(208) Xiao Churan managed to save An Yan【Seeking full order】

Without waiting for Xiao Churan’s rebuttal, Mrs. Xiao continued to order the expulsion, and directly asked the second son to leave the Xiao family with his wife and daughter.

At this time, Xiao Churan, who had not spoken at all, suddenly stood up,

“This matter has nothing to do with my parents, it’s all my fault, grandma, if you want to lose your temper, just come at me.

The old lady Xiao stared at her: “What’s the use of coming at you? Xiao Xiang is finished, can’t you see it? You have to resign yourself to a waste son-in-law, and forget about it. Now you don’t even have a son. The trash is not good, let him come out and bite people.

Xiao Churan retorted: “I’ll take care of my affairs, okay?”

“You solve it? How to solve it? Do you think Ann is joking with us this time?”

The old lady Xiao said disdainfully, if she really had a way, it would not have made Xiao Xiang what he is now.

“You bend the pipe 317, I will naturally find a way, but grandma, please don’t blame my parents for this.

There was a tenacious determination in Xiao Churan’s eyes, as if he would not give up until his goal was achieved.

The old lady Xiao frowned and looked at her,

“Okay, I’ll give you a week. If you can solve this problem, I can let it go, but if you can’t solve it, then blame me for being ruthless. The meeting is over. 9

It’s been a very stressful week,

It is estimated that Xiao will take ten days and eight days to follow the process of asking and canceling the contract.

If Xiao Churan thought of a solution during this period of time, it would be a good idea.

The old lady Xiao also had no choice but to rely on Xiao at the moment.

She swept the group of executives and relatives in front of her, and none of them could solve the problem.

Xiao Churan can be said to be one of the few people who can be used by her. If she drives her away, she will lose a chance.

So she continued to agree to Xiao Churan’s request.

After everyone left, Xiao Churan and her parents were left in Nuoda’s office.

During this period of time, it was inevitable that there would be rounds of swearing, all kinds of curses,

It is estimated that Ye Chen’s ancestors were all awaited by her mother for the eighteenth generation.

She didn’t know how long she cursed, but she continued to stop,

Now the three of them are sitting here frowning, as if trying to figure out a way to deal with it.

after a while

Xiao Changkun said: “Chu Ran, do you really have a solution? If you can’t do anything, the police force it. The big deal is that Dad can just find a job outside. 9

But (aiaj) her mother didn’t think so, she roared hoarsely,

“Why? Why do we want to live like that, I don’t want it, I don’t want it.”

Xiao Changkun held down his wife: “Otherwise? Is this what you say you don’t want? Do you think Ann is so easy to deal with? Do you want to take your daughter in too?”

His mother: “What’s wrong with getting in there? Now, two of the four major families in the entire Donghai Province are completely obeying his words. Xiao Xiang is about to die, and there is only one left, Chen. You must obey him?”

“Now it’s not a question of whether we are willing to go with you, but whether people like you or not, if people don’t like you, everything will be in vain.

At this time, Xiao Ran stood up, and once again revealed the firm and resolute look of the hook,

“Mom and dad, you go first. Don’t you have seven days? I’ll deal with it.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and lay down, ready to leave the company,

Along the way, she met many people who kept pointing fingers at her,

Because now everyone knows that it was because of her husband, Ye Chen, that An Rao made such crazy revenge against Xiao Xiang.

Xiao Ran was suffering the greatest humiliation ever,

This humiliation is worse than all the treatment she received in the bar yesterday,

Because of Ye Chen, she has now become the sinner of the entire company.

With this grief, Xiao Churan came to the detention center, she came to see Ye Chen,

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