Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 191: Sun Star Core! Zhan Qiuyun's Overbearing! (Seeking Subscription)


"Sweetheart Black, was blown to pieces with one punch?"

"This, how is this possible!?"

"That old guy is Divine Transformation Tenth Stage, it's not far from the refinement stage!"

"Body cultivator, that sword cultivator from Daotian Holy Land is still a body cultivator!"

At this time, someone exclaimed.

"It turned out to be a body cultivator!"

"No wonder you can beat a black hearted sweetheart with one punch!"

"However, in this era, there are very few body cultivators who can reach the Sixth Stage of Divine Transformation!"

In the sky, the rain is flying.

The Yin Demon Banner unfolded, and a pale black figure appeared.

The physical body was blown up, but the 15 gods of Yuan 15 of the black-hearted sweetheart hid in the Yinmo Banner.

"Junior, it's not that easy for you to kill me!"

As the black-hearted sweetheart said, a ray of light popped out from his fingers.

Break open the meteorite in the crater directly.


The golden light shines brightly.

A scorching heat swept across the entire valley.

The golden light rose slowly, as if rising into the sky due to the sun.

"This is, the sun core?"

"The star core of the sun is deep in the starry sky. After the sun is broken, the star core inside contains the purest power of the sun and star in the world!"

"This is a peerless treasure, no wonder it caused a lot of fire and rain just now!"

Following the revelation of the sun's star core, a group of cultivators watching around were suddenly excited.

All of them had hot eyes.

The value of the solar core, even if it is only a small fragment of the star core, is comparable to that of the Holy Og.

Even the giants of the holy land have to fight for it.

"Junior, you want to kill me, swallow the sun star core, and dream!"

"Unless you kill all the cultivators in the field!"

"Ha ha!"

The black-hearted sweetheart laughed triumphantly.

His physical body was blown up, he wanted to escape today, but he had to take advantage of the chaos to flee.

He can't take the sun star core with him, but he can't leave it to the juniors of Daotian Holy Land.

If the situation is muddied, he can easily get out.

"court death!"

At this time, a cold hum came from the sky.


The black hearted sweetheart who was laughing triumphantly had panic on his face.

Because, a moon robe figure appeared in his line of sight.

Although there was still a long distance to go, the figure in the moon robe only took a step and appeared in front of him.

"You, mouth!"

At this moment, the black sweetheart trembled with fear.

There was a burst of regret in my heart.

What were you laughing about here just now?

Why not take advantage of these few breaths to escape?


Zhan Qiuyun didn't talk nonsense, stretched out her jade hand, and pressed the sun.


The black-hearted sweetheart didn't even cry out in pain, and the primordial spirit was directly annihilated.

The Yin Demon Banner was put away by Zhan Qiuyun.

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes were also full of excitement as he looked at the hot and bright solar core suspended in the air like a sun.

She's already here.

I have been watching Yang Chen's display of strength before.

She couldn't sit still until she saw the sun core.

The effect of the sun star core on her is strong enough for her to kill everyone present.

Of course, that was under the premise that someone was overreaching and wanted to compete with her.

After killing the black-hearted sweetheart, Zhan Qiuyun directly reached out to grab the sun star core.

His eyes swept across the audience.

Although Dao Dao's eyes are full of heat,

But no one dared to step forward to stop him.

"Peak Lord Youyue!"

At this time, a middle-aged man from the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage spoke.

But as soon as he said four words, Zhan Qiuyun shook his five fingers directly at him.

183 suddenly.

The original calm space, the history of space is turbulent.

Dozens of dark space blades directly chopped the cultivator of the Divine Transformation Tenth Stage into flying ash.

Even Yuanshen didn't escape.

This scene scared everyone to tremble.

This Peak Lord Youyue was indeed as rumored, with a peerless appearance, like a fairy princess, but a cruel heart in his heart, and his subordinates were as dead as a mountain.

That person just now was an Elder of righteous Sect after all, and he was killed immediately before he finished speaking.

"This sun star core, I want it!"

"If you don't have the Indistinguishable Dao Power to follow you this trip, don't make any plans for it!"

"That will only kill you!"

Ps: The new book is not easy to get on the road, and I ask all readers for your support!

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