[22] Bloodshot Jade! Online pretense [please order]

Now, in the line of An Yan, the atmosphere is slightly awkward,

On the surface, no one wants to talk, but inside there is a very difficult plan,

Wuyangyang took the initiative to break the deadlock,

“Miss Song, long time no see.

“have not seen you for a long time.”

“Let me introduce you, this is the first master of the East China Sea, An Yan. He is also the holder of Yan Ruyu’s balm.”

“An Yan, next to this is Song Wanting, the eldest daughter of the local giant Song Xiang. 97

Dealing with smart women is just different,

She knew she had ruined An Yan’s plan,

So I deliberately took the initiative to make this referrer.

“Hello, Mr. An.”

“Miss Song, hello.”

“Mr. An, don’t you know what the big plan is to come to Nanhai Province this time?”

“I don’t have any plans. I just inspected the industry. I just heard that there is an interesting antique auction here, so I came to see it.”

Sister Wuxiang and Qi Yushu both said, I believe you are a ghost,

How many industries does An have inspected in Nanhai Province?

There is also a need for a general cutting action that dominates the overall situation.

“That is really fate. It is rare for Mr. An to travel to Nanhai Province, and we can meet at this auction and become next to each other.||. 92

All right! Sure enough, I guessed it.

But what if you say it’s good to see it or not to say it?

What kind of district police do you have with telling the truth directly?

The people around looked at him with a strange look,

Make him SWAT uncomfortable.

No, these people around you, what kind of ghost eyes are these,

Laozi really isn’t Gary who came here to lick the dog,

Laozi just wanted to grab a chance,

Don’t look at me with such a playful, understanding look, okay?

“Yeah, it’s quite fate. I heard that there will be a blood-stained jade auction here today, so I came here because of its name.”

In order to prevent the brigade from continuing to discuss this embarrassing issue,

An Yan changed the subject directly.

The people around started to nod,

Including Song Wanting and Wu Xiang sisters too.

It seems that many people are here tonight for this piece of blood-stained jade.

Wu Shanshan opened her big eyes and asked curiously,

“Scarlet jade? What kind of thing is it? It’s the first time I’ve heard it.

The people around seemed to know very little about this jade, they only knew that this jade was the finale of the night.

An Yan kindly gave the big analysis,

“Blood-stained jade, as the name suggests, contains a trace of blood in the jade. 99

Song Wanting frowned slightly: “Is that so? Why does it sound scary, a bit like an ominous thing.”

Wuyangyang also echoed: “Yes, isn’t it true that blood in the ancients is a big ominous thing? Many of them are attached to the resentment of the owner of the previous life.

It seems that they are all for antique lovers. Although they are not professional, they still know a lot about this kind of thing.

An Yan explained: “There is nothing wrong with what you said originally, but if you got it from an eminent monk, it would be a different issue. ”


“A master monk?” Everyone asked in unison.

They found that the eldest young master in front of him seemed to know a lot about the origin of jade,

Everyone came over to hear the story.

An Yan has nothing to do, just give them some popular science,

“That’s right, it is an eminent monk. It is said that this piece of blood-stained jade was obtained from the ear of a tomb of an eminent monk. 9)

“Jade itself is a high-quality jade, which is usually worn by this eminent monk, and is nourished by (good) Dharma all the year round. 99

“Before the eminent monk passed away, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and there was a streak of blood on the jade stone.”

“This trace of blood is attached to the jade like this, and it has penetrated into the jade after years of infiltration.”

“That’s why the policeman said that this trace of blood contains a trace of strength from the eminent monk, which has the effect of warding off evil spirits and exorcising demons, and protecting the master’s house.

An Yan said all this indifferently,

The person next to me is fascinated by it,

After listening to this, one by one was fascinated, with a look of determination to win,

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