Villain: After The Heroine's Mother Gave Birth, I Went Crazy With Joy

Chapter 102: A Father-In-Law And Half A Father! Being Held By The Mother-In-Law Again! (Seeking Subs

Yang Chen walked in the void, with a smile on his lips, and walked slowly.

The breeze blows, and the corners of the clothes fly.

The temperament is gentle and elegant.

Like a banished fairy coming to the dust.

Feng Yuwan standing beside her, although her figure is plump and graceful, her appearance is alluring.

But at this moment, it was also covered by the light on Yang Chen's body.

A group of female Elder disciples of the Feng family, all of them have spring-like eyes and shimmering radiance.

This His Royal Highness Son is not only powerful.

This temperament is too dusty.

This glance, they are destined to never forget.

For the rest of my life, explore in my dreams.

"His Royal Highness Son!"

Feng Qian stared at Yang Chen who was walking slowly, her red lips moaning softly.

The distance is only four or five steps away.

This scene is no different from meeting His Royal Highness the Son for the first time at a banquet a month ago.

at that time.

The two of them toasted and drank together, talking happily.

But now, His Royal Highness Son is going to marry her mother.

In the future, it will be her growth.

Feng Qianning's eyes were full of loneliness.

Even, there are some grievances and regrets.

Yang Chen stepped down from the air and stood right in front of Long Tianyu.

At this time, Long Tianyu knelt down on the ground under the pressure of True Qi's handprint.

Like a big toad on all fours.

look up.

Just looking at Yang Chen's condescending and playful eyes.

His mother-in-law, who he regarded as if he couldn't help him, stood beside him.

Rou Nenyu held his arm, and there was still a blush on her face.

However, looking at Own's eyes, it was full of boredom and disgust.

There is also a sense of arrogance and coldness.

This arrogance is cold, as usual.

But at this moment, he only felt a surge of grief and anger welling up in his heart.

My heart is full of humiliation.

"Damn it!"

"Feng Yuwan, you bitch!"

"Yang Chen, I'm going to kill you!"

[Ding, the host is condescending, looking down at Long Tianyu lying on the ground, Long Tianyu's mood is damaged, plundering the son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value of 500 points, the host gets a villain value of 50!]

【Ding, Feng Yuwan took the host's arm and ignored Long Tianyu in her eyes. Long Tianyu felt jealous and plundered the son of destiny Long Tian's luck value of 1000 points, and the host got villain value of 1000 points!】


The corners of Yang Chen's mouth hooked slightly.

He hasn't made a move yet.

That's another fifteen hundred villain points.


Yu'er's mentality is too fragile.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Son||!"

"Meet the owner!"

A few Elders from the Feng family recovered their senses and immediately bowed to salute.

At this time, Feng Yuwan's jade face was frosty, and her face was very ugly.

What is the occasion now?

She had just obtained the seal of the ice phoenix and took over the position of city lord.

The family and these people started to do things.

Doesn't this make the cultivators of the Lan family and the Bai family watch the scene?

He has just obtained the position of city lord, and he has become this kind of virtue.

How to rule the ancient ice and snow city in the future?

"Feng Yujie, what do you want to do?"

"Do you know what occasion this is?"

Feng Yuwan shouted in a deep voice.

The coercion of the Divine Transformation cultivator hits his face.

Feng Yujie only felt his shoulders sink, and hurriedly explained:

"Patriarch, this son-in-law, Long Tianyu, did not know what method he used to seriously injure several core disciples of my Feng family!"

"According to the family rules of our Feng family, if the son-in-law dares to deliberately harm the core children, then at least the Cultivation Base will be abolished, and at worst he will be executed directly!"

"I just wanted to abolish his Cultivation Base in accordance with the family rules, so as to warn others!"

"Please also ask the Patriarch to learn from you!"

"How many core disciples were severely injured by Long Tianyu?"

Feng Yuwan looked slightly startled.

He glanced at the several young disciples of the Feng family who were unconscious next to him.

The beautiful eyes are full of doubts.

This trash, something is wrong recently.

First, he defeated Gold Core early stage Feng Yunhai at the banquet.

Now all the core disciples were seriously injured.

The key is that his Cultivation Base only has Qi Refining Fourth Stage.

Yang Chen said at this time:

"Yujie Elder, family rules are dead, but people are alive!"

"Yu'er is Qian Ning's husband-in-law after all!"

"Now that my holy son is married to Lord Fengcheng, then Yu'er will be my son-in-law!"

"A son-in-law is half a son, a father-in-law is half a father!"

"I'm also Yu'er's half father!"

"Am I right!"

"Yes, what His Royal Highness the Son said is absolutely true!

Feng Yujie hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Then quickly removed the True Qi handprint.

I have some regrets in my heart.

His Royal Highness the Holy Son doesn't know much about the son-in-law of the Feng family.

This is really treating him as his own son-in-law.

Count Long Tianyu as lucky.

Hearing Yang Chen's serious tone.

Feng Yuwan couldn't help but give him a blank look.

The bastard.

It's really cheap.

He is embarrassed to recognize such a big son.


"Yu'er, this is a Medicine Pill for healing wounds, it's a little gift for my father, you should eat it soon!"

Yang Chen reached out and handed over a Medicine Pill.

There was a loving and caring smile on his face.


The sound of being a father made Long Tianyu's face turn blue.

Thinking of Mr. Zhang who was killed by this bastard.

There is also his mother-in-law, whom he despises, who is forced to marry him.

Now, he still calls himself a father to himself.

Damn bastard!

Veins popped out of Long Tianyu's forehead, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"`" Yang Chen, you take advantage of me by stepping on the horse less!"

"I'm going to kill you sooner or later!"

Long Tianyu roared angrily.

His eyes fixed on Yang Chen.

My canthus is about to split.


Feng Yuwan immediately gave a cold shout.

The jade hand lightly raised, and directly slapped Long Tianyu's face across the air.

Although not with much force.

However, this slap still vomited blood from Long Tianyu.

Several teeth fell out.

"A son-in-law is something worse than a dog!"

"Don't dare to speak disrespectfully!"

"It's really presumptuous!"

Feng Yuwan snorted coldly.

Although I think Yang Chen deserves to be scolded.

However, as the head of the Feng family, she still had to show something.

Moreover, she has long been unhappy with Long Tianyu's son-in-law.

If it weren't for the scruples, he would still be the son-in-law of the Feng family.

That slap just now directly killed him.


"Feng Yuwan, you bitch, bitch!"

"Sooner or later, I will crush you under me, let you know how powerful I am, Long Tianyu! Me!"

Long Tianyu lay on the ground, feeling the burning pain on his face, only feeling extremely humiliated.

Roaring in anger.

Being held by the mother-in-law.

It's not the first time.

But this time, he was extremely angry.

Looking up, I happened to see Yang Chen's playful eyes, and Feng Yuwan's cold, condescending look.

Immediately, he became angry.

I can't stand it any longer.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Straight into a coma.

[Ding, Feng Yuwan palmed Long Tianyu, Long Tianyu's mood collapsed, he fainted directly, and plundered the son of destiny Long Tianyu's luck value of 2000 points, and the host obtained villain value of 2000 points

Tut tut.

Two thousand points villain value.

The corner of Yang Chen's mouth couldn't help curling up.

Yuer, Yuer.

From the looks of it, your mother-in-law slapped you.

The harm to you is not ordinary.

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