Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

258: Enter The Fallen Immortal Secret Realm! Goodbye Old Friend, Empress Yan! (Please Subscribe)

Yang Chen and Yu Yourong walked out of the back hall and came to the front hall.

The Great Hall is empty, and dozens of Void Refining cultivators are gone.

2 Elder Yu Qingkong stepped forward and said:

"Saint Lord, because the Holy Son has not come out yet, I have asked them to go to the secret realm of the Fallen Immortal first!"

"All the major forces have entered it three days ago. Without further delay, the Holy Son should go there as soon as possible!"

"By the way, Holy Son, take this ordinary jade. The other half is in Yuxuan's hand. With this piece of bright jade, you can sense Yuxuan's position and enter the Meteor Immortal's secret realm to find her!"

"Okay, thank you very much!"

Yang Chen said and took the Yujue.

"Holy Son, Yuxuan is also your fiancée. I will ask you to take care of her more this time!"

2 Elder asked at this time.

After all, she was his own daughter, so he was still a little worried.

"Second Elder, don't worry!"

Yang Chen was just about to say a few words of courtesy when Ya Yourong on the side said a little impatiently:

"Stop talking nonsense 200, let's go quickly!"

After Yu Yourong said that, he directly pulled Yang Chen and left Daotian Palace.

Under the clouds and mist, her face was somewhat rosy and shy.

As an aunt, she dual cultivated with her niece's fiancé Yuanshen for five whole days.

Thinking about it, I feel really shy.


The Fallen Immortal secret realm is located at the northernmost tip of Zhongzhou.

This place is also a world of ice and snow.

The ice attribute Spiritual between heaven and earth is much richer than that of the ancient ice and snow city.

As soon as Yang Chen left the Heavenly Palace, he felt a chill coming over him.

What comes into view are four snow-capped mountains that are over ten thousand feet high and look like sacrificial tripods.

In the center of the top of the four snow-capped mountains, there is an ancient stone gate suspended, exuding strong spatial fluctuations, as if it is connected to another world.

Yang Chen's current spatial attainments are quite high, and he thinks he can also arrange a teleportation formation to teleport hundreds of thousands of miles away.

However, when he wanted to identify and analyze the mysterious rune on the space stone door, he only felt a trance and the power of his soul was rapidly draining away.

"Don't parse those runes!"

"The ancient sage who can create a world to bury all the immortals must also be a True Immortal-level space cultivator!"

"In the past few decades, many cultivators who practice the way of space have tried to analyze the runes on this stone gate, but they have found nothing. Instead, their souls have been damaged!"

Yu Yourong reminded in a deep voice.

Yang Chen suddenly came back to his senses and moved his mind away from those mysterious runse.

However, as he approached the stone gate suspended in the middle of the four snow-capped mountains, the ripples in the space became more intense.

But in Yang Chen's body, the green World Tree seed shines brighter.

Obviously, the quality of the space energy emitted by this stone gate is stronger than that of the Space Seal.

In other words, this stone gate is a space sacred artifact that is much more powerful than the Space Seal.

The stone door you enter has this level. It seems that there are indeed many good things in this secret realm.

Following Yu Yourong, he flew to the stone gate.

At this moment, in front of the stone gate, a woman in a red dress was preparing to step into it.

Seeing Yang Chen, his expression changed slightly.

The body that was originally about to step into it also deliberately took a step slower, just in time for Yang Chen to catch up.

"Thank you fairy!"

Yang Chen slightly cupped his hands and thanked him.

Because just now Yu Yourong gave him a detailed introduction to this stone gate.

Every time (bfej) the space channel is opened, it needs to wait for half a quarter of an hour before it can be opened again.

The slow step of the woman in the red dress saved him half an hour.

The space fluctuated, and the figures of Yang Chen and the woman in red skirt disappeared into the stone door.

Opening his eyes again, what appeared in front of Yang Chen's eyes was a devastated world.

On the ground, there are deep ravines, like canyons.

But in fact, there was a powerful cultivator sword slashing out, because the ravine was filled with all kinds of amazing auras.

In some deep pits, as if directly underground, there is magma flowing continuously.

Mountain peaks were cut off in the middle, and the cut points were as smooth as mirrors. Sword Qi lingered on them, and not a single blade of grass grew on them.

The Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth in the whole world is filled with violence, and all kinds of murderous auras are contained in it, which will not dissipate for a long time.

"The Immortal Secret Realm is more like an ancient battlefield, but a large number of ancient True Immortals fell here!"

"The younger cultivators will get an opportunity if they enter it!"

At this time, there was a sound, and Yang Chen couldn't help but look back.

The woman in the red dress who came in with him was looking at him blankly.

Each teleportation through the Space Gate will teleport the teleporter to an area.

Therefore, Yang Chen was not surprised when the woman in red dress appeared behind him.

However, he always felt that the woman in the red dress was somewhat familiar.

"Fairy, have we met before?"

Yang Chen asked tentatively.

However, as soon as these words came out, the woman in the red dress had a hint of sarcasm on her lips.

"Why, you don't recognize me?"

"That's right, the majestic Holy Son of Heaven is surrounded by many fairies, so it's easy to forget some old friends!"

The woman in the red dress made some sarcastic remarks when she came up, and Yang Chen couldn't help but get a little angry.

Directly run the Shenlong Golden Eyes to see who she is.

The golden divine light shot out from his eyes.

The woman in the red dress seemed to know about his Supernatural Power ability, and she stepped aside to avoid the golden divine light.

Then, red flames flowed from his body.

The originally ordinary face and figure became alluringly beautiful, graceful and graceful.

There is a charming temperament all over her body.

Like a peerless enchantress who can charm the world.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Yang Chen's eyes couldn't help but froze.

"Queen Yan?"

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