the Yan clan!"

"As a friend, you just ignore the past feelings and try to seize the opportunity that belongs to her. This is too unreasonable!"

"The majestic Queen of Destiny, who is powerful in Zhongzhou, is not afraid of being laughed at for doing such a despicable thing?"

“Damn it’s junior!”

"I swear to kill you today!"

Karen Ji's beautiful eyes surged with murderous intent.

In this Thousand Years, as her Cultivation Base reached the Transcending Tribulation Realm, she became the first of the four emperors, which can be said to be respected by the world.

I have never been so angry as today and wanted to kill someone.

This damn junior first treated her with frivolous words, and now ruined her major affairs. He really stirred up her murderous intention that had been sealed for ten years.

The imperial aura gushed out from Karen Ji's body, like a queen dominating the world.

A series of phantoms of dragons and phoenixes condensed out.

The golden dragon roars, the God Chewing Hall.

Sweeping towards Yang Chen.

To tear him to pieces.

Yang Chen waved the bloody sword in his hand, and the sword light turned into streaks.

As the blood river surged, even though the Golden Dragon, God and Phoenix were so powerful, they were still strangled one by one by the Death Sword intent in the blood river, and cut into nothingness.

The two fought dozens of rounds over the valley.

Karen Ji's face became colder and colder.

Originally, she thought Yang Chen, a junior, could only resist her.

But after dozens of rounds of fighting, she fought with all her strength, and with the blessing of various Supernatural Power techniques that could only be used by Indistinguishable Dao Power, this junior didn't show any signs of defeat, and instead became more courageous as he fought.

The Sword intent of the Nine Sword Realm, combined with the blood sword in his hand, seems to be able to defeat all her attacks.

The Sword intent produced by Yang Chen's Insight formed a strange resonance with the blood sword.

Sword intent can stimulate the True Immortal power contained in the bleeding sword, and the blood sword can condense Yang Chen's Sword intent.

With the combination of the two, Erhe seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Although Karen Ji was in the Void Refining Ninth Stage and had displayed a variety of terrifying Supernatural Powers, he was still able to resolve them one by one.

At this time.

Karen Ji suddenly formed seals with her hands, and a wave of immortal power enveloped the valley.

She wanted to mobilize the power of her soul again to forcefully kill Yang Chen.

Yes, there was a loud thunder in the sky and Shun Jian gave up.

The world here does not allow the power above the Void Refining realm to set foot in it.

The power of her soul is revealed again, which will inevitably lead to thunder and disaster in the world here.

When the time comes, let alone kill the damn junior in front of you, it will be good if you can preserve your soul.

“Damn it!”

Karen Ji gritted her silver teeth.

I hate it so much in my heart.

She is the queen of destiny, but she can't do anything to a junior in the Second Stage of the Void Refining Realm.

Looking at Yan Hou above the magma lake in the distance, two blood pillars condensed with True Immortal blood were being continuously injected into her body.

At this rate, it won't take long for the True Immortal blood in the valley to be absorbed by Queen Yan.

"No, I must get them all!"

"Not only will I use this to survive the final calamity and become True Immortal, Xiaofan will also need to rely on the blood of True Immortal to transform his physique into Returned to Origin!"

Karen Ji looked at Yang Chen again, with a flash of ruthlessness and determination.

Then, he struck out at Yang Chen again, taking advantage of the opportunity for Yang Chen to block with his sword, and suddenly stepped forward.

A loud phoenix cry resounded.

Karen Ji turned into a phoenix bathed in fire and rushed straight towards Yang Chen.

This is a physical attack Supernatural Power that she has practiced.

You can burn the phoenix blood in your body, just like the demon clan, to carry out physical attacks.

The owner of this body is her direct disciple, and the body contains pure phoenix blood.

She cultivated to the Void Refining Seventh Stage Realm two thousand years ago, and she is also a celestial daughter at the level of a grid saint.

However, after using this Supernatural Power, the phoenix blood in her disciple's body is destined to become thinner, and it will be difficult for her to achieve success in the future.

Although it is a pity, it can only be sacrificed.

However, when Karen Ji's transformed Fire Phoenix arrived in front of Yang Chen and was about to hit him, he suddenly felt a playful smile appear on the corner of Yang Kang's mouth.

Then, Yang Chen's body was knocked out by her.

However, a large silver seal suddenly fell from above her head.

The power of space flows, forming a weight space prison around her.

Karen Ji sensed something was wrong and tried her best to fly out of this area, but she had no time to break the space barriers layer after layer.

She could only watch helplessly as the silver seal pressed down on her.


Seeing this scene, Yang Chen's lips curled up with a hint of pride.

Although he took a hard blow from Karen Ji, with his physique, this injury was not a problem at all.

The key is to suppress Karen Ji, the destiny emperor!

Ps: The name of Son of Destiny has been changed. Zhou Chen was changed to Zhou Fan. Because the pronunciations of Chen and Chen are close, I ignored it before. Please forgive me, thank you and apologize!!!

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