Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 162: Give My Nephew Some Face! Xiaochen, You Are Presumptuous! (Seeking Subscription)

Xiao Dong watched this scene with burning eyes.

Elder sister Own, was hugged tightly by that bastard Yang Chen.

I want to stick with this bastard.

Especially the look that bastard looked at just now.

Be proud and enjoy.


Xiao Dong let out a low growl.

I can't stand it any longer.

"Yang Chen, I'm Cao f*ck!"

"Let go of my sister!"

Xiao Dong's scolding immediately woke up Chu Xi who was immersed in Yang Chen's arms.

Opening her beautiful eyes, Chu Xi felt shy for a while.

Just now I was completely immersed in Brother Yang's arms, and I forgot about it.

Then, Dai's eyebrows were deeply wrinkled.

He turned around and looked at Xiao Dong.

"Xiaodong, don't be rude!"

"Quickly apologize to Senior Brother Yang!"

Chu Xi hurriedly reprimanded.

And also gave Yang Chen an apologetic look, for fear that he would get angry because of it.

However, her words made Xiao Dong's face even more ferocious.

"Sister, are you crazy?"

"How long have you known this bastard?"

"Do you know who he is?"

"Just because he saved you just now, are you going to agree to be his companion?"

"Sister, why are you so frivolous now?"

Xiao Dong shouted in a deep voice.

I want to wake up my sister with a strong tone.

However, when Chu Xi heard the words, a faint feeling rose in his heart.

Because she and Yang Chen did not know each other for a long time.

It seems frivolous to agree like this.

But, she really likes Senior Brother Yang.

Especially just now, she can't wait to melt herself into Senior Brother Yang's body.

It can be said that Xiao Dong's words made her very embarrassed at the moment, and she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

"Xiaodong, you, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Leave me alone!"

Chu Xi shouted.

At this moment, she just hoped that Xiao Dong would shut up quickly.

"Master, my sister can't be with Yang Chen!"

"I disagree!"

"Yang Chen, that bastard, must have used some despicable means to deceive my sister!

Xiao Dong turned his head and said in a deep voice to Zhan Qiuyun.

But Zhan Qiuyun suddenly laughed when she heard the words.

This smile is like a hundred flowers blooming and a bright moon shining brightly.

Even Xiao Dong, who was already furious at this moment, couldn't help being dazzled by this extremely beautiful smile.

Master, it's so beautiful and feminine.

In the future when I am successful in cultivation, I must make this beautiful woman my wife, and I will scold her every day.

Xiao Dong swore in his heart.

However, he did not notice that there was a trace of disdain in Zhan Qiuyun's smile.

"You disagree?"

"Xiao Dong, who are you to dare to question my decision!"

"Do you really think that if you condense some of the origin of the pure Yang Sacred Body, you can shout at me?"

Zhan Qiuyun's voice became more and more indifferent.

A chill suddenly swept over everyone in the field.

"Master, you?"

Xiao Dong was stunned.

Master, what happened?

Just now, he was responsive to his needs.

Why suddenly?

But before he figured it out.


With a wave of Zhan Qiuyun's jade hand, Ridao True Qi's handprint slapped Xiao Dong's face directly.

Even though she only used the paltry True Qi.

However, this slap still sent Xiao Dong flying.


The body slammed heavily on the boulder in the distance.

Then rolled to the ground.


Just as Xiao Dong was about to get up, a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Among the blood, there were also a few broken teeth and the bloody face pieces that had been slapped.


Chu Xi suddenly exclaimed.

Hastily knelt down on one knee in front of Zhan Qiu.


"Xiaodong is ignorant, he bumped into you!"

"Please don't argue with him, just let him go!"

"I am willing to accept punishment on his behalf!"

Although Chu Xi complained in her heart that Xiao Dong was meddling in his own business and interjecting indiscriminately.

However, Xiao Dong is her little brother after all.

Over the years, she has long been used to protecting him in every possible way.

"Hmph, what a waste!"

"Even if you rely on a Plastic Origin Pill to condense some broken origins, so what?"

"Who gave you the guts to make you question me several times, and talk to me like this!"

"I really don't know how to live or die!"

Zhan Qiuyun's beautiful eyes were full of frost, with killing intent flashing.

She has already decided to kill Xiao Dong at this moment.

Not just because of the obscene look this kid showed her just now.

And in these years, her attitude towards Xiao Dong must have filled this kid with resentment.

Once this kid re-condenses his origin, it will be a big trouble if he succeeds in cultivation in the future.

And she, for those who may become her troubles, has never been soft-hearted, and what she likes most is to kill them in the cradle.

Xiao Dong couldn't figure it out at the moment.

He has already begun to condense the essence of the pure Yang Sacred Body, why would Master treat him like this?

Doesn't she value Chunyang Sacred Body very much?

Xiao Dong looked up.

He met Zhan Qiuyun's murderous eyes.

Suddenly my heart trembled.

Master, I want to kill him.

Chu Xi hurriedly said at this moment:

""Xiaodong, don't hesitate to kneel down and apologize to Master!"

Hearing his sister's heavy drink, Xiao Dong also came back to his senses.

Although he was unwilling in every possible way, he also knew that if he didn't kneel down and apologize, he might be dead today.

This vicious woman would really kill him.


"Zhan Qiuyun, you bitch, don't fall behind in the future!"

"Otherwise, I will make you pay for what you did today!"

Xiao Dong gritted his teeth, feeling ruthless in his heart.

But still knelt in front of Zhan Qiuyun.

"Master, this disciple realizes his mistake!"

"Hmph, Xiao Dong, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking!"

"Looking at the master-student relationship, I will let you go with less pain!"

Zhan Qiuyun seemed to see through Xiao Dong's thoughts.

Raise your palm to slap him to death.

But at this moment, Yang Chen blocked Nuo's in front of her.

"Master, forget it!"

"Junior Brother Xiao Dong is the Little Brother of Junior Sister Chu Xi after all, from now on, he will be my brother-in-law!"

"It's better for my aunt to give my nephew some face!"

As Yang Chen said, he grabbed Zhan Qiuyun's jade hand.

It's still soft and cold to the touch, and extremely smooth.

Without waiting for her to refuse, a wave of original energy passed through.



Zhan Qiuyun quickly took a deep breath.

There was a flush of blush on the white jade face.

"Xiaochen you!"

"It's really presumptuous!"

Zhan Qiuyun gave a soft drink, and glared at Yang Chen with her beautiful eyes.

This little bastard is a real dog.

In front of so many people, he suddenly injected himself with a burst of original yang energy.

Just now, I almost cried out.

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