Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 136: For Her? Empress Yan Is Also Pregnant! (Seeking Subscription)

"Revisiting old places?"

Empress Yan was stunned, seemingly puzzled.

But soon, she understood what it meant.

His face darkened instantly.


"Yang Chen, no matter how dare you talk nonsense, believe it or not, I won't let you get out of here!"

A layer of red light appeared on Yanhou's body, and the surrounding area was faintly visible.

It seemed to express the anger in her heart.

Back then, in order to get the body sculpting pill, she had no choice but to agree to the bastard's request and let him kiss Fangze.

But I didn't expect that in the cave, this bastard was the same.

That's fine.

Now he even proposes to revisit his old place.


It's really deceiving!

"Empress Yan, senior, don't be angry!"

Yang Chen said lightly:

"I'm just mentioning it casually, if you don't agree, it's fine!"

"Of course I don't agree!"

Yan Hou said coldly:

09 "However, you still have to help me!"


Yang Chen looked embarrassed:

"Empress Yan senior, you are making things difficult for others!"

"Zhongzhou is not far away, a million miles away, and you refuse to agree to Junior's conditions, why should Junior go?"

"The friendship between Junior and Empress Yan's senior isn't that deep yet!"


"go to hell!"

Empress Yan's beautiful eyes were full of anger, she couldn't bear it any longer, and directly slapped Yang Chen with her palm.

The Chixin Earth Fire gathered into a palm print, although the palm print is not big, but the five fingers are connected like a formation.

Yang Chen immediately understood.

Yan Hou is trying to suppress him.

Want to take him to Zhongzhou forcibly.


Yang Chen chuckled, didn't dodge, and directly slapped out with a palm.

Blue flames filled the air.

There is also a dragon chant in it.


True Qi flame collision.

Yanhou's flaming palm was directly shattered by Yang Chen's palm.

But both have restraint.

No riots raged in True Qi.

Near the small courtyard, there was only a violent tremor, but it did not cause much damage.

Seeing that Yang Chen directly dispelled the own attack with a palm, Wu Hou's face immediately showed color.

"Aren't you a Divine Transformation First Stage?"

"You can actually take a palm from me!"

"It seems that this seat really underestimated you!"

Yan Hou's beautiful eyes were full of solemnity.

She originally wanted to catch him by surprise, with her Cultivation Base far surpassing Yang Chen, and directly take him down with one move.

Then forcibly took him to Zhongzhou and asked him to help him find the fire spirit chalcedony.

But I didn't expect that although this bastard only has the Realm of Divine Transformation First Stage, his strength is so strong.

Just now, the palm of my hand implied a large formation of banning. Even the cultivator of the Divine Transformation Fourth Stage couldn't escape completely.

But this bastard took it so easily.

It seems that those rumors in Beilingyu are also true.

During this time, although Empress Yan practiced alone.

But he never left Beilingyu.

Occasionally, I also heard various legends about Yang Chen, the Xuantian Son.

Said he defeated Divine Transformation cultivator with Nascent Soul Ninth Stage.

During the Nascent Soul Tenth Stage, he killed two Divine Transformation cultivators one after another.

One of them is Divine Transformation Third Stage.

These things were originally unbelievable.

I feel that some people spread falsehoods.

After all, even with her knowledge of ten thousand years of cultivation, she still felt that Nascent Soul Tenth Stage beheaded Divine Transformation Third Stage, which was too unimaginable.

Before reaching God Transformation Realm, kill the cultivator of Divine Transformation Third Stage.

This can only be done by legendary figures in those ancient books.

Yang Chen is a little Xuantian Sect's holy son.

She absolutely does not believe it.

but now.

The strength that Yang Chen erupted.

But it is not weaker than the cultivator of Divine Transformation Fourth Stage.

Moreover, this should not be his best effort.

This bastard Talent is indeed extremely evil.

Even if placed in the entire land of Zhongzhou, it is a peerless arrogance who will appear once in a thousand years!

"Hehe, the junior senior really underestimated the Junior!"

"You want to suppress Junior quietly, but you can't do it!"

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

Through the confrontation just now, he had a general understanding of Queen Yan's strength.

This woman should not have reached the Divine Transformation late stage.

However, the combat power is not weaker than Divine Transformation late stage.

But just based on this, let alone want to suppress him silently.

Whether or not he can be defeated is still a question.

Empress Yan stood quietly on the spot, staring at Yang Chen with beautiful eyes, but did not speak.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said:

"Yang Chen, do you know why this seat obtained the Fire Spirit Jade Marrow?"

"Of course it's to improve your strength!"

Yang Chen said lightly.

"Hmph, before this seat was Huo Xiu Power, a person standing on the top of the world. If you want to improve your strength, there are many ways. Do you need to beg you bastard here?"

Empress Yan said disdainfully.

"Then why are you here?"

"And this 897 has nothing to do with me, right?"

Yang Chen was a little impatient.

what is this woman doing


If it weren't for the close friendship, he would have left long ago.

Yan Hou gritted her teeth, her beautiful eyes hesitated, but in the end, she seemed to have made up her mind.

Shen Sheng said:

"The reason why I want to obtain the fire spirit chalcedony is for, for her!

Saying that, Yan Hou pointed her jade finger at her flat belly.

Yang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, a little puzzled.

In the magma world, he discovered this.

Empress Yan seemed to caress her stomach from time to time.

But he didn't care at the time.

But now, it's pointing to the stomach again.

And for her?

Is it possible?

A bold idea flashed in Yang Chen's mind.

"Are you pregnant?"


Empress Yan nodded, her beautiful eyes Yang Chen:

"So, this favor, you must help me!"

"The fire spirit chalcedony can help her improve her aptitude!"

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