Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

265: True Immortal Blood! You Don’T Want Your Child To Be Born Without A Father, Right? (Please Subs

The words of the phoenix-robed woman made Empress Yan look startled.

In my mind, I couldn't help but think of the scene in the cave.

She was indeed forced.

However, as time passes, things will change.

Yang Chen, whom she once hated so much, has become the brother Chen that she longs for.

But if her former friend guessed it, Empress Yan would naturally not admit it.

"Huh, let's go in and chase me?"

"Can't I just enjoy the love between my son and my daughter?"


When the woman in phoenix robe heard this, she immediately smiled.

"If you, Queen Yan, are willing to enjoy the love of a man and a woman, I think this little guy must have something special!"

"But this is also a good thing. You have always been obsessed with revenge and have a defective state of mind. Even if you take the last step, it will be difficult to survive the three tribulations of immortality!"

"Now that I have relived my life, I have a new beginning!"

"As a former friend, I wish you the best!"

As she said that, the phoenix-robed woman looked at Yang Chen in the valley.

"Void Refining First Stage Realm can Insight Sword Domain!"

"Moreover, he also succeeded in Insight!"

"My talent in swordsmanship is simply terrifying!"

Hearing the praise from her former friend, Empress Yan couldn't help but raise her red lips slightly, feeling a bit proud.

The man she fell in love with was certainly not an ordinary person.

Moreover, Brother Chen's talent is not just in swordsmanship.

What is truly terrifying to him is his body.

However, it was naturally impossible for her to say these words to a friend she had not seen for more than a thousand years.

"Why do you, the majestic Empress of Destiny, the head of the four emperors and the powerful being in Zhongzhou, insist on entering the Fallen Immortal secret realm and competing for opportunities with a group of juniors?"

Queen Yan asked at this time.

"The opportunities in the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal are left behind by the ancient True Immortal. Even the True Immortal in the same realm would be greedy for it, let alone me!"

"The reason why I, the Emperor, did not hesitate to use the Destiny Stone to cover up the Celestial Secrets and come in this time is because I want to seek a chance to survive the final calamity!"

"But now, haha, I found it!"

The phoenix-robed woman said lightly, looking towards the valley.

In the valley, with Yang Chen's Insight Sword intent, the Sword Domain covering the valley has begun to fade, and the scenery inside is also faintly visible.

It was a magma world.

Magma flows in the valley like a river.

However, from above the valley, these magma rivers appear faintly like blood vessels in the human body.

Where the magma rivers converge, there is a magma lake.

A blood-red giant sword was inserted into the lake, suppressing all the hot breath of the magma river.

The Sword Domain that enveloped the valley also emanated from this blood-red giant sword.

However, at this moment, as the Sword Domain faded, a scorching heat that burned the world began to sweep out of the valley.

"What pure True Immortal blood!"

"Guren, no wonder you found this place!"

"It seems that the True Immortal who died here was the ancestor of your Tan clan!"

"With Sword Domain's suppression, although Ten Thousand Years have passed, the blood of True Immortal has still not been diluted and dissipated!"

"Yes, yes, what I need most now is the blood of True Immortal. With this, I can survive the last catastrophe and become True Immortal!"

"Thank you for me and your little lover. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be able to break through the Sword Domain here!"

After Yan Hou heard this, he immediately distanced himself from her and said with a vigilant face:

"Karen Ji, what do you mean?"

"This opportunity comes from me, and also from the ancestors of my Yan clan. You should know how important it is to me!"

"Guren, let me make Transcend Tribulation True Immortal. I can help you avenge your great revenge!"

"Your current Cultivation Base is only the Void Refining Third Stage. Even if you get the opportunity here, when will it be possible to reach the Transcending Tribulation Realm?"

"Revenge is far away. That old man Yan Huo's lifespan is almost exhausted. If he dies, you won't be able to enjoy the pleasure of killing your enemy with your own hands!"

After hearing this, Yan Hou directly refused:

"I don't need it!"

"No, you need it, and you are too weak now. If it weren't for the sake of past friendship, you would not be qualified to bargain with me for 5.0!"

"Besides, you don't want your lover to die and the baby in your belly to be born without a father, right?"

"You, Damn it!"

Yan Hou's heart suddenly burst into anger...

Sure enough, everyone in this world is selfish.

Even if they are good friends in the past, life and death acquaintances.

In front of the True Immortal inheritance, he will turn against him instantly.

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