Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

228: Dual Cultivation Of Yuan Shen? What Is Your Preferred Position? (Seeking Subscription)

"Yuanshen dual cultivation?"

Hearing this, Yu Yourong couldn't help but frown.

The scene of dual cultivation of the two souls when they were trapped by Shicai Poria in Yang Chen's Soul Palace came to mind.

Think of the numbness that goes straight into the depths of your soul.

Yu Yourong couldn't help but blush slightly.

The last time she got 10% of Innate's source of light, it was precisely because the souls were so close to each other that it was transmitted into her soul through the medium of Yang Chen's soul.

But it was precisely because of the close contact between the souls and the transmission of Innate's light source that the two souls had dual cultivation.

If it were to happen again.

It is really possible that dual cultivation of the soul will happen again.

“Damn it!”

Yu Yourong cursed inwardly.

This point was ignored before.

But if she just gave up like this, how could she be willing to do so?

That is the light source of Innate.

Just less than 10%, he has undergone earth-shaking changes.

If you get half.

It is simply unimaginable after 523.

"Saint Lord, it seems that you have a hard time making a decision!"

"Why don't you give the Yukong Seal to the disciple first, and then think about it slowly!"

"Actually, the disciples are also very resistant. After all, dual cultivation of the soul may lead to the exchange of memories!"

"What you saw last time were all the disciple's private matters, and the disciple suffered a great loss!"

Yang Chen said helplessly.

Upon hearing his words, Yu Yourong immediately shouted coldly:

"Shut up you!"

"The secret techniques used by our Jade clan to exert the power of light are all secrets that have not been passed down to others. They were learned by you, a bastard. You got a small advantage and still acted like a good boy!"

"Besides, who can see your private things? It's dirty to my eyes!"

Yu Yourong said, making up her mind.

Innate the source of light, she must get it.

This is not only related to whether she can survive the three tribulations of becoming an immortal and become a True Immortal.

It is also related to the practice after True Immortal.

Only a big world can give birth to an Innate source of light. This rare treasure of heaven and earth can only be encountered but cannot be sought. Even the True Immortal will be extremely jealous and fight for it.

Anyway, I had dual cultivation with this bastard once before.

Will come again twice.

Although spiritual dual cultivation is more profound than physical intercourse.

But as long as a person who practices Taoism has a strong heart, he will not be afraid of anything.

Any dual cultivation is an illusion, like a dream, and it is difficult to shake one's heart.

"Yang Chen, I have made up my mind. I want the source of Innate light at that level now!"

"The main seat of Daotian Temple has been closed. No one can come in. Please come out!"

Yu Yourong said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Yang Chen was also a little surprised.

I didn't expect that this beautiful woman would covet Innate's light source so much.

I would rather get Yuanshen dual cultivation.

However, there is no problem in giving her 12% of Innate's light source.

However, if the primordial spirit comes out, it will not work.

"Saint Lord, you'd better enter the Disciple Soul Palace!"

"You don't trust me?"

Yang Chen smiled and didn't speak.

Trust, is there between them?

If the own soul (afdd) comes out and this old woman takes the opportunity to carve a mark, she will be in big trouble.

After all, only by taking advantage of the soul palace can he compete with her soul.


Yu Yourong snorted coldly, and then a jade-white light appeared directly and rushed into Yang Chen's eyebrows.

In the Soul Palace.

Yu Yourong's phoenix eyes stared at the white radiance emitted by Yang Chen's Yuanshen, her expression full of surprise.

"I didn't expect that in just half a year, you would have gained such insight into Innate's source of light!"

"I'm afraid you haven't used your full strength to fight against Zun'er!"

Although Yu Yourong's tone was calm, her heart was full of shock.

Although Yang Chen is a bastard, his talent is really terrible.

Over time, it is not difficult to surpass yourself.

It is indeed most appropriate to abandon the relationship with the Jade Clan and pass on the position of Holy Son to him.

After all, if he becomes the Saint Lord of Daotian in the future, he can also carry forward the Holy Land of Daotian.

However, as the leader of the Jade Clan, she must also consider the Jade Clan.

If this bastard wants to become the Holy Son, he must marry the Jade Clan, become the Jade Clan's son-in-law, and give birth to an heir.

"Saint Lord is awesome!"

"I'm just a little better than Senior Brother Yuzun!"

"It's pure luck to win!"

Yang Chen said with a smile.

He really didn't use his full strength.

For example, the fusion of the divine light and the divine flame of the sun will produce a more powerful destructive power.

If he used it in combination with the Sword intent of Kenpachi Realm, then Yu Zun would probably not be seriously injured, but simply dead.

But that would be pointless.

After all, he doesn't have a strong backer now, so it's better to have some hidden tricks.


Yu Yourong curled her lips.

Then he said:

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started!"

"What kind of posture do we want to stick together?"

Hearing this, Yang Chen couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly.

"Then it depends on what posture you like, Saint Lord?"

"Do you prefer your disciples to come from the front or from the back?"

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