Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 200: Gluttonous Swallowing Skills! Is My Sister Pregnant? (Seeking Subscription)

Zhan Qiuyun's strength has reached the Indistinguishable Dao realm, and her grasp of the power of space is obviously stronger.

In just a moment, a space array was set up.

The rays of light lit up, and bursts of spatial fluctuations rippled.

Chu Xi looked at the cave behind her with complicated eyes.

She and Brother Chen spent a month of life here as a companion without shame or impetuosity.

Leaving suddenly, there is still a bit of reluctance.

And inside, there are a lot of long skirts that were torn to pieces by Brother Chen.

Everywhere in the cave, there are traces of her and Brother Chen.

Yang Chen noticed Chu Xi's expression, so he added a barrier at the entrance of the cave.

"Okay, Xi'er, no one will come in here in the future, and we will come here to recall the memories of "950" when we are free in the future!"

"I hate you brother Chen!"

Chu Xi couldn't help being a little shy, she gave Yang Chen a blank look, and then snuggled into his arms.


"Brother Chen?"

Xiao Dong on the side heard Yang Chen's address to his sister, and a touch of resentment suddenly surged in his heart.

"Chu Xi, you bitch!"

"Dogs, men and women!"

"I'm going to kill you sooner or later!"

The space fluctuated for a while.

Several people appeared again, and they had already arrived at the gate of Daotian Holy Land Mountain.

The distance of hundreds of thousands of miles was crossed in an instant.

This method is really terrifying.

Zhan Qiuyun noticed the exclamation in Yang Chen's eyes, and couldn't help saying proudly:

"Now the strength of this seat has reached the Indistinguishable Dao state, and the grasp of the power of space has also increased several times!"

"If it wasn't for the Holy Land's protective array and solid spatial structure, it could have been directly teleported to Youyue Peak!"

"Looking at the whole of Zhongzhou, there are not many people who can surpass me in the way of space!"

"Auntie is amazing!"

Yang Chen gave a thumbs up, then said with a smile:

"Then my nephew will have to ask my aunt for advice more in the future!"

"Hmph, you have been using this name since you stepped into Youyue Peak. The key is, have you ever asked for advice?"

Zhan Qiuyun gave him a blank look.

Yang Chen suddenly said helplessly:

"My nephew also wants to ask about the cultivation of the way of space, the key is you every time, aunt!"

"Shut up!"

Zhan Qiuyun hastily interrupted him.

Meimou glared at him with some shame.

This little bastard doesn't know how to speak.

Seeing her like this, Yang Chen couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The aunt is still the aunt.

He didn't turn his face against him because he broke through to the Indistinguishable Dao state, because he has no use value.

You can still play happily together like before.

She is still a teacher.

I am still my nephew.



"Chu Xi, you should go back to Youyue Peak first, this seat and Yang Chen are going to the Daotian Palace!"

Zhan Qiuyun said something to Chu Xi, then grabbed Yang Chen's arm, took a step forward, and disappeared in place.

On Youyue Peak.

"Xiaodong, the sun star core is now in my star eyes, I can help you heal the source of Chunyang Sacred Body!"

"It's not too late, let's get started!"

Chu Xi said to Xiao Dong.

Although she dislikes this Little Brother more and more now, it is her Little Brother after all.

If she can help him condense his origin, she will naturally do it.

However, Xiao Dong gave her a cold look.


Xiao Dong really doesn't need to condense his origin now.

Because, his fragmented origin has been swallowed up by his own Taotie Swallowing Heaven Skill.

Moreover, now his physique, because of devouring the scattered sources and some sources left by the senior, his physical strength is not much inferior to that of Sacred Body.

And, continue to change sleep.

In the future, it will evolve into a gluttonous demon body comparable to a god body.

At that time, I will shave off that bastard Yang Chen one by one in front of you.

Xiao Dong felt ruthless in his heart.

Looking at a valley not far from Youyue Peak...

It's called the Valley of the Fallen.

It is the burial place of countless Elder disciples in the holy land of Daotian.

The reason why he returned to Daotian Holy Land this time was also for this place.

There are many corpses buried here.

Although there are no funeral objects, he doesn't need them either.

What he wanted was the original source of physique remaining in those corpses.

His gluttonous swallowing skill, as long as he has enough origin, he can quickly evolve into a gluttonous demon body.

"Sister, let me ask you one last time!"

"If you were to choose between Yang Chen and me, who would you choose?"

Xiao Dong asked suddenly at this moment.

Chu Xi was taken aback.

"Xiaodong, sister and brother Chen really love each other!"

"Okay, I get it!"

Xiao Dong's eyes were gloomy.

It directly interrupted Chu Xi's explanation.

Cursed in my heart:

Bitch, sooner or later I will make you regret it.

Let you and the old bitch Zhan Qiuyun kneel in front of me and repent!

"Xiao Dong, don't always be so hostile to Brother Chen, if it wasn't for him"


At this time, Chu Xi originally wanted to persuade Xiao Dong not to be hostile to Yang Chen, but suddenly, her throat retched.

In the stomach, it seems that there is acid water coming up.

She hurriedly bent over and covered her mouth.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xiao Dong asked in a deep voice.

"I, I don't know either!"

"Suddenly there was a nausea, it seemed like pantothenic acid water in my stomach!"

"Strange, I already have Nascent Soul Seventh Stage Realm, why do I still have this symptom?"

Chu Xi was also a little surprised.

However, upon hearing her explanation, Xiao Dong's expression gradually darkened.

Nausea, retching.

This horse riding, could it be that my sister is pregnant?

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