Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 178: Daotian Saint Lord! The Older You Get, The Weirder Your Temper Becomes! (Seeking Subscr

Chunyang Sword and Remnant Star Sword entangled with each other for a while, and then returned to Yang Chen and Chu Xi's bodies respectively.

At this time.

There was a shock in the void.

Then, a vague figure appeared out of thin air.

"Star purple body, not bad not bad!"

"In today's world, it is really a golden age, and top physiques emerge in endlessly!"

"Although it is difficult for Zhan Qiuyun to break through Void Refining, she has extraordinary attainments in the way of space, and she is quite good with your Star Purple Body. Let her continue to teach you how to practice!"

The blurry figure is like being in a fog, and the figure cannot be seen clearly.

Only his elegant voice can be heard, revealing an ethereal, majestic majesty that has been in the top position for a long time.

"Meet the Saint Lord!"

Including the big Elder, several core Elders hastily bowed and saluted.

"Saint Lord!?"

This title immediately caused the hearts of all the disciples present to tremble.

Unexpectedly, Saint Lord is out of customs for this matter.

The blurry figure walked up to Chu Xi.

A finger sticks out.

Round, white, green like jade.

Yu pointed between Chu Xi's eyebrows.

"Chu Xi, I have already taught you the method of refining the Star body cultivator recorded in Daotian Holy Land!"

"From now on, if you don't understand anything about 630, you can go to Daotian Palace and ask me!"

"Yes, disciple, thank you Saint Lord!"

Chu Xi came to her senses at this moment and hurriedly saluted.

At this time, Yang Chen felt that the Lord Saint Lord's eyes fell on him.

Can't help frowning slightly.

Because the other party's eyes seemed to be able to see through him completely.

"The Cultivation Base of Divine Transformation Fifth Stage is really good!"

"Come with me!"

After the words fell, Yang Chen felt his world spin for a while.

Quiet again, already in a magnificent Great Hall.


"elder brother!"

Seeing Yang Chen, Qing'er immediately jumped off the cultivation jade platform, then trotted to Yang Chen, and threw herself into his arms.

"Woo, brother, your words don't count!"

"I agreed to come and see me in a few days, it's been more than a month!"

"Bad brother!"

Qing'er hugged Yang Chen tightly, her voice choked up, and she complained for a while.

Yang Chen was also a little helpless.

He did promise Qing'er to visit her in a few days.

But then I forgot about it.

However, for cultivators, is there any difference between a few days and a month?

Close it and pass.

"Alright Qing'er!"

"Your master is still watching!"

Yang Chen said at this time, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes for her.

"Watch and watch!"

"I miss my brother!"

Qing'er hugged Yang Chen and refused to let go.

The little girl is full of grievances now.

"Qing'er Talent is very good, Pure Spirit Sacred Body has no Impurities at all, and in just one month, it has reached the Gold Core state!"

"If you practice hard in the future, it will not be difficult to surpass this seat!"

The blurry figure said at this time.

"Thank you Saint Lord for teaching her!"

Yang Chen hurriedly said.

"Yang Chen, you follow me!"

"I have something to tell you!"

After a while, the vague figure said, and then walked to the back of the Great Hall.

"Okay, Qing'er, I will come to accompany you after my brother finishes his business!"

Yang Chen pushed the little girl away, and hurriedly followed.

Behind the Great Hall.

The fuzzy figure looked at Yang Chen for a while, and then said:

"Yang Chen, you should not just have a simple Zhiyang physique, right?

"Of course, what kind of physique you are, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you!"

"I came to you because I wanted to borrow something from you!"

"Are you looking for something to borrow from your disciple?"

(ahcj) Yang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Ling Shuang told this seat, the current Sect Leader of Xuantian Sect, is it you?"

Yang Chen nodded.

"That's right, the disciple is indeed the Xuantian Sect Sect Leader now!"

"Xuantian Sect was created by a core Elder of Daotian Holy Land more than ten thousand years ago, and that Elder is the ancestor of this seat!"

"Yang Chen, Xuantian Sect's Sect Leader seal, can I borrow this language for a while?"

"Sect Leader seal?"

Yang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be borrowing that thing.

He also thought that this mysterious Lord Saint Lord, like that beautiful woman Zhan Qiuyun, wanted to borrow his original energy.

Yang Chen didn't hesitate too much, and directly took out the seal.

The seal is the inheritance of Xuantian Sect Sect Leader.

From the founding ancestor of Xuantian Sect, that is, the Elder.

Although it is also very precious, compared to his original Qi, it is nothing.

"After I have been enlightened for a while, I will return it to you!"

"The ancestors failed to compete for the title of Saint Lord, and in a fit of anger, they left for another country. Various secretaries of our family also left with the ancestors and lost their inheritance!"

As the blurred figure spoke, he stretched out his jade hand and took the seal.

Yang Chen immediately saw a pair of extremely beautiful palms.

The jade fingers are long and slender, as white as jade.

The palm exudes a lustrous luster, just like polished jade.

As far as the palm is concerned, it is the most beautiful he has ever seen.

"Does my palm look good?"

At this time, the blurred figure suddenly said.

Yang Chen was startled.

Immediately, it occurred to him that the person in front of him was a terrifying existence with a Cultivation Base that topped the entire Holy Land.

Just because of her nice voice, you can't relax on her.

If she loses her temper, she is not sure, she will be as jealous as Guan Qiu said.

Hastily said:

"Don't blame Saint Lord!"

"The disciple was in a daze for a moment, and the healing ceremony is over!"

The blurry figure snorted softly.

"If you miss your first offense, I won't care about you!

"Take care of your own eyes from now on!"


Yang Chen hurriedly said, but couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart:

This old woman.

Borrowing daddy's things, daddy can't even look at it?

Change your face when you say it!

It's true that the older you get, the weirder your temper becomes.

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