Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

263: Above The Nine Swords, Sword Domain! All My Life! (Please Subscribe)

According to ancient records, the two traveled thousands of miles and came to a valley.

The valley is long and narrow, about a hundred miles long.

Seen from above, it appears very suddenly on the ground, like a sword slashing out.

Yang Chen felt an extremely strong Sword intent above the valley.

Even now he has reached the Kenpachi Realm in the way of swordsmanship.

But in the Sword intent of the valley, I still felt a sense of danger.

Ten Thousand Years have passed, and there is still such a Sword intent. One can imagine the level of strength of the person who took action in the first place.

I'm afraid they are not ordinary True Immortals.

"Sword intent is so strong, no wonder our ancestors stopped here!"

"But the same is true for our ancestors. He left behind ancient pictures, but it doesn't mean that such a powerful Sword intent is preserved here!"

Empress Yan frowned.

She also fought against many kendo powers in her previous life.

But such a fierce Sword intent was the only one she had ever seen in her life.

Just standing on the edge of the valley, it felt like a gleam on the back, as if he was among thousands of swords and could be cut into ashes at any time.

"Could it be that this is the Sword Domain?"

Yanhou felt 060 for a moment and murmured in a low voice.

This time entering the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal, she is an extremely special existence.

The secret realm of the Fallen Immortal only allows Void Refining cultivators who are less than two thousand years old to enter.

Although she is well over two thousand years old, a ray of remnant soul has been nourished by Thousand Years, and she has used body shaping pills to reshape her body. Starting to practice again from the Qi Refining realm is equivalent to resurrecting her life.

That’s why you can enter the Fallen Immortal secret realm.

However, although Cultivation Base is in the Void Refining state, she has the insight of the Indistinguishable Dao Peak Realm.

"Sword Domain?"

Hearing her muttering, Yang Chen couldn't help but raise his brows.

Yanhou immediately explained:

"The Ninth Stage Realm of Swordsmanship is the way to improve swordsmanship from weak to strong. The Nineth Stage of Swordsmanship is the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the Kunlun Realm of Ten Thousand Years. Swordsmen who have reached this level are all without exception. The reputation is astonishing!"

"But few people know that in the realm of Jianjiu, (bjbc) there is a Realm!"

"The Yan Clan is an ancient tribe that has existed since ancient times. There are many ancient secrets recorded in the tribe. I once read in an ancient book that when the Sword Nine realm is reached to the extreme, the Sword Domain can be condensed!"

"In the Sword Domain, there is a world of swords. In all directions, everything in the world is a sword!"

"Very similar to the Sword intent covering the valley here!"

Empress Yan said, taking out a high-grade spiritual weapon and throwing it into the valley in front of her.

Before the spiritual weapon could fall, it was cut into ashes by invisible sword intents.

"Brother Chen, let's forget it!"

"This Sword intent is too strong and has exceeded the limit that the cultivator in the Void Refining realm can handle!"

"If you rush in rashly, I'm afraid you'll die!"

Empress Yan said helplessly, her heart full of regrets.

At the edge of the valley, she could already feel a trace of Bloodline's throbbing.

Buried in the valley are indeed the ancestors of their Tan clan.

This is a surprise for her.

However, this valley is covered by Sword Domain.

Not to mention the Void Refining cultivator, even if the Indistinguishable Dao realm sword cultivator comes, it will be difficult to get through.

"Above the Nine of Swords?"

"Sword Domain?"

Yang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

This was the first time he had heard of this.

His swordsmanship has reached the level of the Kenpachi Realm, and his feelings are different from those of Empress Yan. He can feel the sharp sword intent in the valley more clearly.

This Sword intent indeed transcends the level of Sword Nine.

Because Chunyang Venerable has reached the realm of Sword Nine, but with his swordsmanship, he cannot compete with the ancient Sword intent in the valley in front of him.

What's more, the ancient Sword intent in the valley has been around for a hundred Ten Thousand Years.

However, Yang Chen did not intend to leave.

The ancient Sword intent in the valley is a rare opportunity for him.

"Yan'er, please wait for me for a few days. I want to understand the Sword intent here!"

"Although this Sword intent is strong, it has been a hundred Ten Thousand Years since. As long as you understand the Sword intent and form a resonance with it, you can get through it!"

"At that time, you can also look for the inheritance of the ancestors of the Yan clan!"

"Perceive the Sword intent?"

Empress Yan frowned slightly.

In my heart, I felt that Yang Chen was a little whimsical.

The Sword intent retained by a True Immortal is so easy to comprehend.

Even if a person with extraordinary talent can realize the Sword intent, it will take decades at least.

The secret realm of the Fallen Immortal only lasts for about two years once it is opened. If you can't leave in time, you will have to stay here and die alone for the rest of your life.

"Brother Chen!"

Empress Yan was about to dissuade Yang Chen, but he had already sat down in Lotus Position, his eyes were closed tightly, and Sword intent was lingering around him, and he began to comprehend.


Empress Yan was a little helpless, but she still stood aside to protect Yang Chen.

I can't help but think in my heart.

If you are really trapped in the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal, it may be a blessing.

Although the Meteor Immortal secret realm is only opened once in Ten Thousand Years, as long as you are trapped in it, you will never be able to return to Zhongzhou in this life.

However, that would also keep us away from the grudges and grudges in Zhongzhou.

She can stay with Brother Chen here for the rest of her life.

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