Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

239: Transform Into A Big World? Is Master Aunt Jealous Of Saint Lord? (Please Subscribe)


"World Tree Seed?"

Yang Chen was a little surprised.

"System, what are the uses of World Tree seeds?~"

[Ding, host, after the World Tree seeds grow, they can transform into a big world! -]

"Transform into a big world?"

Yang Chen was immediately shocked.

During this time, he also read a lot of ancient books on Youyue Peak and knew what the big world represented.

Kunlun world is a big world.

The land of Zhongzhou is the main continent of the Kunlun world.

The distance from north to south is eight million miles, and the distance from east to west is tens of millions of miles.

And remote small areas like the Northern Spiritual Territory are actually just some large and small islands in the endless ocean of the Kunlun Realm.

Counting endless seas and starry islands.

The vast world of Kunlun World is almost unimaginable.

And a World Tree seed can grow into a big world like Kunlun World?

In the palm of Yang Chen's hand, there was a green seed.

Although it is only the size of a peanut, it is as heavy as a mountain.

Yang Chen's current physical strength and power are so great that he can smash a mountain to pieces with the strength of his physical body alone.

But holding this world seed in the palm of my hand, there is a heavy feeling.

At this time, the green seed seemed to feel the Yukong Seal in his body, and green light circulated directly into his body and appeared next to the Yukong Seal.

The space ripples released by the Space Seal were all absorbed by the cyan seeds.

Moreover, as the cyan seeds absorb those space ripples, the cyan halo emitted becomes increasingly green.

At this moment, Yang Chen suddenly discovered that he seemed to have a better understanding of the power of space.


Yang Chen was suddenly a little surprised.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand.

The Seed of the World Tree can transform into a big world.

Absorbing the power of space is equivalent to its growth.

The birth of the prototype of a large world must be the process of space coming into being from scratch, or even the creation of the world.

In this way, if the World Tree seeds are undergoing this process in their bodies, it is normal for them to gain some insights into the way of space.

At this time.

Yang Chen noticed the violent aura fluctuations outside the light and divine brilliance, and immediately withdrew his mind from the body, dispersing the light and divine brilliance.

"Xiaochen, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Dong is dead?"

Zhan Qiuyun asked with a frown.

Yang Chen nodded and said sadly:

"My nephew has used the light and divine radiance to purify him!"

"Senior Sister, you can feel his aura, it has completely disappeared!"

"It's a pity that before my nephew and Xi'er's child was born, his uncle died. Alas!"

Cut ", qiu!"

Zhan Qiuyun curled her lips.

"I haven't told you yet. We have only known Chu Xi for less than a year, and a child is about to be born!"

"Now that you have reached the Void Refining state, you should concentrate on your cultivation, comprehend the Dao, and strive to set foot on the Indistinguishable Dao as soon as possible. Wouldn't having a child distract you from your energy?"

…Please give me flowers…

"By the way, what happened to that power of light just now?"

"You have only been in Daotian Holy Land for a year. How can you cultivate that level of light and brilliance?"

"Is it related to Yu Yourong?"

Hearing Zhan Qiuyun emphatically say the three words "Yu Yourong", Yang Chen couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

This saves him the trouble of looking for reasons.

"It is indeed related to Saint Lord!"


"Saint Lord used the secret technique of the Jade Clan to transmit part of the source of the light and divine radiance he cultivated to his nephew, so that my nephew can display such a powerful light and divine radiance!"

"Humph, I knew this was the case!"

Zhan Qiuyun snorted softly, with an expression that was indeed true.

Then he said in a deep voice:

"Xiao Chen, the reason why Yu Yourong treats you like this is just to take advantage of the opportunity to win over you and make you work for their Jade Clan in the future!"

"As you said before, she wants to betroth Yuxuan to you as the Jade Clan Enhancement Bloodline!"

"You'd better keep your distance from her in the future and don't let her take advantage of you!"

Seeing Zhan Qiuyun speaking ill of Yu Yourong with a serious face, Yang Chen couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

Walked to her side and whispered:

"Sister Aunt, are you jealous of Master Xin?"

Ps: It’s not easy to launch a new book, so I ask for your support from readers!

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