Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

218: Void Refining Thunder Tribulation! She Can Also Be Regarded As Yang Chen's Aunt? (Seeking

time flies.

Six months passed in a blink of an eye.

During these six months, Yang Chen basically practiced in Closed Door Training.

Since he decided to participate in the Grand Competition of the Holy Son and win the position of the Holy Son, he must take advantage of this half a year to improve his real experience.

He asked Chu Xi to take out the sun core from the star pupil.

Use the sun star core to repeatedly temper and polish the physical body.

Although his physical body has been severely injured one after another, his physical body's Cultivation Base has also been promoted to the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage stage, which is only one step away from the Void Refining stage.

The Sea of ​​True Qi in the body has also reached the critical point of the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage.

With the re-injection of the sun's gas.


The breath on Yang Chen suddenly became disordered.

Then the Sea of ​​True Qi began to expand rapidly.


On Youyue Peak, a thunder suddenly exploded.

The originally cloudless sky was suddenly covered with black clouds.

The golden thunder shuttled among the black clouds, like a golden dragon swimming.

Thunder light loomed on Yang Chen's body, and he had been locked by Lei Jie.

"This lightning tribulation came quite quickly!"

Yang Chen rushed out of the wooden house and headed to the top of Youyue Peak.

The scope of the thunder tribulation in the Void Refining environment is extremely wide. If Transcend Tribulation is performed in the small courtyard, the entire surrounding living area of ​​Youyue Peak disciples will be destroyed by the thunder calamity.

Moreover, Chu Xi's belly has grown, and the child is now nearly seven months old.

It would be bad if Tianlei frightened his son.


On the top of Youyue Peak, a golden thunder suddenly struck down, like a golden pillar of thunder, piercing through the sky and the earth.

Moreover, the thunderbolts fell one after another, making the golden thunderbolt seem to be solid, lingering for a long time, lying between the sky and the earth.

At this moment, the entire sky was illuminated by golden thunder.

The Youyue Peak disciples who were cultivating felt the terrifying sky thunder on the peak, trembling in shock.

Zhan Qiuyun put on a moon robe and walked out of the wooden house.

Looking at the golden thunder pillar that is almost solidified, the jade face can't help but be full of dignity:

"This little bastard's Thunder Tribulation is so terrifying!"

"As expected of the Sun God Body!"

"Hmph, it's better to chop him to death, so as not to disturb my Dao heart!"

Zhan Qiuyun couldn't help but spit.

But the worry in the beautiful eyes cannot be concealed.

The figure flickered and came to the edge of the thunder calamity on the peak.

Although it is in the Holy Land, no one will mess around.

But just in case, she still released her own Indistinguishable Dao atmosphere, to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to interfere with Yang Chen's crossing.

Although the range of Thunder Tribulation is only at the top of Youyue Peak.

However, this golden thunder shocked many powerful cultivators in the entire Daotian Holy Land.

A series of ancient figures walked out of the cultivation Immortal Cave.

"What a powerful Thunder Tribulation!"

"Is this the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage breakthrough Void Refining?"

"I don't know, I thought my Daotian Holy Land would release another song Indistinguishable Dao Power!"

"The thunder robbery comes from Youyue Peak, is that the little guy named Yang Chen who obtained the Pure Yang Ancient Sword?"

"That kid was still at the Divine Transformation middle stage before, so he's about to step into the Void Refining realm so soon?"

"The Thunder Tribulation is so powerful, it can be seen that its Realm is solid and not in the slightest vain. Although this is a good thing, but can this kid resist this kind of Thunder Tribulation?"

In the Daotian Temple.

Yu Yourong opened her phoenix eyes, looking at the golden thunder pillar piercing the sky and the earth on the top of Youyue Peak in the distance, her beautiful eyes were also full of surprise.

But she wasn't worried about Yang Chen.

Because she knew that there were ten colorful Poria cocos in that bastard soul palace.

Helping him survive this thunder disaster is completely easy.

"Aunt, this Yang Chen looks really extraordinary!"

"Such a lightning calamity is stronger than Cousin Yuzun's when he broke through the Void Refining Realm!"

Looking at the golden thunder in the distance, Ya Xuan's eyes flashed with splendor.

Then, she said helplessly:

"Unfortunately, Auntie, you want to match the two of us to strengthen Bloodline for the Jade Clan, but this Junior Brother Yang (cjbc) doesn't seem to be interested in me!"


Yu Yourong was a little surprised.

Can't help but think of the scene of dual cultivation with Yang Chen Yuanshen.

In Yang Chen's memory, although she didn't get anything valuable.

For example, the kind of prison Supernatural Power he practiced, and he didn't see it.

However, he saw a lot of his imagination about himself, the Daotian Saint Lord.

What is tolerant is great, what a childlike face.

It can be said that this bastard is far more interested in her, the Saint Lord, than Yuxuan.

Even in his heart, he very much hoped that his Daotian Saint Lord would come and give birth to a powerful Jade Clan Bloodline with him.

"Xuan'er, the fact that my aunt arranged for you and Yang Chen to form a companion and give birth to an heir is somewhat absurd!"

"If you don't want to, don't force it, Auntie can arrange other women!"

"After all, there are countless beautiful women in our Jade Clan, so betrotting you to him is too cheap for him!"

Yu Yourong said slowly.

Although there is no possibility of being with that bastard Yang Chen.

But after all, I had dual cultivation with that bastard primordial spirit.

Even the primordial spirits of each other have some strange connections.

If Xuan'er forms a companion with him.

So how will she face this aunt in the future?

However, Yuxuan said uncharacteristically:

"Auntie, I think the more this is the case, the more I need to marry her personally!"

"Yang Chen broke through Void Refining, Lei Jie is so powerful, it shows that his Talent is stronger than his cousin Yu Zun!"

"If you don't win him over to our Jade Clan, then even if Cousin Yuzun becomes the Holy Son, will he be able to secure the position of the Holy Son?"

"Our Jade Clan now not only needs a strong Bloodline, but also needs the marriage of the world's most talented people!"

"My niece didn't understand my aunt at first, but since she was defeated by Zhan Lingshuang, she understands her helplessness more and more!"

"Now we, the Jade Clan, are no longer in the heyday of tens of thousands of years ago!"

Yuxuan said with a serious face.

He is determined to help his aunt revive the Jade Clan and share the pressure.

Yu Yourong couldn't help being a little confused.

This girl, before discussing this matter with her, she had a face of reluctance.

Now that she doesn't want her to marry Yang Chen and have children, she rushes to get together again.


You are going to marry that bastard Yang Chen and have a child.

Isn't this seat also considered his aunt?

This little bastard has a perverted preference for addressing some elders.

Thinking of this, Yu Yourong couldn't help but get goosebumps.

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