Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

260: I Miss You Too! Deep Feelings Require Original Communication! (Please Subscribe)

Feeling the tenderness in his arms and the smooth elasticity on his palms, Yang Chen couldn't help but exert a little force on his arms, hugging Yan Hou tighter.

Yan Hou's figure is slightly different from Yu Yourong's, not as plump and proud as hers.

However, she is weak and boneless, and everything is just right.

Moreover, the charm and enchantment exuded by Yan Hou is completely different from the inviolable image of Yongrong.


Yanhou's delicate body trembled slightly.

However, even if there is no.

After all, I just ridiculed this bastard for a while, and most of his anger was gone.

Moreover, the relationship between the two people even has children, so a hug is nothing.

"Our children can't just be low-grade Sacred Body!"

"Nine Eight Three" "I have a way to upgrade him to Bloodline, so you don't have to worry!"

"This is our first child, and it is also the fate between us. For me, it is extraordinary. I must give her the best!"

Yang Chen gently stroked Yanhou's lower abdomen with his palm, lowered his head and spoke in her ear.

The gentle tone of voice, the kind care, and the warmth made Yan Hou's ears and neck feel a blush.

"You, you really have a way to improve your child's Bloodline?"

Empress Yan suppressed the shyness in her heart and asked in a low voice.


Yang Chen nodded confidently.

After holding Yan Hou, she felt her peerless tenderness, then she let go and took out a drop of Blood Essence from the heart.

The golden Blood Essence emits a dazzling golden light, like a sun, with dragon roars in between.

The surrounding temperature rose sharply in an instant.

"What a rich energy of the sun!"

Yan Hou's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

She is no stranger to the dragon's roar in Yang Chen's Blood Essence.

Last time, a drop of dragon's blood was fused, which gave the fetus Bloodline a fundamental enhancement.

However, although this guy is fused with strange fire, with the level of Qinglian Tianyan, it is impossible for him to emit such a strong energy of the sun.

Yan Hou took the drop of Blood Essence from Yang Chen's fingertips, immersed himself in it, and felt it carefully.

Suddenly, Mei's eyes widened.

"This is divine breath!?"

"Yang Chen, are you a god?"

Yan Hou exclaimed.

She didn't expect that Yang Chen's Blood Essence would have such a strong divine aura.

No wonder just a drop of Blood Essence can emit such strong solar energy.

Empress Yan recognized the divine aura in Blood Essence, and Yang Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because even Zhan Qiuyun, who stepped into the Cultivation Base of Indistinguishable Dao, had never recognized this divine aura.

Only the old woman Yu Yourong recognized that his body was a divine body through a drop of Blood Essence.

It seems that Yan Hou’s previous Cultivation Base was extraordinary.

"Not long after we left in the ancient ice and snow city, I awakened to my own physique!"

"You should have seen that vision coming from the sky, right?"

Hearing Yang Chen's words, Empress Yan's eyes flashed with a flash of memories.

Then he shook his head.

"No, let's, after that, I will leave directly!"

Yan Hou said, a hint of shyness flashed in her eyes.

In the small courtyard of the ancient ice and snow city, the two of them revisited their old place for two full hours.

She barely broke away from Yang Chen at that time, fearing that he would continue, so she fled the ancient ice and snow city.

Where did I see the subsequent vision?

"I see!"

Yang Chen couldn't help but smile casually, his eyes a bit playful.

There was no pause for two hours, and it seemed that the Queen of Flames at that time was really beaten.

But I really felt that at that time, instead of thinking about Empress Yan, I had to think about the child in her belly.

"This drop of my Blood Essence contains the power of Bloodline and divine aura. This girl herself is my Bloodline and can be directly fused!"

"As long as you blend this drop of Blood Essence into this girl's life breath, you should be able to upgrade her physique to the level of the King Sacred Body!"

After hearing Yang Chen's words, Empress Yan nodded...

"it should be OK!"

"Yang Chen, thank you!"

"Tell me thank you!?"

Yang Chen couldn't help but scold her softly.

"Although this girl is in your belly, she is not only your child, but also my daughter!"

"Promoting her to Bloodline is what I, a father, should do!"

"Besides, I feel very guilty after not seeing you for such a long time!"

"I occasionally dream, and I often think of you!"

Yang Chen said affectionately.

Yan Hou couldn't help but feel touched in his eyes.

At this time, Yang Chen stretched out his arms and hugged Hou into his arms again.

This time, it was not hugging her from behind, but hugging her from the front.

Empress Yan did not resist, letting her delicate body cling to Yang Chen's body, and did not stop Yang Chen's hands from causing trouble on her back and waist.

His cheek was pressed against Yang Chen's shoulder, his expression was a little hesitant at first, but finally he seemed to have made up his mind and murmured softly:

"I miss you as well!"

Yan Hou’s short 0.7 sentence contains a huge amount of information.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help but evoke a hint of conspiracy success.

Sure enough, the ancients did not deceive me.

Children are not only a bridge of communication between parents, but also a catalyst for deepening their relationship.

"Let's go over there!"

Yang Chen glanced around and saw a cave on a mountain peak in the distance.

He directly pulled Yan Hou and flew over.

The emotional rendering is already in place.

However, deep feelings also require the most primitive way to communicate.

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