Video Through Animation, Inventory of the Top Ten Combat Ceilings

Chapter 348 Shinigami's sickle can evolve?! Weapons are invincible! The whole dimension is shoc

"It's too much! This is too much! Why are the tanks even coming out!

Xin Zhao can't stand it anymore, and now he's stunned!

This tank is really too much to open!

"This thing looks so futuristic!"

Ge Xiaolun's jaw can't even close, these robots, and the technological level of that high-end tank, really shocked Ge Xiaolun for a hundred years!

And the most unacceptable thing for him is that the Ariel Demon King actually said that this is technology from the ancient times?!

Could it be that... the whole world is a legacy of so-called ancient technology?

But how did magic develop now?!

Too many questions troubled Ge Xiaolun.

What is this?!

Sengoku was dumbfounded, the constantly moving chariot was like a small castle, taking up a lot of space, and every time it moved, it could crush the ground into slag.

The power is unimaginable!

"Looks like a mighty thing!"

Garp swallowed, unimaginable!


"Outrageous! Why is there a tank?! And it looks very high-tech! 35

Gu Aotian took a deep breath, and he couldn't even imagine what level the technology of the ancient civilization had developed to, and even such things as tanks came out!

Really looking forward to it more and more, this so-called ancient ruins!

So much fun!

In the video, the spider and his party were all blinded, and the turret of the chariot aimed at Sha'er, who fell to the ground, and shot a light cannonball!


Ariel the Demon King rushed towards Shar faster than a cannonball of light to save the spider puppet. This speed surpassed the speed of light... It really surprised the trillions of viewers in front of the screen.

At that moment, no one could see the movements of Demon King Ariel clearly.

As the person present, the spider child couldn't help but be stunned, Ariel Demon King is too strong, right?!

The high-speed impact force would have smashed Sarah into pieces, but how did it counteract the impact force?

The trillions of viewers in front of the screen at the moment are also solemn, and many people try to explain this from a scientific point of view.

But... any scientific explanation seems so unscientific.

This is absolutely impossible to happen!

Demon King Ariel can do it so easily?!


Spider Zi also released a large number of dark guns in advance, the magic circle surged around the chariot, and instantly the dense dark guns shot at the chariot!

But as the terrifying attack was about to hit the chariot, the dark gun disappeared!

At this moment, the spider also realizes that the chariot is equipped with an anti-magic barrier that has the same effect as Potimas!

This scene also surprised the trillions of viewers in front of the screen!

It turns out that the so-called science and technology can really blend with magic power?!


This chariot is the best description!

In the face of this kind of opponent, Spider Zi unbelievably launched the dark spear again, and the result is still the same, it can be seen that her magic attack is temporarily ineffective!

Spider Zi frowned, it seems that he can only abandon magic and use simple and direct physical means!

Spider-Man dodged the third cannonball, then pulled out the Shinigami Scythe!


A strange dark black evil spirit instantly enveloped the entire hall!

Even the scorching light is swallowed up!

Everyone present widened their eyes, and the trillions of viewers in front of the screen were dumbfounded!

What the hell is this!

The spider in the picture was holding the scythe in his hand, and he was startled, thinking he had pulled out something strange!


Is this her scythe?!

Why is there an ominous evil aura all over your body?!

So weird!

The naked eye can see that there is some kind of black special effect wrapped around this Shinigami scythe!

What's going on?!

For the trillions of viewers in front of the screen, they were also stunned.

"Damn it! How did this Shinigami scythe change?! It's so terrifying! The evil spirit swarming on it is like the one gushing out of hell! My legs are weak!

"When? When did this Shinigami scythe become so scary?! What the hell is that! Can't understand it at all! 99

"It's really become a Shinigami scythe now! It's scary!"

Everyone in front of the screen was stunned, the evil spirit seemed to be able to invade everyone's spiritual world through the video, and they were all afraid of it!

"Hey! Shouldn't this weapon be automatically upgraded?! It looks completely different from the Shinigami scythe before! 55

Xin Zhao swallowed, the fear in his eyes couldn't hide at all, he was only surprised by the sharpness of Shinigami's scythe, now this evil spirit... a bit weird!

"This Shinigami scythe is like a scythe in Shinigami's hands!"

Ge Xiaolun's heart trembled suddenly, his whole body was trembling, Spider... The sense of fear brought by this weapon in his hand was even greater than that of Spider!

Weapons are scarier than people!

"what is that?!"

Hawkeye Mihawk was stunned, and there was death in that strange breath!

It's scary to even look at it.

"This is the Shinigami Scythe of Spiderman?! How do I feel like this thing has evolved too!"

With the complicated expression on the face of the S-class hero Atomic Samurai, is such an incredible thing really possible?!

330 and the feeling from the weapon, this evolution is much faster than the spider!

The other S-rank heroes were speechless at the moment.

What an evil door!

"This... The data of this weapon even exceeds the highest rules that our current technology can detect!"

The high-level personnel of the Hero Association looked at each other in dismay, never expecting such a thing to happen, obviously the spider did nothing, and the weapon could evolve?!

Judging from her expression, Spider Zi didn't even understand what was going on!

In the video screen, Spider Zi felt that many parts of this Shinigami sickle were abnormal, and tried to identify it, and Spider Zi was shocked!

The attack power of the scythe has reached 14,000!

Dozens of times more than before!

And the durability is even more outrageous!

It has directly become the maximum value**... This kind of thing can't be broken at all!

And this Shinigami sickle even comes with [Auto Growth], [Auto Repair], [Corrosion Attribute], and [Dark Attribute].

Before... Obviously there are no such attributes!


The trillions of viewers in front of the screen are dumbfounded at you!

This weapon is invincible!!!


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