(214) Xiao Churan asks how to approach An Yan【please order】

Xiao Weiwei shook her head and walked out of the gate of the police villa,

An Yan driver is waiting for her here in his car,

At the same time, she also discovered that Xiao Churan was even here.

And her eyes were fixed on An Yan’s car,

No one knew what was on her mind.

Xiao Weiwei looked at her a little dejected and asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

“You know An Shao? And you know each other very well? His special car is waiting for you at Xiao’s entrance. 99

Xiao Weiwei said lightly: “You have some discernment, it’s all rhyme. But whether we are familiar or not has little to do with you.

After that, I took my luggage to the car and prepared to leave.

Xiao Churan hurried to his side and grabbed her hand,

“Weiwei, you also know the trouble I’m in now, if I don’t save An Shao, I won’t have the face to return to Xiao Xiang-. 99

Xiao Weiwei continued to say calmly,

“Isn’t this just right? Your wish is fulfilled. Don’t you want to give up your useless husband? No one will care about you in the future, and you will live a useless life together.

Xiao Ran said slightly uncomfortable: “I, we have just officially divorced.”

“Hmph, what’s the use of leaving now? You put the entire Xiao statue in for that waste, you know? If he wants to die, he will die himself, and he has to attack the entire Xiao statue in a row.”

Xiao Weiwei said in a very disdainful tone, her heart was full of anger.

Xiao Ran didn’t scold and didn’t have any temper, because these are facts,

“Weiwei, let’s not talk about the past, can’t we settle Xiao Jing’s matter now?

When she said this, she almost used a pleading tone,

Xiao Weiwei gave her a disdainful look,

“Solution? How to solve it? Do you think Xiao Jing has the ability to solve this problem now? 99

Xiao Ran hurriedly expressed his thoughts,

“Didn’t you get in touch with An Shao? I want to know how you did it. At least let me get in touch with him first, so I know what to do next?

When Xiao Weiwei was asked by her, her face turned a little red, and she was too embarrassed to tell others about those things.

“Hmph, I don’t have to tell you. Let go, I’m leaving now. Don’t stay here.

She tried to pull Xiao Ran’s hand away, but she didn’t know that the other party was holding it very firmly.

Just when Xiao Weiwei was about to attack,

Xiao Ran knelt directly in front of her and begged bitterly,

“Weiwei, just help me once. I never begged you since I was a child.

This time also made Xiao Weiwei say something different, her cousin, who had been so arrogant since she was a child, actually knelt on the ground and begged her,

0……. ask for flowers……

It seemed that she was desperate this time, otherwise she would not kneel down and beg her.

Xiao Weiwei thought of the torture she had endured these days, and she suddenly wanted Xiao Churan to try it too.

After she made up her mind, she raised her chin with one hand and let her look up at herself,

“If you really want to know, I can tell you too, but definitely not in the ear of a second person, you know?

When Xiao Churan heard this, there was hope, and she hurriedly agreed,

“No problem, no problem, I’ll listen to you. Besides, how can I tell the police about An Shao’s affairs?”

Xiao Weiwei also understands that she will not dare to talk nonsense about An Yan, so she is not afraid to tell her generously,

“Stand up. It’s crowded here, let’s go to the car and talk.

Xiao Churan nodded, then followed Xiao Weiwei up.

The car just started up,

Xiao Churan couldn’t wait to know the answer,

Xiao Weiwei looked at her with a playful look,

“Are you sure you want to know? I’m afraid you’ll regret it.”

I saw that the other party looked at her with a suspicious look of a special police officer, how could she still regret it after knowing it? Nine.

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