Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

234: My Belly Is So Big! Watch A Good Show Before You Die! (Seeking Subscription)

ps: The previous chapter has been slightly modified, please forgive me, thank you!

"It's been half a year, and I've absorbed almost all of the remaining corpses in the Valley of the Fall!"

"It's time to leave Daotian Holy Land!"

"Now my Taotie Demonic Body has reached Great Completion, reaching a level that is not inferior to that of a divine body. It is more than twice as powerful as the previous Pure Yang Sacred Body!"

"As long as you give me Hundred Years, then it will be easy for me to kill Yang Chen!"

"Even Zhan Qiuyun, a bitch, I can suppress and ravage her!"

Xiao Dong's eyes were sinister and ferocious.

Looking at Yang Chen's courtyard in the distance, he should have left immediately, and from now on, the sky will be high and the sea will be brighter.

However, when he thought that his sister was pregnant with that bastard Yang Chen's child, even though her face was overflowing with happiness, he felt a burst of jealousy in his heart.

"No, I must get rid of that bastard Yang Chen before he comes back!"

"Fuck couple, aren't you in love and happy? I just want you to watch your child stillborn!"

Because of the experience of being peeped by Zhan Qiuyun last time, Yang Chen had already arranged a layer of soul barrier to block the peeping power of the soul.

Of course, just by blocking the power of the soul, the scene in the small courtyard can still be seen outside.

This is also the reason why Xiao Dong didn't notice Yang Chen's return.

Xiao Dong walked to the door of the small courtyard and stepped into the bottle.

At this moment, he, the Great Completion of the Taotie demon body, was running the Taotie Devouring Heaven Technique, as if he was integrated with the darkness, and his breath did not leak out at all.

He is confident that even the Void Refining cultivator cannot detect his existence.

After getting rid of the evil seed in Chu Xi's belly, he immediately left Daotian Holy Land, and from then on, the sky was high and the sea was wide.

Possessing the Taotie Demonic Body and the Taotie Heaven-Swallowing Technique, he can absorb everything for his own use.

In the past six months, I just absorbed the essence from the corpse and focused on shaping the Taotie Demonic Body.

But even so, his Realm has been promoted to the God Transformation Realm world.

Now that the Taotie Demonic Body has been formed, from now on, he will try his best to improve his Cultivation Base.

Within a hundred years, the entire Zhongzhou will tremble under his feet.

When the time comes, he will tear into pieces the moon robe of that old bitch Zhan Qiuyun.

Xiao Dong thought sadly in his heart.

But when he entered the courtyard with one foot.

But his eyes suddenly froze.

Under the moonlight, Yang Chen's back made him panic.

But then, when he saw the painful expression on Chu Xi's face, his face instantly turned ferocious.

The couple of bitches, actually, were living in the courtyard again.

Chu Xi, you bitch, bitch.

Xiao Dong clenched his fists tightly at this time, and veins popped out on his forehead.

He really wanted to punch them directly and wipe out all the dogs and men.

However, he knew that his current strength was not a match for that bastard Yang Chen.

However, I feel really angry.

That bitch Chu Xi was gesticulating in front of her and preaching at every turn.

In front of Yang Chen, he was so humble and flattering.

The belly is already so big, give it back to him.


Xiao Dong growled in his heart.

[Ding, the host was talking to Chu Xi Yue Xia Jiao, Xiao Dong witnessed it, his mood collapsed, he plundered 1000 points of Xiao Dong’s luck value, and the host obtained 1000 villain points! 】

…Please give me flowers…

The system sounds.

Yang Chen couldn't help but curl his lips slightly.

One thousand points of luck, although not much, is pretty good.

His wonderful performance was not in vain, and it was a good show for Junior Brother Xiao Dong to watch live.

Xiao Dong came over, he naturally knew it already.

Although Xiao Dong is no longer ordinary now, his aura can be perfectly hidden, as if blending into the darkness.

However, Devilish Qi's faint death aura had nowhere to hide in front of his soul that was fused with Innate's light source.

In fact, Yang Chen was also full of surprise.

Because only half a year has passed, Xiao Dong has reached the God Transformation Realm.

You know, half a year ago, outside that cave, Xiao Dong was just a Gold Core early stage.

This increase in speed makes him who owns the system ashamed.

Truly a son of destiny.

Yang Chen's original plan was to wait until Chu Xi gave birth to the child and let Xiao Dong experience the refreshing feeling of being an uncle before taking care of him.

Now it seems that the plan is moving forward.

It would be a long night and many dreams, so it would be better to reunite him with Yan'er Yun'er as soon as possible.

Moreover, my brother-in-law is quite interesting.

Before he died, he was asked to watch a good show.

Even Yan'er, Yun'er and Yu'er could only hear his voice but not see him.

Brother Dong, you are the first to receive this kind of treatment.


Ps: It’s not easy to launch a new book, so I ask for your support from readers!

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