Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

254: Your Aunt Is Not In The Mood To See You! If You Dare To Reveal Even Half A Word! (Please Subscr

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Yang Chen couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

Mountains and ravines are crisscrossed.

But there are some trees and grass missing, which makes it a bit monotonous.

This point also made Yang Chen a little confused.

Yu Yourong is over four thousand years old.

how come?

However, before he could think about it, Ya Yourong reacted.

A white palace dress directly wraps her plump and delicate body.

Then, a condensed handprint of True Qi slapped Yang Chen on the cheek.

The space fluctuated, and the intestines moved directly and horizontally by more than ten degrees.

Where he was standing just now, the white jade platform with the mysterious formation engraved on it was directly smashed to pieces by Yu Yourong with one palm.

The whole Great Hall shook violently.


Yang Chen cursed secretly in his heart.

This old woman, this is a deadly move.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly. If he was hit by this palm, he would be seriously injured even if he was not dead.

Yang Chen looked at Yu Yourong, who had a gloomy face, and shouted quickly:

"Saint Lord, what are you doing?"

"This matter has nothing to do with the disciples from beginning to end!"

"As a Saint Lord senior, even if your Cultivation Base is high, you cannot spread your anger on your disciples at will!"

"Besides, all this was too sudden, and the disciple didn't mean to see it!"

"Shut up!"

Yu Yourong's voice was gloomy and mixed with deep embarrassment.

Thinking of the scene just now, she became murderous.

If this bastard thing didn't have some effect, she really wanted to erase him directly.

She was the Saint Lord with a graceful appearance, and soon she was going to Transcend Tribulation to become the Supreme Being of True Immortal, but she was actually seen through by a junior, Yang Chen.

Damn it.

"Hurry up and put your clothes on!"

Yu Yourong suppressed the murderous intention in her heart and shouted coldly.

Yang Chen took out a white shirt and put it on.

At this time.

The voice of the Second Elder came from the entrance to the apse:

"Saint Lord, what happened?"

"It's okay, I'm here to guide Xinzi in his practice!"

Yu Yourong tried to keep her voice calm.

Then, Yu Zun’s voice came from the entrance of the space:

"Aunt, please Huangchuan!"

Yu Yourong said in a very impatient voice:

"I don't have time to see you, so I need to reflect on myself!"

After saying that, Yu Yourong simply flicked his finger to seal the entrance to the space where sound could be transmitted.

Seeing this, Yang Chen couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

Zun'er, Zun'er, your aunt is not in the mood to see you now.

After all, we had just been honest with each other.


"Yang Chen, why are you laughing?"

"I would like to ask you, if the fusion of light and flame will cause a violent explosion, "Did you know in advance?"

"Is this all your plan?"

Yu Yourong took a step forward and stood directly in front of Yang Chen.

Although there is a delicate fragrance that hits your nostrils, you can't hide the coldness emanating from your body.

Yang Chen suddenly said helplessly:

"Saint Lord, is this the image of a disciple in your heart?"

"The reason why the explosion occurred just now is probably because the two energies are not equal, and you have not refined the Glazed Sacred Heart Flame, which is not your original fire, so it is extremely repellent.


…Please give me flowers…

"The reason why the disciple is successful is that the flame is the fire of the physical body, and the light and divine brilliance is the soul fused with the Innate light source, and the energy of the two is relatively balanced!"

After hearing Yang Chen's explanation, Yu Yourong's eyes flickered, as if she was deep in thought.

Finally, he snorted coldly.

Obviously he agreed with Yang Chen's statement.

The glazed sacred heart flame appeared again in the palm of his hand.

Like the flame of colored glaze, it exudes elegance and holiness, which is in line with her temperament.



Because her current body is a piece of Taiyin Divine Jade, which is in conflict with the strange fire.

If the Glazed Sacred Heart Flame cannot be refined, then the control of the strange fire will always remain on the surface.

She was destined to be unable to control Yang Chen's destructive energy.

“Damn it!”

Yu Yourong directly dispersed the flames in her palms, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

I was originally planning to control the destructive energy and improve my own strength.

As a result, even though he couldn't control it, he was even looked at by this bitch Yang Chen.

Especially the surprise that flashed in this bastard's eyes at that time.

He must have noticed something special about her.

Thinking of this, Yu Yourong's fair cheeks couldn't help but turn a little rosy.

Silver teeth clenched and she warned in a low voice:

"Yang Chen, if you dare to reveal even a word about what happened today, I will kill you even if I don't want to innate the source of light!"

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