(217) Active Wuxiang twin sisters 【Seeking full order】

An Yan wanted to visit Song directly,

But a top-level world in East China Sea, visiting a second-tier leader in South China Sea,

It’s not to say it can’t, the problem is that it is easy to cause suspicion, and the entry point is very abrupt.

An Yan decided to participate in the antique auction tonight,

He asked Li An to help her get an admission ticket, and he wanted to be next to Song Wanting,

If this is the starting point, I believe that you can quickly gain the favor of the other party,

Then it was much easier to get this antique in Song’s hand.

As for Gu Bingbing, Zheng De was about to collapse. She decided to stay at home with the Persian cat.

And there is still work to be done tomorrow, so let’s take a good rest today.

An Yan didn’t force her, just brought a few bodyguards to the meeting at night 327,

On the way to the private antique auction, An Yan has read all the materials of Song Wanting,

Next, see how to approach this little white rabbit, and then eat her clean.

The car stopped at the auction site,

It was said to be a private auction, but there were quite a few people present tonight.

Soon a loud noise was heard not far away,

An Yan thought that some big man was coming,

It turned out that the twins, Wuyangyang and Wushanshan, had not been seen for many days.

Wherever the twins go, they are so dazzling, so attractive,

Can quickly become the focus of the audience at any time.

An Yan looked from a distance and saw a lot of flies circling the two mixed-race goddesses.

And as the jewel in the palm of the hegemony of the Nanhai Province,

They are disdainful in the face of these public dogs.

But my sister Wuyangyang soon found An Yan sitting in the ordinary seat,

The two sisters have been brooding since they were used by him in Donghai Province last time.

Although An and Wu you finally reached the reading, but the two sisters could not let go of this matter.

When they haven’t eaten since they trembled,

But it was planted in Wan Yan’s hands and was used by him.

He euphemistically called it, the enemy of the enemy is a friend,

In fact, it is to use the power of Wuxiang to cultivate its own power in Nanhai Province,

It will also promote the development of the contradiction between Wuyou and Qi,

It is estimated that he wants to use Gu Bingbing’s ice (ajaj) trade as a jumping off to gain greater benefits in the future.

The corners of my elder sister Wuyangyang’s mouth couldn’t help but let out a playful smile,

There must be nothing good about this big demon king Yun here,

Looks like something interesting is about to happen in this boring auction.

She took her sister and took the initiative to come over like An Yan,

This operation directly shocked a group of flies around him.

Sister Wuxiang took the initiative to say hello to a young man,

And they’re people they don’t know,

This news will definitely shake the upper circle of the entire Nanhai Province.

Wu Shanshan looked at An Yan and said with a smile: “An Yan, what is the wind that blows you to Nanhai Province this time. Say hello when you come, let’s do our best as a landlord.

Simple words, but let a group of flies in the back knock over the five-flavor bottle,

When can the goddess invite herself to a meal so proactively?

At the same time, they got a very important news,

That is, the An Yan in front of him is most likely not from the province,

So they are even more air-gapped, and they absolutely do not allow outsiders to snatch the twins.

An Yan wanted to keep a low profile, but the two of them came over to say hello.

Seeing the group of people behind with fiery eyes, it seems that they have succeeded in pulling hatred.

An Ji said indifferently: “Miss Yangyang is good, Miss Shanshan is good, I’ll just come and have a look, you can just treat me as a little transparent.

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