Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 168: It's All Essence! It Is Indeed Wet! (Seeking Subscription)


Zhan Qiuyun trembled slightly.

Feel the palms covering your waist.

The beautiful eyes are full of disbelief.

She never thought that Yang Chen would be so bold.

It was already unexpected that she was asked to be the dao companion just now.

Now unexpectedly, hug her directly.

This bastard, is he really tired of living!?

Do you really think she is easy to talk to?

A killing intent flashed instinctively in Zhan Qiuyun's eyes.

She has practiced for thousands of years, and she has an alluring beauty.

Naturally, there are also some daring male cultivators who want to be frivolous to her.

However, without exception, those people were all turned into ashes by her.

"Damn it little bastard!"

Although Zhan Qiuyun's words were full of temptation and teasing towards Yang Chen.

But in her bones, she was extremely cold and aloof.

Except for Yang Chen, he has never had such close contact with men.

Immediately run True Qi, Yang Chen will be blown away.

However, at 620 on Yang Chen's body, a layer of golden light appeared at this time.

"Stinky boy, do you want to die?"

"So much original energy is released at once!"

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes widened.

This little bastard actually spilled the original energy from the entire chest.

The source of Qi is different from True Qi, the body must be in contact with each other to interweave and absorb.

That is to say, if she wants to absorb a large amount of original energy released by Yang Chen, she cannot push Yang Chen away.

Zhan Qiuyun gritted her teeth.

After hesitating for a moment, he still chose to absorb the original energy.

After all, they were all hugged by this little bastard.

In addition, the source of Qi is now what I urgently need.

As long as the little bastard doesn't move around, let him take advantage of it first.

[Ding, the host embraces Zhan Qiuyun, and has intimate contact with Zhan Qiuyun, the original energy is intertwined on a large scale, plundering the son of destiny Xiao Dong's luck value of 1000 points, and the host gets villain value of 1000 points!】

The system sound sounds.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth suddenly curled up.

Another thousand luck points.

Not bad.

It is worthwhile for me to release so much original yang energy.

Looking at the golden source of yang energy, Yang Chen felt a little distressed.

These are all his essence.

Then, the arm is pushed hard again.

The rich touch, the elasticity is even more amazing.


"Asshole, do you want to die?"

Zhan Qiuyun couldn't bear it anymore and drank a little lower.

Meimou stared fiercely at Yang Chen.

At this moment, she can no longer maintain the playful and playful way of controlling everything in the past.

Yang Chen also really felt the killing intent in the eyes of this beautiful woman and aunt.

"Master, you are the one who promised to be my companion!"

"Little nephew like this is nothing more than what should be done between dao companions!"

Yang Chen said with an innocent face.

"Shut up for me!"

"Bastard, if you dare to mess around again, believe it or not, I will destroy you!"

Zhan Qiuyun said harshly.

However, at this time, she was also flawlessly bickering with Yang Chen.

Because, Yang Chen released a large amount of original Yang Qi.

She absorbed it into her body, and immediately turned into tiny flames, wandering all over her body.

She can only attract it into the origin Youyue little by little (acdd).

During this process, my body became hot and numb.

It made her very uncomfortable.

If you don't pay attention, you will make a sound.


Zhan Qiuyun took a deep breath.

Hot air spewed by Yang Chen's ears, making his blood a little restless.

And as Zhan Qiuyun took a deep breath, there was a wave of ups and downs under the neck.

Itself is close to Yang Chen.

At this time, the touch became a little stronger.

This state lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Outside, came a suitable:

"Second sister!"

"Is Chen'er with you?"


Yang Chen and Zhan Qiuyun opened their eyes at the same time.

There was a flash of panic in Zhan Qiuyun's eyes.

"Bastard, don't you hurry up and let go of this seat?"

"If your master sees it, let's see if she doesn't punish you!"

Zhan Qiuyun hastily shouted in a low voice.

Yang Chen also immediately loosened his arms.

He also didn't dare to be seen by his master in this state of himself and Zhan Qiuyun.

The last time with Feng Yuwan, Master was still planning to settle accounts with him.

If you add the aunt Zhan Qiuyun, tsk tsk, I dare not think about it.

"You cheeky little bastard also know how to be afraid?"

Zhan Qiuyun gave Yang Chen a hard look with her beautiful eyes.

With a wave of jade hand, the sweat on sunken cheeks was wiped away.

"You go to open the door, Shigu goes to change clothes!"

"I'm wet all over now, if your master sees it, I'll definitely think about it!"

Hearing this, Yang Chen took a look at Ji's body.

Dude, it was wet indeed.

I didn't look carefully when I held it just now, I just felt wet on my hands.

Looking at it now, the moon robe is already soaked, and it is tightly attached to the skin, perfectly outlining the plump figure.

It seems that how much Shigu sweats is directly proportional to how much original energy he absorbs.

"Bastard, close your dog eyes!"

"If your master finds out, what will you do?"

Zhan Qiuyun scolded.

Then, he hurried into the inner room.

Yang Chen wiped his wet, sweaty palms on his clothes, with a helpless face.

Master, Master, you came at the wrong time!

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