Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 125: The Origin Of Different Fires! The Feeling Of Being Protected! (Seeking Subscription)




Hearing Yang Chen's shout, Zhan Lingshuang immediately came to his senses.

A blush rose to the cheeks.

Just now, I took the initiative to stick it on Chen'er's back.

Moreover, he also suffered.

Zhan Lingshuang, Zhan Lingshuang, what happened to you just now?

You are the master who raised Chen'er.

How can, how?

If Chen'er finds out, will your master still have dignity in the future?

"What's wrong, Chen'er?"

Zhan Lingshuang asked.

"Master, I have caught the source of Xuanyou Lenghuo!"

Yang Chen said excitedly, Zhan Lingshuang hurriedly looked at his hands.

A group of flames with two legs were struggling hard.

However, a green lotus imprisoned it in it "four eighty-seven".

Although Xuanyou Lenghuo is extremely powerful.

The released sea of ​​white flames, even Ling who was in the Void Refining environment did not dare to penetrate into it at will.

However, it is precisely because it released too much power, which caused its original flame to be quite weak.

Qinglian Tianyan was easily caught by Yang Chen.

"Is this the origin of Xuanyou Lenghuo?"

A look of excitement flashed across Zhan Lingshuang's beautiful eyes.

Put aside the messy thoughts just now.

"Master, can you refine and fuse them in two hours?"

Yang Chen asked at this time.

Xuanyou's cold fire erupted, releasing almost all of her own power.

The surrounding mysterious cold fire has been changing back and forth between extremely hot and extremely hot.

Yang Chen's True Qi is only enough to persist for two hours.

Moreover, ordinary cultivators refine different fires, ranging from a few days to a few months.

But that's under normal circumstances.

It is necessary to slowly find the source of the strange fire and refine it bit by bit.

In the process of refining, it is also necessary to prevent the outbreak of abnormal fire.

But at this moment, the Xuanyou cold fire has completely erupted.

Under the outbreak, the most difficult thing is not to refine the source of the different fire, but to find the source of the different fire.

"Two hours is enough!"

Zhan Lingshuang said to herself.

Looking at the extremely weak origin of the strange fire in her hand, she even had the confidence to refine it in an hour.

"Okay, Master, then hurry up, I will open up a safe space for you!"

As Yang Chen said, Lian wrapped his arm around Ling Dian.

Resisting Xuanyou's cold fire for her, so that she can concentrate on refining the origin.

"This child, Chen'er, has really grown up!"

"Think about me as a master at all times!"

Looking at this scene, Zhan Lingshuang's eyes were full of emotion.

Although she doesn't have a strange fire, she can persist for a while relying on her own strength.

But Chen'er's kindness, I still don't want to refuse.

After all, the feeling of being protected is so wonderful.

Yang Chen Lotus Position was on the side, and the True Qi shield on his body was broken.

Immediately, streams of mysterious coldness entered it.


Yang Chen suddenly felt like his skin was about to be torn apart.

Like ice and flames covering the whole body at the same time.

It has to be said that Xuanyou Lenghuo is indeed very powerful.

It is worthy of being the forty-first existence on the Alien Fire Ranking.

With Yang Chen's current physical strength, he can already easily crush the correction of Divine Transformation Third Stage with physical strength alone.

However, in the face of Xuanyou's cold fire, it is still a bit overwhelming.

This is still only one opening in the strange fire shield.

If the physical body is fully presented in the sea of ​​strange fire.

I'm afraid that within half an hour, I will be burned into coals or frozen into ice sculptures.


Seeing Yang Chen's operation, Zhan Lingshuang seemed to understand something.

"It turns out that Chen'er is going to use the Xuanyou cold fire to temper his own body!"

"This kid, he's pretty crazy when he cultivates!"

"But it hurts my master to see it!"

Zhan Lingshuang glanced at it twice and couldn't bear to look any more.

Chen'er was brought up by her since he was a child, and the biggest punishment for him was spanking.

Moreover, there are inexhaustible cultivation resources, and he has never been tortured like this before.

But she knows better that Chen'er has the path of self-cultivation.

As a master, she cannot interfere at will.

An hour later.

The white flame was completely refined into the body by Zhan Lingshuang.


The beautiful eyes opened, and there were two groups of white flames dancing in the eyes.

Then, the mysterious and cold fire around her began to frantically gather towards her body...

At this moment, the Qinglian Tianyan released by Yang Chen had no effect and dissipated directly.

Because, at this time, Zhan Lingshuang had refined the origin of Xuanyou Lenghuo.

It can be said that she is mysterious and cold.

These mysterious and cold fires that were released were returning to her body.


It may be that Zhan Lingshuang was immersed in the joy of absorbing the strange fire, and didn't notice that the mysterious cold fire pouring into her body directly turned the Taoist robe on her body into ashes.

Yang Chen didn't pay attention to these either.

Right now, he is feeling the changes in his body.

After an hour of training just now.

His physical body has made considerable progress.

Xuanyou Lenghuo was gradually absorbed by Zhan Lingshuang.

The aura on her body is also rapidly increasing.

a long time.

The Xuanyou Lenghuo disappeared completely, and the magma world once again turned red.


"Xuanyou Lenghuo deserves to be the forty-first Heavenly Fire in the Heavenly Fire Ranking, and it actually made me directly break through the First Stage Realm!"

"Moreover, there is still a huge amount of energy in the body that has not been refined. If all of it is refined, Realm can be boosted again!"

"Now, with my kendo Cultivation Base, coupled with Mysterious Cold Fire, it should be able to compete with the Void Refining Middle Stage Cultivator!"

"Not bad!"

Zhan Lingshuang opened her beautiful eyes, only to see Yang 0.8 Chen staring at her with wide eyes.

"Chen'er, what are you looking at?"

"Is it shocking how powerful the teacher is?"

"Hehe, don't be discouraged, you will be able to reach Master's Realm in a short time!"

Master Zhan Lingshuang was very satisfied with Yang Chen's performance just now.

Chen'er is still very filial.

She has decided to forgive him for his many rebellious behaviors before.

At this time, Zhan Lingshuang's eyes were full of Master's kindness.

Move your jade legs and walk towards Yang Chen.

Suddenly, Zhan Lingshuang saw a white light in Yang Chen's eyes, and realized something was wrong.

Then bow your head.


Immediately froze.

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