Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 350 World catastrophe! Top combat forces cooperate against UFOs! Technical drawings exposed!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded. In the video screen, countless flame beams spewed out from the huge pothole, and the UFO flew into the air at an extremely fast speed!


The flame then disappeared!

The huge body of the UFO appeared in everyone's eyes!

A super huge UFO with a total length of tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers!!!

Demon King Ariel and the group of spiders, they were dumbfounded when they looked at the giant in the sky!

This is impossible!!!

"Ah?! Ah?! Ah?!"

Xin Zhao has now lost the ability to speak, and he just froze in place, constantly asking questions, watching the super-giant UFO flying slowly in the video, he was completely stunned.

"Fuck... what the hell is this! UFO?! Is there any alien civilization in the spider world?!

Ge Xiaolun was greatly shocked. Could it be that the planet where the spider is located will also suffer the disaster that Blue Star encountered?!

The shape of this UFO is too exaggerated!

The top commander of the Hero Company opened his mouth wide, this behemoth directly covered the entire scene, giving him an unparalleled strong shock!

This... what's the UFO? 333!

so big!

The rest of the staff also looked solemn. It's not that everyone can't accept the appearance of UFOs, but it's a bit difficult to understand in the magical world where the spider is located!

"Quick! Test it for me! How sacred is this UFO!"

The top commander immediately issued an order, and the other staff members also started the detection work, but this huge UFO can even be compared to the size of a city, how to detect it!

The next moment, everyone was stunned by the pictures in the video!

"UFO?! What the hell! This thing is too big! Is the universe coming to the enemy?!"

The S-class hero Atomic Samurai was so shocked that his jaw couldn't close. If he hadn't watched the video of Saitama defeating Boros before, he would never have been able to be so calm now.

The other S-class heroes also looked horrified, this is so much bigger than the spaceship of Boros!


"Hahaha! It turned out to be a UFO?! There is actually a war between modern technology and the magical world! It's so interesting! 35

In the entire high-level conference room of the Hero Association, only the top officer was laughing excitedly, and the other staff members were quite frightened. (bbfb)

But I have to say, this kind of war is very interesting.

They are also looking forward to the next results.

"This... what is this?! What a strange thing!"

The first Demon King Guy had a complicated expression on his face, looking at the strange thing in the video screen, he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

It was as if the entire hundreds of kilometers of ground were flying!


The other demon kings also frowned, speechless, and their minds were full of question marks, what the heck is that?!

In the video screen, various fighter jets continued to fly on the huge UFO, covering the entire sky in an instant, and the group of spiders also left the area in a panic.

It seems that the target of this UFO is not them!

But the whole world!

They didn't even care about them!

Everyone who noticed this had a solemn expression.

Even the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were frightened by the overwhelming swarm of fighter jets!

Stronger than the shock of UFO!

"Damn it! There are tens of thousands of fighter jets! It's spectacular!"

"Good guy! This UFO is a super large aircraft carrier! What a monster! 95

"Crazy! A UFO drilled out of the ruins of an ancient civilization?! Why are there so many military equipment?!""

Trillions of viewers were dumbfounded.

For any country that can reach out into outer space, such military equipment can easily sweep the entire planet!

Those technologies are untouched areas!

No one even operates it!


In the picture, the space near the spider and his party began to fluctuate!

An old man wearing a luxurious robe appeared in the sight of everyone, and the spider hurriedly made firm, but firm was hindered, this old man actually has the skills of a ruler?!

The old man introduced himself, he is the Pope Dustin!

The reason why he came here was because he sensed the terrifying fluctuations of UFOs. For the safety of this world, he would never sit idly by!

Then Qiu Lie also used space teleportation to come here, as this god and manager, leave the next thing to him!

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen can also detect an unusual aura from him. They have seen him several times before, but they did not expect his identity to be so terrifying!

Immediately afterwards, there was a third fluctuation in space!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but take a deep breath, this really more than a robot!


Moreover, the courage is still so strong, the devil and the spider are here, this guy even dares to come?!


The appearance of Podimas instantly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone instantly released murderous aura, but Podimas was unmoved.

"Don't get excited, everyone, I'm here to help, that thing, even Qiu Lie can't solve it, we must all work together!"

The enemy is coming... After careful consideration, everyone has temporarily let go of their vigilance against Potimas. It is better to solve the big trouble of UFO first!

This thing might destroy the whole world!

The Demon King, Potimas, the Pope, and Qiu Lie, as the top existences in the battle power pyramid in this world, immediately began to discuss countermeasures.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The war is coming, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen become nervous and excited. After all, no one has ever seen the war between technology and magic.

For the vast majority of people, fantasies may come true at this very moment!

I saw Potimas in the video screen took out a small ball, pressed the switch, and projected a three-dimensional image of the UFO in the air.

" the design drawing codenamed [G Battleship]. A country once provided me with research funds. In exchange, I gave the other side the half-jokingly designed drawings..."

Potimas paused for a while, then continued with an embarrassed expression.

"As a result, that country was really created. What's even more devastating is that there is a bomb full of MA energy in the UFO, which is powerful enough to destroy the entire world. This is a weapon developed for the dragon family. If Qiu Lie attacks, the UFO will Will drop bombs without hesitation!"

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen can't help but gasp, can one bomb destroy the entire planet?!

Be nice!

This is too strong!

Immediately afterwards, Potimas took out another design drawing.

At this moment, both UFO's design drawings and this one are exposed to the sight of trillions of viewers, and many countries that are forced to develop science and technology are boiling!

Isn't this a piece of technology that was given away for nothing?!


Copy it for me!

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