Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 155: Brother Sleeps With Me! Qinger Has Grown Up! (Seeking Subscription)

"Really? Xiaodong?"

Hearing what own Little Brother said, Chu Xi also had a look of joy on his face.

Then hurriedly walked to Xiao Dong.

Stretched out a hand on his shoulder.

A stream of True Qi entered Xiao Dong's body.

After a while, Chu Xi opened her eyes wide.

"Xiaodong you, you actually did it!"

"Your pure Yang Sacred Body origin is beginning to condense!"

"Although it is only a handful, it is also a miracle!"

"From now on, you can practice again!"

Chu Xi's voice was full of excitement.

The eye sockets couldn't help but get a little moist.

Ever since Xiao Dong was assassinated, Chunyang Sacred Body's original source was shattered. It can be said that overnight, it changed from a supreme genius to a good-for-nothing that everyone can laugh at.

If he hadn't begged his master so hard, maybe Xiaodong would have been kicked out of Daotian Holy Land.

After all, many people in the Holy Land believed that Xiaodong's existence was a shame to the entire Holy Land.

It was also because of this that she didn't dare to disobey Master's "eight eight seven" order.

Because not only herself, but also her Little Brother.


"You have suffered all these years!"

"From now on, I will protect you!"

Seeing his sister weeping with joy, Xiao Dong felt uncomfortable for a while.

Over the years, my sister has paid too much for herself.

Let’s just say that the Plastic Source Pill was obtained by my sister after kneeling in front of Master’s door for three days and three nights.

Now I rely on the Plastic Source Pill to condense the source of the pure Yang Sacred Body again.

In the future, the glory of Chunyang Sacred Body will surely be restored again.

At that time, those who have bullied me and ridiculed me will have to pay a heavy price.

And Zhan Qiuyun, the ruthless master.

At the beginning, because I was Chunyang Sacred Body, I took the initiative to accept me as a disciple.

Later, my origin was broken, so I didn't even look at me.

If it hadn't been for my sister's repeated pleadings, this ruthless old woman would still want to drive me out of the Holy Land.


Wait, then.

Sooner or later, I will press you under my crotch and let you know how powerful I am.

See if you can still stand high and look down on everything like you are now.

Also, my sister.

Xiao Dong looked at Chu Xi.

Sister, is the love in his heart.

These years, the only light in his gloomy life.

This time, he was not looking at a Little Brother, but looking at a man.

The elder sister's appearance is alluring, not inferior to any fairy in the Holy Land.


Xiao Dong stretched out his arms, wanting to hug her into his arms.


Chu Xi hurriedly pushed him away.

"Xiaodong, you have grown up!"

"Even if we are siblings, we should pay attention to the differences between men and women!"

"By the way, Xiaodong, my sister still has some things to do today, why don't you go back first!"

At this moment, Chu Xi thought of Yang Chen in the room, so she said.

A look of disappointment appeared on Xiao Dong's face.

Since he was taller than his sister, her sister began to keep a distance from him.

Don't even think about hugging my sister like I did when I was a child, and I never succeeded.

"All right!"

Xiao Dong nodded helplessly.

Then leave.

But at this time.

A handsome and handsome figure walked out of the wooden house.

"Junior Sister Chu Xi, is this your Little Brother?"

Yang Chen smiled.

Chu Xi hurriedly said:

"Brother Yang, this is my Little Brother, his name is Xiao Dong!"

"It's also Master's disciple!"

"Oh, so it's Junior Brother Xiao Dong!"

Yang Chen took the initiative to say hello:

"Hello, Junior Brother Xiao Dong, I'm next to you, Yang Chen!"

"Please take care of me in the future!"

Although Yang Chen had a gentle smile on his face, Xiao Dong's face instantly turned cold.

When he saw Yang Chen, he instinctively felt uncomfortable.

Besides, my sister and this guy were alone in the same room just now?

My sister asked him to go back first, also because of this guy?

Damn it.

Where did this bastard come from?

"Xiaodong, why are you so rude? Brother Yang is talking to you!"

Seeing Xiao Dong standing there with a gloomy face, Shi immediately scolded him.

Then he apologized to Yang Chen:

"Senior Brother Yang, Xiaodong has never been talkative since he was a child, please forgive me!"

"Haha, it's okay!"

"I never care about these things!"

"Not to mention Junior Sister Chu Xi's Little Brother!"

Yang Chen smiled slightly.

Chu Xi suddenly showed a touch of gratitude.

Some Talents are powerful, and Realm's advanced cultivators all pay great attention to the majesty of their own.

Over the years, Xiaodong has been targeted for this problem.

Fortunately, Senior Brother Yang has a broad mind and doesn't care about these vain rituals.

【Ding, the host and Chu Xi are in the same room, Chu Xi scolded Xiao Dong because of the host, Xiao Dong became jealous, plundered 500 luck points from the son of destiny Xiao Dong, and the host got 500 villain points!】

The system sound sounds.


A smile crossed the corner of Yang Chen's mouth.

not bad.

The jealousy of this son of destiny is quite strong.

Unknowingly, he plundered 500 luck points.


It seems that he is really possessive of his sister Chu Xi.

Yang Chen didn't stay outside for too long, he smiled at Xiao Dong, turned around and went back to the room...

"Brother, I'm a little sleepy!"

Qing'er said bitterly at this time.

A small face as delicate as jade is full of exhaustion.

Yang Chen couldn't help stroking her face.

Although Qing'er is a Sacred Body, she absorbs the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth all the time.

But on Shengzi Peak, most of the time he didn't concentrate on cultivation, but played with Yang Chi and the little ones all day long, sharing the pressure of raising children for Lin Xilan.

So now it's just the Cultivation Base of the Foundation Establishment Realm.

After two consecutive Spatial Teleportations.

In addition, I went to a new place like Daotian Holy Land.

The little girl's energy was obviously exhausted, and only Tiao Lu was left.

"You girl, if you're sleepy, go to sleep!"

"Brother won't bother you anymore!"

As Yang Chen said, he was about to walk out of the room.

However, Qing'er hugged his arm and said weakly:

"Brother, I'm a little scared, why don't you sleep with me!"

After the past few years, the little girl has gradually grown.

It's not the little yellow-haired girl I met before.

Although the face is still a little immature, with greenness.

But standing beside Yang Chen, he is not much lower than him.

This girl has long legs and is quite tall.

And holding Yang Chen's arm, one can obviously feel a mass of plumpness and softness.

Yang Chen felt the blood in his body agitated.

Immediately secretly thought of sin.

I actually treat Qing'er.


Then, he hurriedly broke free from Qing'er's arm.

"elder brother!"

Qing'er's eyes were a little resentful.

The mouth pouted slightly.

"Qing'er, don't be afraid, brother is right outside your room 1.2!"

"Don't think so much, go to sleep!"

Yang Chen said, pinching her upturned nose.

Then he hurriedly left the little girl's room.

Eighteen changes in the female university.

This girl may have been with Lin Xilan and the girls for a long time, and the longer she was, the more she became more and more foul.

in the room.

Qing'er saw Yang Chen leave as if fleeing, her upturned nose couldn't help wrinkling.

"Sister Xilan lied to me, it's not what she said!"

"My brother still treats me like a child!"


Qing'er lay on the bed angrily.

A pair of black and white eyes, full of spirituality, are rolling around, and they don't know what they are thinking.

After a while, maybe I was too sleepy, and I fell asleep after all.

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